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Xbox Vs. PS2

Xbox Or PS2

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Level 5
Oct 31, 2004
Hi! I might be getting a PS2 or an Xbox but first I wanna know what people think...Vote which one you think is best an they post a reason why...i dont really know which is best because Xbox has awsome game/Graphics (Ex. Halo2) but PS2 can play DVDs :eek:
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004
the only - and I really mean only - advantage there is by having an Xbox, is Halo and upcomming Halo2 - graphicwise, thats is a comparison between flawless - the PS2 - and perfect - the Xbox... not really something to get caught up by. PS2 is furthermore much better suited for a larger variety of games than Xbox in my opinion + it acts as a dvd.
Level 5
Aug 25, 2004
PS2. You can say what you want about the graphics. Surficite to say that they don't have a very different engine and the new Metal Gear will prove it's graphics capability. Also, as everyone's said, Halo/Halo 2 are the only good Xbox games, period. If you want Halo, get it for PC (some people tell me it's even better on the PC).
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
X-Box, plain and simple. PS2 is an outdated console that SHOULD BE DEAD, BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, it has to still survive. The Dreamcast is MUCH better than it for crying out loud!

Of corse you can always compare the specs. To make a long story short, PS2 is the WEAKEST console. Its graphics are quit sub-par when compared to Gamecube and X-Box

Personly, I suggest getting a Gamecube, because Nintendo have been in the business LONGER than Microsoft and Sony, so you know that you'd be getting a good system. Add in SOME OF THE BEST RPGS, MUCH BETTER THEN THAT OVERRATED FINAL FANTASY X JUNK, and Gamecube is the best for RPGs. X-Box has Halo and Halo 2, which are excelent FPS games

So in short, PS2 is a weak system which should have died AGES ago. However, they still keep going for some reason. So save yourself the disappointment, get a X-Box or Gamecube. X-Box has HEAPS of online stuff to keep you occupied, and it also has that Fable game which I've heard about. And of corse, Gamecube just rocks. Don't give me any of that "OMG, GAMECUBE IS TEH KIDDY11!!!!!!!11!" trash, cause I doubt anyone who's actualy played the Gamecube ever says that
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
It's just my opinion but I prefer neither. My explanation:

PS2: It's got the better selection of games especially for sole playing. The internet cost is free but suggestively I think it's pretty slow. Average graphics and stuff.

Gamecube: I know you guys call it the "kiddy" system, but honestly you people are wrong. I've seen people much older than me take out their gamecube and start playing some kind of multiplayer game. Though it never got the internet for an odd reason...

Xbox: Most of the games are plain trash. Halo is good but that's just about it. Internet is costly but the service is much better. Graphics rockz, though it might not be worth your money sometimes.

In conclusion, PC rockz. :wink:
Level 1
Nov 2, 2004
I personally think u should get cube or ps2. The X-Box really is quite poor when it comes to games (minus Halo of course), and its only plus side is (apart from PC), it rules online gameplay (Ps2 doesnt focus as much on it and the cube only has 2 online games : PS0 1&2 and PS03). But games wise cube wins for pure quality (Zelda 2005 and Metroid Prime - Echoes are gonna rule!!!). But the Ps2 has the whole 'DvD' thing as well as class games such as GTA - San Andreas. To put it plain and simple - Box Sux, Cube and ps2 rulzzzzz!
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004
Mecheon said:

damnit >< Now I have to hunt you down, and consume your soul

- FF is not overrated! If anything, many ppl underrate it, simply on the basis that it has survived 12 generations, and they think its not renewing - well, all of 'em added something new to the universe, and all of them were superb stories - even FFXI, though you did not play the main char

I'm not saying its in any way better then Legend of Zelda, or sumtin, but it is certanly not of less quality - btw Secret of Mana, was that not for nintendo? I believe that it was available before LoZ? :roll:

Anyways, if you read gamemagazines, study the score of console games and compare - you will find that Sony allmost allways beats the rest of the market by 1 or 2 points - despite the "poorer" graphics
Level 5
Oct 31, 2004
Ive always been a fan of Sony and its consoles, they just have something Nintendo has, im not sure but they have something. Anyway Gamecube is a great console but I dont like to many of the games (Medal of Honour, Sonic, Metroid Prime) and it has VERY FEW actually fun games. Ps2 on the other hand has great games, (James bond: everything or nothing, GTA: san andreas, The Punisher) and it has great graphics. Although the Xbox has extremly nice graphics the Xbox is a console for those who like sports games. Most of the games for the Xbox console are sports. Therefore I go with .....PS2!!!!! :wink:
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