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Codex Entries 01, 02, 03 - Jiluun, The Enclave, The Cleansers [TVG SPOILERS!!]

Level 20
Oct 16, 2021
If you're yet to play Exodus: The Violet Gate, I suggest to leave this thread immediately. It contains major spoilers about the first chapter of the story.



A name assigned to a habitable, but extremely hostile planet linked to Azeroth in the past by an artificial portal contraption created by rogue Guardian of Tirisfal - Medivh, with assistance of renegade mages of various former affiliations. Jiluun is believed to be an accidental discovery that happened as a side-effect of experiments that later resulted in opening Dark Portal to the world Draenor and invasion of the Horde upon Azeroth. Per 32 AFC* Jiluun is believed to be uninhabited by other civilizations and sentient, native lifeforms.
* AFC - After First Crossing. The Enclave calendar was set based on intel provided by captured associates of the renegade Guardian of Tirisfal.


The world has a gravity force comparable to Azeroth and has a breathable atmosphere. The planet is believed to be circulating around a larger, hotter star, but at much greater distance. Fein’Dorei astropaths so far observed six other celestial bodies orbiting the same star. Jiluun is believed to be larger than Azeroth, but less rock density provides it with similar mass. The planet has twin, tidally locked moons of similar dimensions, believed to be formed from the same stellar mass. Because The Twins have different orbital periods, they provide their parent planet with irregular ebb and flow cycles, and are believed to be the source of high, but usually stable volcanic activity of the Planet. Tidal forces of the moons excite scattered pockets of active volcanism dotting the planet and forming irregular patterns of prolonged geological activity. Those pockets are usually the least corrupted, but also one of the most dangerous biomes of the planet. Day at Jiluun lasts approximately 36 Azerothian hours.


The Enclave has limited intel about territories outside their inhabited areas. Jiluun hosts an extremely dangerous biosphere composed of alien lifeforms transformed by a mysterious, unstable, magical substance known as Miasma. Majority of lifeforms of Jiluun exhibit limited capabilities of mental connection known as Mesmerbonding. Fauna of Jiluun tend to form groups linked by weak mental synchronicity. All synced creatures maintain individual will and hiveminds are rarely observed, but all of them can exchange neural impulses in real-time and at short distances. Jiluun is dominated by loosely connected packs of mostly carnivorous and omnivorous creatures, but researchers confirmed the existence of much larger networks established by advanced creatures. Majority of herbivores and many plant-like lifeforms are also aggressive and equipped with fierce defense mechanics. The Jiluun biosphere is confirmed to be undergoing much faster, mostly enforced evolution as a result of miasmatic activity. Majority of habitable zones are infected by strange, magical pollution that seems to be originating from the depths of the planet, and spreads via geological, hydrological and biological processes. Mutagenic properties of Miasma not only enhance evolutionary processes, but also encourage creatures to mutate into more dangerous, voracious and insane forms. 95% of encountered lifeforms display mutations typical to Miasma exposure, but the majority of those creatures formed biological mechanisms that stabilize their organic forms and decrease volatility of the mutation process known as Misshaping. Those organisms are still mostly unable to survive in environments free of miasma. Azerothian flora and fauna manifest very limited innate defense mechanisms against miasmatic corruption. Miasma is either a death sentence for Azerothian lifeforms, or a trigger of irreversible, chaotic mutation that turns them into voracious monsters. Researchers believe that all non-misshapen creatures are perceived as invasive and hostile to Jiluun biosphere, and advanced creatures like Revenants are known to orchestrate enormous packs of monsters to raid Enclave territories. For this reason, a network of heavily fortified defenses was erected around Enclave territory to isolate inhabited areas both from miasmatic corruption and hordes of dangerous beasts living outside.


Jiluun was inhabited by an advanced civilization known as the Jiluuni. The real name of those mysterious, ancient aliens remain unknown and current terms were coined using very limited remnants of written language of the species. Name of the species and the whole planet were conceived by followers of the renegade Guardian of Tirisfal, when they discovered alien ruins for the first time. Linguists believe that the term “Jiluuni” refers to the “free mind” philosophy of the aliens, and was linked to extremely high magical proficiency of members of their society. Jiluuni were both very skilled magicians and engineers, and the few leftovers of their technology provided the nascent Enclave with a technological base to survive, expand and eventually thrive. Almost three decades of intense research provided Kirin Tor with very limited understanding of the extinct civilization, but enough to provide the nascent Enclave with means to sustain their economy, and triggered scientific, philosophical and social revolution as a result. Jiluuni are credited with indirectly shaping Enclave civilization as a whole, and many parties of the Enclave adapted not only their magic, but also architecture and parts of ancient culture.




