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Recolored icons

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Reactions: trexgod2k7
Simple recolored icon pack

Credits to: SquaLLeonhrt (sc2mapster)

protoss forcefield ( green/red/yellow )
protoss shields level3( green/purple/red )
zerg missileattacks level3 ( blue )
minerals ( green/pink/red )
icon allstars silver
WC3 icon - Corrosive Breath
WC3 icon - Ensnare

Recolored icons

btn-ability-protoss-forcefield-green.dds (Texture)

btn-ability-protoss-forcefield-red.dds (Texture)

btn-ability-protoss-forcefield-yellow.dds (Texture)

btn-ability-zerg-banelingspooge-blue.dds (Texture)

btn-ability-zerg-generatecreep-color.dds (Texture)

btn-ability-zerg-generatecreepstop-color.dds (Texture)

btn-skill-Corrosive Breath-colored.dds (Texture)

btn-skill-Corrosive Breath.dds (Texture)

btn-skill-Ensnare-colored.dds (Texture)

btn-skill-Ensnare.dds (Texture)

btn-techupgrade-terran-antistructureweapon-colored.dds (Texture)

btn-techupgrade-terran-attacksair-colored.dds (Texture)

btn-techupgrade-terran-fullborecanisterammo-colored.dds (Texture)

btn-upgrade-protoss-shieldslevel-green.dds (Texture)

btn-upgrade-protoss-shieldslevel-purple.dds (Texture)

btn-upgrade-protoss-shieldslevel-red.dds (Texture)

btn-upgrade-zerg-missileattacks-level3-blue.dds (Texture)

icon-allstars-silver.dds (Texture)

icon-gems-protoss.dds (Texture)

icon-greenmineral-protoss.dds (Texture)

icon-pinkmineral-protoss.dds (Texture)

icon-reddmineral-protoss.dds (Texture)

17:12, 8th Aug 2011 Dr Super Good: Icons could be useful. Permission has been given for them to be here.




17:12, 8th Aug 2011
Dr Super Good:
Icons could be useful. Permission has been given for them to be here.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Statharas said:
Resource Pending, Uploaded on Sc2mapster.com with a different username, current uploader has to contact the owner on Sc2mapster.com and PM me or Dr Super Good with the exact, unmodified PM from Sc2 mapster to be approved. This does not mean that the resource won't get rejected if it doesn't look good enough.
I was not aware you were a StarCraft II moderator on this site... I think there are rules on this site against impersonating a moderator when you are not?

The recolours seem very simple colour channel swaps or other simple processes.
The WC3 icons look badly ported, where they were filled with black borders resulting in an unusally small image (out of style with SC2).

I am not too sure about the usefullness of these...
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
I was not aware you were a StarCraft II moderator on this site... I think there are rules on this site against impersonating a moderator when you are not?

The recolours seem very simple colour channel swaps or other simple processes.
The WC3 icons look badly ported, where they were filled with black borders resulting in an unusally small image (out of style with SC2).

I am not too sure about the usefullness of these...

Totally up to your decision
I was not aware you were a StarCraft II moderator on this site... I think there are rules on this site against impersonating a moderator when you are not?

The recolours seem very simple colour channel swaps or other simple processes.
The WC3 icons look badly ported, where they were filled with black borders resulting in an unusally small image (out of style with SC2).

I am not too sure about the usefullness of these...
You know i like to help you with this stuff, even if i am not a moderator...
I've contacted the creator of these icons, and he agrees on the icons being uploaded here. Approval by DSG is still needed though.

I've been here a long time. And I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter if you like toh elp or not. Don't include yourself in moderator affairs (especially directly).

Helping makes the world go 'round.