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Hero-fied Naga Royalguard complete with teamglow and 2 dissipate anims one for land the other in water.

Give credit to me if you found use for it, I'm: dickxunder.
Dont forget to Do tell wat you think! ^_^

PS: disarming requests are welcome should one would like to use a weaponless Tidebaron in RPG maps, just PM to me ur e-mail add.


Looks fix:
-Lowered the S-pads to the minimum possible, lowering further is limited by anim issues
-New weapon made. still i'll disarm it if requested coz that's easier than vice versa ~_^

Technical fix??:
- edit ---submerged plane confirmed uneccesary, at last its gone coz I hate it too grr
-Many other visibility issues including its teamglow appearing wrongly on water and a malfunctioning Dissipate Swim anim, all are totally fixed now.
-the filesize is like a little tiny bit smaller now, very minute change XD.

Naga, Royal Guard, Myrmidon, Hero,

Tidebaron (Model)

Tidebaron (Model)

21:57, 10th Nov 2008 Pyritie: WTF is this? 12th Nov 2008 Pyritie: Changes made, resource approved.




21:57, 10th Nov 2008
Pyritie: WTF is this?

12th Nov 2008
Pyritie: Changes made, resource approved.
Level 2
Jan 31, 2008
wc3modelviewer has never worked for me its always red so i always open models in map this thing is very nice i have to say i normal hate naga models but this one is insanely good compeaded to normal ones i think it would be a wonderful addtion to my model's to use folder
Level 5
May 3, 2008
I reckon he should carry either some bad ass trident or a long sythe thing. other then that its so awesome especially the back part.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Remove the plain you added, the one that cuts trhough his tail. That's what was not ok. The model is awesome, very good addition to the Naga and more royal-ful than the royal guard. Though the gold parts of his plated shoulders should rather match the gold color of his weapon or vice versa. Make the gold yellow same color, coz now it looks like a mix from diff units. 4/5
Level 15
Sep 6, 2008
:razz::razz: UPDATE!! Rename the earlier model and try it in-game, it is ABSOLUTELY NOT HARMFUL but ye may want to lolz at my inexpereince or use it in future tuts, credit the model to me for my... undoing?:xxd:

About the update: I'm afraid of removing that stupid plane, (I hate it too :gg:) its attached to to an important looking mother bone. It will be submerged and totally void of existence coz that annoying plane is the only one present if submerged. I jus scared of the idea of having not a single face in a animation (stand swim alternate).

I tried my best to make it least visible, even to the WC3 editorz and viewers, it only appears (exists invisible coz its one-sided) if it absolutely has to, and i think its in that one almost model-free anim: stand swim alternate.

I explored many new things in making this model and im just glad my mistakes were fixable:infl_thumbs_up:

Thx for the feedbacks and laser-targeted critiques :infl_thumbs_up: u always have the choice to ignore me but u didn't, thx guys:xxd:
Level 15
Sep 6, 2008
I'd edit my last post but now wer in page 3!:razz::razz:

Like magic, that submerge plane is GONE!! its just som leftover faces by blizzard perhaps?. also further fixed the last visibility issue with the weapon teamglow. This model is now free of my amateurish mistakes.

I cant see the my updated and uploaded new screenie though but I assure you the spear has been replaced.:infl_thumbs_up:

edit: I can see it now nvm
Last edited:
Level 15
Sep 6, 2008
hello again:grin:

removing (much less making) anims is beyond me, Magos Editor, as useful as it is cannot completely remove the sequences. It only disables them, attempt this action and there will be absolutely no reduction in filesize:cry:.

other options like Oinker's Anim Remover, suppose to be the total anim remover, seems to not work at this model. Warforge does the same thing as Magos editor:cry:.

The Tidebaron model (minus the texture w/c is sized at roughly 70KB) is only a few KBs larger than the original RoyalG model:wink:.

I think only the MDX Squisher can solve the filesize problem. I don't use it on models that I plan to upload here at teh hive coz I think its a mapmaker's tool :gg: coz it works so differently.

sory again... I think I did today wat I needed to and can do, fixin this model and learning new stuff.:smile:
nite-nite hive users, now to get some sleep:infl_thumbs_up:
Level 5
Jun 27, 2008
Its AWSOME! I like the armor and skin colors but the weapon could need another shape.
Rate 10/10