With the full, official name of “Sovereign Extra-Azeroth Enclave of Humankind, Elvenkind, Dwarvenkind and Gnomekind on the Planet of Jiluun”, the political body commonly known as the Enclave is a former secret research colony established on the alien planet by several member-nations of the old Alliance of Lordaeron.


For about a half of its lifespan, the Enclave was nothing more than a central research facility known as Loinpolis, “the Lonely City”, and a scattered network of remote outposts of various purposes. Due to extremely complex logistic chains a project of this magnitude requires, Kirin Tor provided Enclave with self-sustenance by terraforming and colonizing various locations on territories under its control.

When Prince Arthas unleashed his Undead Scourge upon the Eastern Kingdoms, leaders of the Enclave realized that their experiment may soon become the only place that remains outside the area of Scourge influence, and begun transforming their infrastructure into self-sustaining, independent, sovereign state that could house refugees fleeing from Undead menace. This monumental task was fueled by tens thousands of civilians routed to the Violet Gate by the infamous Blackclad regiment, survivors of His Majesty’s Army and Kirin Tor’s own forces. Enclave was born from desperation and suffering, but today it is perceived as the only representation of what's left of once proud and powerful civilisations of Azeroth.

Political body of the Enclave used to be ruled by a council known as the Triumvirate. It was composed of representatives of 3 major parties - Humans represented by Kirin Tor Archmage Solymus Kangard, Dwarves represented by Onyxshaper clan from Ironforge and finally Telindra Embergaze - former Magistrix and advisor of Anasterian Sunstrider, the elven king of Quel’Thalas. After the first major wave of refugees from Azeroth crossed the Violet Gate, many other parties demanded their voice, enforcing transition to the parliamentary system. These trends further intensified with the second wave led by Grand Marshal Reynart Alinthor.

Modern Enclave is governed by a council of those representatives, known as the Magistratorium. This body is responsible for legislation, economy, military, administration and spearheads the direction and development of the Enclave as a self-sustaining, sovereign state. Enclave inhabits territory known as the Crater, divided between many parties and races, sharing common interests of survival, growth and expansion.


Signature feature of the Enclave is its advanced technology, largely derived from the few working examples of arcane-powered contraptions left by original inhabitants of this world. Survivors from the Eastern Kingdoms had to quickly adapt to extremely hazardous conditions of Jiluun, and fight both its hostile lifeforms and corrupting environmental conditions. The foundation of Enclave civilization is a vast network of Pillars and other devices associated with it. Erected by an elven caste of Cleansers with support from former Kirin Tor mages, Pillar Grid vacuums particles of unstable magical pollution almost omnipresent in Jiluun, purify them and allow the output of raw, arcane energies to be reused. Pillars combined with refining of crystallized essence of Jiluun known as the Miasma fuels the growing and ever hungry industrial ecosystem of the Enclave, triggering rapid technological development and providing sufficient means to ensure survival of a small, but fully fledged pocket civilization in an alien and hazardous world.


In the early stages of colonization, even before the Scourge, several Legions were formed and given responsibility over defense of Loinpolis, Southhammer and other research facilities. Particular legions comprised soldiers of different ethnicities and operated mostly independently, focused on defending their areas of responsibility.

With two grand waves of refugees escaping the Scourge, a vast number of new soldiers originating from different militaries joined existing legions and formed new ones. Legions were still closely bound to their home areas, retaining fighting techniques and equipment of their homelands and using this bound to increase their determination and steadfastness.

Five years after the second Exodus through the Violet Gate, a powerful Revenant leading a horde of Mesmerbonded creatures broke into the Crater through Lothar’s Gate, ravaged through multiple lesser colonies and threatened Loinpolis itself. While it was eventually defeated by a coordinated counteroffensive of several legions and a Violet Watch special operation under General Inaylia Aequath, its incursion revealed weaknesses of the Enclave’s command structure and difficulties to coordinate such diverse militaries.

