• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • De aki annyi időt tölt itt, hogy ezt ki is írja, az biztos beszéli a nyelvet legalább :)
    Haha yea :) Though there's that "About Me" tab, y'know - unfortunately it double-crossed you and told me the truth :) Szóval lebuktál! :D
    Great to see it embodied! Good model choice (fits him). But I have no idea how to play with him xD...the only skill I recognize is the Q+E special I think (when he dives), but it seems to do no damage. It's so different from what went in my head... And the E special...I am just so confused ...help me out here :3

    Edit : Erm, ya, just wanted to point out you might want to update the preview picture. It states it's an older version. Nothing big though, you can leave it as it is.

    No, no, no, no, no : I meant the preview picture...the one that you can hover the mouse over and see the terrain ? That says 2.1.0. ...that's all :3

    Boy do I have an egg on my face. I had tor restart my PC but yep, there it is : 2.1.2. ^^
    I have downloaded Slashcraft and I shall review it on the spot (after I'm done testing, that is :3)

    At any rate, you'll have to excuse -Kobas- , he's a really busy person in real life and has little time to moderate his section. I'll cut him some slack on this review too, but I'm almost certain Slashcraft is getting approved one way or another.

    *stay tuned*

    Edit : Crappers! I can't find anyone online at this hour. I guess this meas the review will have to wait til tomorrow. Ah well.
    hey... how did you do the hero selection system in slashcraft? could you teach me how to? it's so cooooooooooL !
    You haven't been around here for quite some time. Send me a message when you're online, haven't heard of you for ages.
    dude, do you know when will pyritie put up the judging? I can't wait to see them. Thanks in advance. Of course i suppose you'll win as like i was thinking in the 1st place :p
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) I haven't voted for you just to spread some votes and make a bit more fair voting, but I would have voted for yours, AMAZING work man, I love the animations.
    Hey, just to let you know... I really love the angles you print screened those creeps. I'll make everyone of the creeps from now on from those angles. Thanks so much. :D
    Hey, just to let you know... I'm not sure, but you might have not added more emoticons on your original post (At least I don't see other than the 3 ones that were there in the first place (The -,-, x_X and the ZzZ))... I suggest you check if you added them. :)
    You got my vote, I bet you'll win. I hope so. Of course I hope for my self to win, or one of the first 3 places. You deserve to win. I would love to see more emoticons from you, added to the contest.
    Alright I've wrote the review see what you think about it, plus I can't give you a +rep because I already did when you answered my question.
    Hey sorry for the long response, I will gladly review it, but I need to find a suitable opponent online to do so lol, since single player doesn't work...
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