• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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    (Post) Good idea how to improve Charged Magic to Advanced Charged Magic and some ideas regarding usage of this system
    well i havent put out a new beta in quite some time, so there are great improvements in the map, but the heros still need some work so yeah message me if you are able to so that for me ;)
    its doing pretty good but progression has been slow because of snowboarding ^_^ I will have the next beta up soon though ;)
    Only one comment on the map? :p ))))
    I need moooore))))))))))))))))))))))
    np :p hopefully i this version i will finish all the heroes :p i have some great plans with the summoner of the ??? his gonna be dramatically changed.
    Nice man, artas_king will be sending me the map soon so i can look it over and then ill send it over to you, so be prepared ^^
    well at the battlemage the ball of infused magic that pushes back the target also stunnes the target for infinite seconds :D...and at the sorceress his ultimate doesn't have lvl requirement. :D
    Nice man, glad too se that you're on top of things :D
    btw what is the bug?
    Oh yes i loved it :D

    and this is the order the map is going to be sent to

    ok thanks, i'm currently working on my new project, a continue of my ex. Gods vs Devils :p. I'm currently keeping all secret but i will announce it on the forums soon. :D, but i will try to work on your the rpg too :p. Did you like the gold smither? :D
    im going to finalize the saveload code and then im going to send the map to arthas_king and then he'll send it to me to get checked over, and then ill send it to you ;)
    hmmm, get JNGP and then just use that to edit, and then ill add the save/load code :D

    Edit: since you need JNGP to edit the map further i will be adding the save/load code, if you have probles with JNGP then just check here to fix it(Scroll down a little bit until you see the JNGP info posted by purplepoot), and make shure to get the most updated one.
    Okay i figured out how to make the dummy spell, and for the error you got what did it say exactly like, did a window pop up that said compile errors??
    hmm the error that gaved me at the map when i tryed to save it was something with jass (but i'm not even basic with jass so...)

    I lost rep cuz i posted a wrong message on a wrong forum...long story...
    About the dummy spell, i didn't tryed making any dummy spell till now, but you can try at www.youtube.com there are a lot of videos there that show how to make a dummy spell.
    Alright ive been working on Lrpg and i have a save/load code ready for the the map but i was wondering if i should put it in because every time we update the map in anyway after i put it in, you would have to use JNGP because there is jass in it, what do you think??

    Edit: Oh and how did you loose rep?

    Edit: do you know how to give a unit a dummy spell along with the real one, ive been tring to figure this out but i cant??
    ok, i'm going at my grandparents this day, so i won't have time to work on the map :(. i will work on it and send it to you monday.
    well if that's the one when a unit gets in 100 range of the unit giving q and makes the transmision, it would be a lot easyer at tiggering, i think the clicking is to hard :p
    okay i think ill be able to reduce the file size by 1mb bcause i figured out a new system for the quests :D
    good, somehow >.<' DAMN i finished editing all the heroes, and then bam...world editor error (OMG) and when i entered again everything was the way it was before O_O i need to start all over again :( but don't have the patience now, gonna start it tomorow :(
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