Following these tragic events, a military reform was proposed in the Magistratorium. While retaining basic structure of the Legions, it formed the Enclave’s High Command consisting of each Legion’s commander, now able to communicate live using arcane-based communications and participate in regular war councils to coordinate their strategy in real time. Huge military contracts were given to major Enclave military suppliers to partially unify Legions’ gear and equipment. Also, a reform created completely new military formations - Taskforces - that were meant to operate independently from the Legions, with much greater autonomy, capable of quick deployment all around the Enclave thanks to its railway network, but also capable of carrying out far reaching expeditions beyond the Crater.


With old feudal order being nothing more than a memory, the Enclave faced a challenge of creating a new economic system. Masses of refugees from Azeroth, originating from multiple races and classes, from former knights and noblemen to landless peasants, were more than eager to seize lands for cultivation and colonization, and the Enclave’s fledgling state apparatus could not handle such a massive endeavor. During a fierce dispute between representatives of all parties, a revolutionary concept was proposed by a young gnomish mathematician and researcher, Millen Friedspark. In Friedspark’s vision, the colonists should be granted full ownership of the land they decide to settle on, and an almost uncontrolled economic freedom in selling and managing goods they produce. The Enclave should focus its efforts on cleansing lands for colonization and providing them with a proper defense while leaving all other production to independent entrepreneurs. Also, a stable coin and independent banking system were to ensure people of the Enclave were eager to collect, multiply and invest their money into new enterprises. The idea got the interest of Archmage Kangard and despite resistance from some figures including Magistrate Embergaze Friedspark was nominated the Enclave’s Entrepreneurship Secretary.

Despite lack of political experience Friedspark has proven smart and capable in putting his ideas into practice and soon Friedspark’s Doctrine has become a baseline for the Enclave’s colonization efforts. Its execution was only partial though. Among Friedspark’s greatest opponents and saboteurs of his actions were Grand Magistrix Embergaze, afraid of new players using accumulated wealth to enter a political game, and Arcanist Kalandra Ashwalker, Cleanser Archmistress, who in turn was concerned that transformation of Jiluun land and maintaining cleansing infrastructure required precise coordination that could be impossible to provide with such uncontrollable colonization process. The Magistrix managed to retain more strict control over the economy in her districts than the remainder of the Enclave, imposing protectionist policies to privilege enterprises of her trusted Fein’dorei supporters and eliminate unwanted competition. Archmage Kangard, while remaining supportive towards the reforms, also enforced exceptions from general economic freedom granting the Enclave’s authorities a preemption right for any uncovered Jiluuni tech and imposing heavy sanctions on companies selling it without control.

Today Friedspark’s Doctrine has both its fierce opponents and ardent defenders. As promised, it gave birth to an economic growth beyond comprehension, with factories, markets, stockpiles, workshops, mines and refineries springing up and new fortunes being created with cunningness, ingenuity and innovation. Entire settlements were formed around factories to house their laborers and other personnel. Dwarven entrepreneurs undertook numerous mining enterprises and dug deeply below the surface of Jiluun, extracting ores the Enclave’s industry then processed. New technologies were invented to better exploit Jiluun’s environment, its top example being industrial extraction of miasmite from both surface and underground sources - a crystallized form of miasma processed into a construction material, enhancement and a binder of metal and stone. Network of railroads soon connected major cities, towns and fortresses of the Crater, resulting in even further industrialization.

Of course, each revolution has its victims, and next to successful entrepreneurs there are those who failed and were left with nothing. Next to thriving industrial centers there are those that fell prey to roaming wildlife, miasmatic corruption or just internal infighting and mismanagement. Next to fortunes made by eccentric geniuses and determined communities of settlers there are those earned by tricksters and manipulators. While the first years of the Enclave’s fledgling capitalism were dominated by small enterprises, in time big conglomerates have achieved a dominant position in their segments of the market and are able to maintain it by generous government contracts. Today they form an influential military-industrial complex spearheading further colonization efforts, providing most assets to Enclave’s military and science departments while also heavily influencing its politics.

