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  • Aliguyon,[otable]
    The time has come to save the PRS from inactivity!
    We encourage others to help return the group to its glory.
    You received this message if you're an at least semi-active
    user who happens to be in the group.

    Long live the Pinoy Resources Society!
    haven't really gone into how and when helper objects appear, but you should just make it a habit of checking and fixing them to Bones
    and yes, only by exiting notepad and saving when it asks you
    1- ok, but make a backup before you edit with notepad
    2- after editing, exit notepad and just save when it asks you
    3- ok
    4- edit re-converted mdx in mdlvis, as you typed

    and it should be alright, but how they'll behave after that 'multi-attaching' is just your bit of trial and error

    as for other questions, helpers are also nodes, that probably serve some purpose in regular game models, but really do havoc with our editing tools, especially those who merge geosets and rig mesh, causing them to either crash or have model parts flying around and attach to other models ingame... yeah, weird stuff :xxd:
    that's why it is always helpful to convert all the helper objects to bones, you just don't have to worry about crashing while you work. ALTHOUGH.. mdlvis makes helper objects as well, so you're always encouraged to re-convert and replace, whenever you see those lill 'speech bubbles' with letter 'i' in the model editor's node manager

    as for milkshape file.. i'm not sure.. i had to re-install my system and don't have milkshape atm
    no.. the whole converting part is another thing.. it should NOT be done while mdlvis is running

    i just wanted to warn you that mdlvis can crash if you rig the mesh to a helper object, which is something that keeps appearing in war3 models as they're edited.

    so to prevent that, you should use mdlx converter to get a mdl file, which you can then edit in notepad and replace those words

    the thing with mdl file and notepad, is that after editing, you must exit notepad and only save when it asks you, otherwise the mdl model gets ruined and can't be converted back to mdx

    was i a bit clearer this time? oO
    yes you can assign a vertex to more than one bone, and in mdlvis. you open the model and go to the rigging bit (F3, then bones tab) then selct the vertices and the bone you with to have them follow the most, then press the little 'reattach vertices' button. then after that, select the second bone and press 'attach vertices to bone' button. then save and test, it should work. (also you need to get mdlx converter and edit the mdl files in notepad to replace every 'Helper' word with 'Bone' (exit and save on prompt so you don't ruin the mdl), and then re-convert back to mdx, so that Mdlvis doesn't crash later in the middle of work
    I don't think you just use rotation. Is there anything marked as you rotate the bones that makes those vertices seem closing to each other?
    Actually, vertex weight is how strong mesh/vertex is attached to the bone but this is not very much concerned with warcraft model. As to my experience, only in gmax and 3ds max you can use vertex weights.
    Hello Aliguyon,

    I do not bear the whole understanding of models as of currently, but I believe they hit each other in an absurd way is because of how the rendering of the mesh is not right? but I just have to be honest, I really do not know much yet about models, maybe you should ask the problem to our model moderators such as Misha, MiniMage, or BlinkBoy.
    Possibly, if you were using the bone to rotate. I am not very familiar with MdlVis though.
    in wc3 1 vertex can be assigned to more than 1 bone, but it's evenly weighted therefore you can't assign bone specific weights.

    in the case of neodex, well just follow my animation tutorial, it shows how to fit weights so they work on wc3.
    I know almost nothing about working with mdlvis. Yes' I used it to increase some models' scale, but I can't help you, sorry.
    You mean vertex bone weights? AFAIK, only NeoDex supports this. It should theoretically be possible in notepad, but you'd have to ask someone for a model that uses bone weights, convert it to .mdl, and inspect it yourself. Also, it would still be brutally time-consuming considering some models have over 2000 triangles.
    I told you last time:

    Guesst's MDL/X exporter does not support vertex weights. You can do them by hand in the MDL if you can be bothered.
    Seems I mistook it, I had milkshape for years and forgot each plugins name I'm using. Try this one instead: Guesst's MDX Exporter
    Well I never had any issue when using it so far.

    About the size of your model increasing, try to use "clean" several times on milkshape before converting it into mdx.
    animation transfer. There's a tool somewhere when you make a model with the same bone names export the mdl without animations and just transfer all animations. You could also import the model and animations to 3dsmax and build your model around it or adapt the imported bones to your model structure.
    I'm sorry but I know nothing of vertex weights. I mainly use entirely hand made models so I'm not so good at exporting and such :/
    Aww.. You got a doughnut :< Too bad.
    Interesting. If it actually works in the engine, rigging and animating should be much more natural. I'll look into this. Thanks for the info!
    Guesst's MDL/X exporter does not support vertex weights. You can do them by hand in the MDL if you can be bothered.
    It's not supported by the game's engine as far as I know, so it's not necessary to export vertex weight data. You should ask Rao Dao Zao about this, though. He knows all the quirks about models.
    Animation transfer. I did it myself in MDLVis. Basically, I'd remove the meshes of one model, put the meshes of another one, and rig the new mesh to the bones.
    The Lightning from Razor's attack is managed through the Object Editor by applying a "Lightning Effect" to the attack/ability (like the shackle ability, or chain lightning).

    In order to duplicate this you'll need to use the lightning type and family of actions.
    I use:
    legs: upper leg <- lower leg <- foot (you can add a foot tip too)
    arms: clavicle <- upper arm <- lower arm <- hand (can have fingers)
    chest: head -> neck -> upper chest -> lower chest -> pelvis

    -> and -< just shows whats connected to what.


    Legs connected to pelvis.
    Clavices conected to chest.
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