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Sweep Effect

Just a little simple effect. Took me about 2 hours to create the texture and make the effect look decent. Although it looks kinda pretty. Try it ingame before rating/commenting. It was hard to get a good screenshot.
Please give credits if you use it.

[trigger="I recommend using this trigger"]
Unit- A unit is attacked
Special Effect - Create special effect (sweep.mdx) attatched to weapon of attacking unit
Special Effect - Destroy (last created special effect)[/trigger]

blade, sword, sweep, slash, swing, phail

Sweep Effect (Model)

11:07, 15th Jun 2008 Pyritie: You really don't need a texture for this (although I do like the custom particle). Like someone posted in the comments, about three ribbons would do the same job and make it look much better. Alternatively, I suggest...




11:07, 15th Jun 2008
Pyritie: You really don't need a texture for this (although I do like the custom particle). Like someone posted in the comments, about three ribbons would do the same job and make it look much better. Alternatively, I suggest changing the particle emitter to look like this and the emission rate to be like this.

15th Jun 2008
Pyritie: Looks better.
Level 3
Nov 18, 2007
looks good but can be easy done with a ribbon or maybe two ribbons = 3kb, you should try it in 3dsmax5 with w3 art tools or magos model editor - (worldwide know :p), doesn't show it in model editor but you can do one with particle emmiters that its more simple
Level 28
Jun 4, 2007
looks good but can be easy done with a ribbon or maybe two ribbons = 3kb, you should try it in 3dsmax5 with w3 art tools or magos model editor - (worldwide know :p), doesn't show it in model editor but you can do one with particle emmiters that its more simple

The high filesize is probably the texture, I can try to reduce it (128x128 instead of 256x256 or something). This is made with a ribbon and particle emitter in magos. I'm considering buying 3dsmax some times but it hasn't hapened yet. Right now I'm low on money.
Level 28
Jun 4, 2007
Hm... Three ribbons might work pretty well but I don't know about the particle thing. 10 on the emittion rate is (IMO) way to little.
Here is what it looks like with 600 on emittion rate:
I find that a little better.
I added 1 lesser ribbon on each side of the main ribbon to. I belive it gives a little more substance feeling.
Level 2
Dec 10, 2009
looks good,hehe just what i was looking for.. can you make some more??? with different colors or elemental variation would be nice.