The largest corporations of the Enclave are:

  • Akadion Heavy Industries - the biggest producer of arms, military equipment and armored vehicles, AHI is known for its cold, pragmatic approach and proficiency in military technology fueled by both magic and steam. Formed in Akadion, an official capital of human districts of the Crater, the corporation soon turned it into a sprawling wealthy industrial center and in time dominated military production for the Enclave, being granted a prime of supplying many Enclave Legions and Taskforces. Its overwhelming success had a price, however, as combined with Cleansers’ failure to transform lands surrounding the city, struggling with pollution and acid rains, Soon most other branches of trade and industry were driven off to Loinpolis and Esagilia, paradoxically diminishing Akadion’s political status and turning it into basically a huge assembly center.
  • Deep Rock Southhammer - a dwarven-gnomish megacorporation owned directly by the Onyxshapers, the ruling family of Southhammer. Combining finest dwarven and gnomish engineers and inventors, it specializes in mining, masonry, metallurgy and steam-based technology. It spearheads lots of dwarven mining operations and continuously dispatches its construction teams to erect, expand and maintain impregnable fortifications that protect the Enclave’s borders, main cities and strategic points. It was also responsible for the construction of the railway network across the Crater and it remains the largest producer of trains and other rail vehicles. Dominated by former Ironforge dwarves and gnomes, DRS worked out a specific culture that embraces traditional dwarven virtues of comradeship, brotherhood and work ethics combined with direct approach, ordinary sense of humor and a certain healthy dose of bravado and disregard for regulations.
  • Fein’cumain/Ashen Associations - a deeply hierarchical and centralized corporation formed around supporters of Grand Magistrix Embergaze that used her protectionist policies to dominate Fein’dunn’s industrial base and the entire Enclave’s arcane-based technology. Its highly advanced assembly lines use sophisticated hybrid of magic and technology to produce vehicles, golems, automatons and a wide range of other contraptions. They also dominate in alchemy and provide most equipment to the Cleansers. Despite their advancement, the Associations are known to be rather stagnant, conservative and occupied with political games. While their position remains unthreatened due to Magistrix’s political protection, recently it tends to fall behind its human, dwarven and gnomish competitors.
  • Esagilian Enterprises - one of the oldest organizations in the Enclave that originated from Esagilia’s merchant guild and expanded into a diverse decentralized network of enterprises of various sizes and specializations from tools and weapons to clothing and agriculture. It also associates multiple big land owners from Golden Plains farmlands. Comprises mostly former Lordaeronians and remains in good comitive with Esagilia’s Magistrate Reynart Alinthor. While it sometimes lacks funding, determination and ruthlessness of other corporations, it is deeply rooted within communities of Esagilia, Loinpolis and other cities of the Enclave and is sometimes perceived as embodiment of the Enclave capitalism’s original virtues of decent work, creativeness and ingenuity.
Enclave’s dream is far from being dead and independent entrepreneurs continue to find new, sometimes far from legal ways of profiting from overcrowded markets, but the higher they get, the more they have to struggle with political games rather than caring for their business. While debates over Friedspark’s Doctrine continuously escalate among Magistrates, one conclusion cannot be denied - it irreversibly changed the society of Azerothian survivors and brought it into a completely new era.


Because no members of Azerothian monarchies crossed the Violet Gate after the Exodus, Enclave adapted the political system of Dalaran to the new environment. First ruled by a Triumvirate that replaced the former Council of Six, the Enclave experienced many systemic shifts and went through a complex process of political evolution. Arrival of a large group of survivors from Azeroth eventually forced the process to enter its mature stage. Forced labor and serfdom was abolished, old noble titles, although retained, no longer held any meaning unless backed up by wealth, useful abilities or political power. Inhabitants were granted legal rights to claim the land they cultivate, without direct supervision of Enclave officials. Colonized areas were divided into Districts, many coming with an elective Magistrate that represents the district in the reformed central government institution of Magistratorium, that eventually replaced the Triumvirate. Personal rights, freedom of speech, private property, civilian industry and voluntary military service became legal privileges of the Enclave society. As the first political body in the history of Azeroth’s people, the Enclave combined democratic and technocratic governance and free capitalist economy with heavy militarization and discipline in areas crucial to its survival.

