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  • Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

    . . . ., ., ., .,. . . . .
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    . . .|~!!~~~~~~!!~| . . .
    . . .|<(><)><(><)>| . . .
    . . .|}{}{}{}{}{}{| . . .

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .
    <span style="font-size: 9px">©SeedinAethyr 2016</span>
    Hello uduuduuud,

    Just fyi, you can post pictures of your computer setup here if you want to.
    I won't be able to add Nirvana without a functioning .mpq file unfortunately.

    Maev model from your mod looks rather sick! Can i take a closer look at the model? By that i'm asking you to send it to me:D

    It's pure modeller's interest, nothing else.
    The english .mpq file does not work correctly.

    Edit: I was eventually able to extract the resources but most textures are missing. The .mpq needs to function by itself.
    Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

    . . . ., ., ., .,. . . . .
    . . .__|__|__|__|__ . . .
    . . .|~~::~~~~::~~| . . .
    . . .|~!!~~~~~~!!~| . . .
    . . .|<(><)><(><)>| . . .
    . . .|}{}{}{}{}{}{| . . .

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .

    BTW How's your Nirvana mod?

    P.S. RACC -- a fun, lulz, roleplay and random social group.
    Good Day, can you pleas tell how did you do integrate Nirvana on Tunngle, cause i want to to the same to my Mod : getrit.webs.com
    Thanks :)
    Your Mod Sounds cool, And the Website looks epic, I love the Website, even though I can Understand Chinese tho, it Takes me Alot of time to Digest what = what, (Just Not Get used to it), More like I don't Know some Terms in Chinese,

    I'm A Chinese From Malaysia, Nice to Meet you.
    我是马来西亚华人, 很高兴见到你
    uduuduuud, I suggest that you should retain your English version of your Nirvana mod.

    Well, I understand Chinese (Malaysian Version), but I (majority of others also) don't have Chinese version of WarCraft 3. Moreover, I prefer English more than Chinese.
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