Hardships of colony life heavily contributed to the new culture that emerged after the Exodus, and while old customs are still being practiced, officials of the Enclave heavily promote the new, purely Enclave ways of life. Classic virtues like dedication, courage, loyalty and hard work coexist with progress, reason, logic and common sense. Agnostic nature of Enclave culture strongly favors focus on daily activities, improving skills and expanding knowledge over religious rituals and metaphysical divagations about possible afterlife. Many say that the modern culture of the Enclave is a projection of personal beliefs and biases of the prime architects of The Enclave, most notably Archmage Kangard, into wide-scale propaganda tools, while others believe that it’s purely a form of adaptation to support hardships of colonial life in an extremely hazardous environment.

Enclave society is deeply soaked with dread and memories of the world that’s already gone, while the only world they have is believed to be as hostile as the one they narrowly escaped. Appearance of a second group of survivors led by Marshal Reynart Alinthor further contributed to growing decadence via countless stories about desolated kingdoms and armies of millions of undead monsters. Majority of citizens of the Enclave believes that Azeroth was completely consumed by the Scourge and while officials neither confirms nor denies those speculations, the official propaganda line of Magistratorium clearly states that the Enclave may be all that’s left, so the only thing worth caring for. The Kirin Tor states the Enclave currently has no means to establish direct connection to Azeroth after the collapse of the Violet Gate, and any form of contact implies a direct risk of Undead invasion. Master Kangard assures that the Scourge does not know the location of Jiluun and reconstructing the Violet Gate is impossible both for the Enclave and the Scourge by any means.

Because Azerothian side of the Violet Gate closely resembles the Dark Portal used by the Horde to invade Azeroth during the First War, the original portal device of Jiluuni origin on Jiluun side was selected as emblem of the Enclave and combined with mechanical gear to symbolize origins of the Enclave and progress that allowed them to survive and thrive on extremely hostile environment of Jiluun. The symbol, now known as The Winged Gear, continues to remind its inhabitants where they come from, what their work contributes to and what means they use to achieve their goals.




A common term describing a collection of mages and engineers of various affiliations, skills and roles. Cleansers are composed of former Quel’Thalas Priests, Kirin Tor Arcanists, Khazmodani Lithomancers and Wildhammer Druids tasked with terraforming the lands of Jiluun into a realm suitable for colonization for Azerothian races. Their second, equally important objective is controlling activity of miasma and magical corruption derived from it. Despite the semi-official structure and background nature of their actions, Cleansers are very widely recognized and deeply respected in the Enclave society. Although the organization is composed of many different parties, races and professions, a signature Cleanser is recognized as an elven female dressed in thick, protective, hooded robe who suddenly appears in the areas of high miasmatic activity, and acts with focus, dedication, care and cordiality for people affected by the incident.


Although magical discipline and arcane contraptions are heavily inspired by the work of the ancient Jiluuni race, and prototypes of current solutions are work of Medivh’s disciples, chroniclers of the Enclave credit the Cleansers with all achievements and recognize associated events from early history of the Enclave as the very advent of their society. The organization was formed when Arcanist Kalandra Sunwalker* successfully modified a Jiluuni artifact previously adjusted by Medivh’s followers into the first Eye of Jiluun - A magical device capable of siphoning miasmatic radiation from its surroundings, storing it and purifying from malignant taint to be reused as pure arcane energy. The Eye not only became a foundation for usual workflows of the Cleansers, but also spawned modern doctrine of Enclave economy, technology and culture. Cleansers manufactured thousands of Eyes, and many of them were used as integral components of more advanced contraptions, such as Vigils, Hyphens, Nullifiers, Rejuvenators or military hardware.
*Now known as Kalandra Ashwalker. Kalandra was first to abandon her Quel'dorei name to give example for fellow elves and encourage them to form new identity, now known as Fein'dorei - Ashen Elves.


The first attempts at cleansing corrupted lands and wildlife were conducted by Kirin Tor researchers using Arcane magic long before official establishment of the Enclave as a political body. Their effectiveness was limited, however. Soon a young elven Light mage, a former priest and now Solymus’ associate by the name Eldin Tharennas, discovered that the Light has a particularly strong negation effect on the Corruption itself. Following the discovery, the Kirin Tor addressed a secret request to the elven society to deliver a compliment of the most veteran Priests. This party later worked closely with Kirin Tor mages to restore Jiluun wilderness to an uncorrupted state. Eventually the mix was complemented by Khazmodani Lithomancers specialized at deep-underground sensoric spells and regulating subterranean miasmatic activity, and Wildhammer druids fluent with real Life magic that adapted flora and fauna from Azeroth to the new environment, forming unique, carefully engineered amalgam of both ecosystems. The mix evolved over the years and because effects of Light magic seem to be weakening after the shutdown of the Violet Gate, the modern workflow of Cleansers almost completely removed Light magic in favor of Arcane-based substitutes.


The Cleansers are credited for providing the absolutely fundamental living conditions for the refugee population displaced from their native lands of Azeroth. They are considered one of the most important and essential branches of Enclave institutions. Despite high prestige and invaluable contributions, Cleansers have limited political influence and usually remain outside discussions about the future of the Enclave. Political credit for their activity is often used by the highest echelons of Fein’dorei society with little to no benefit for the Cleansers themselves. Arcanist Ashwalker who’s considered the highest authority within Cleanser society distanced their organization from both Fein’dorei politics and the Magistratorium, providing them with operational independence at the cost of impact on the system itself. Modern Cleansers continue their mission on expanding habitable reaches for the Enclave to colonize, explore and exploit. Because their skills at countering miasmatic corruption are unquestioned, Cleansers often collaborate with the Enclave military and both branches of Enclave services share a vast network of interpersonal connections.


So, here comes the first large promo material for Exodus 2. Not required to understand plot and lore of the sequel, but rather an extra intended for those who want to immerse themselves more. Campaign file is growing and the lore of Exodus is growing with it. I hope you enjoy making through this this little lore sheet before sleep :]
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Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
Our Enclave is basically the State of Israel, heavily militarized democracy, technologically superior, highly disciplined, largely capitalist, constantly besieged from all sides, but valiantly holding ground and sometimes doing morally controversial things to survive. Other inspirations were modern US, modern Switzerland, Cyberpunk 2077, Martian Congressional Republic from the Expanse and Deep Rock Galactic. They're neither good nor bad. They are complex. They do what it takes. They adapt. They evolve. But will they succeed against the horrors of Jiluun? Only time will tell.

And yeah, we actually crossed Milton Friedman with Tinker Overspark. Father of the Enclave's capitalism is a gnome. Gnomes will finally get some recognition.

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Level 3
Mar 8, 2014
This has gotten me as excited as a little child. I have followed your campaign from the times it was just a simple exodus to Kalimdor and i must say I'm pleasently surprised of what it has grown into and you have my full support for the work you are doing,mate!
Level 20
Oct 16, 2021
This has gotten me as excited as a little child. I have followed your campaign from the times it was just a simple exodus to Kalimdor and i must say I'm pleasently surprised of what it has grown into and you have my full support for the work you are doing,mate!
Thank you, man :]. It's been hell of a journey for us too, upgrading all of the old maps and transforming plot and worldbuolding into the setting we develop now.

I barely remember those old times after almost a decade of hiatus. I didn't even have Hive account back then o__O. We were working on different projects, different themes and different engines, until we decided to revisit good, old WC3. I was once very satisfied with my terraining for the Alterac map with 4 villages back then, and I had no idea that I'd revamp and expand the same map years after, and replace generic ghost with a monstrosity from another world :]. It was like a travel back in time.
Level 3
Mar 8, 2014
Thank you, man :]. It's been hell of a journey for us too, upgrading all of the old maps and transforming plot and worldbuolding into the setting we develop now.

I barely remember those old times after almost a decade of hiatus. I didn't even have Hive account back then o__O. We were working on different projects, different themes and different engines, until we decided to revisit good, old WC3. I was once very satisfied with my terraining for the Alterac map with 4 villages back then, and I had no idea that I'd revamp and expand the same map years after, and replace generic ghost with a monstrosity from another world :]. It was like a travel back in time.
I remember most of it and I know I loved it because it was a story focused on the survivors of Lordaeron which I always loved and now it's so much more. I am today going to download it on my newest laptop and show it to my girlfriend who although doesn't directly play warcraft 3,she loves the lore and the creators which contribute to this community further.