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What should a high elven race include?

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Level 6
Apr 18, 2009
I am making a High elven race and I suffer of a terrible lack of ideas. Help me find the cure to this disease by giving me your marvelous and unique ideas and I shall +rep you.

The map I am making already includes a custom terrain,made by me The high elven race is in an very basic stage at the moment. I am in need of:

Race Themes: Basically, it's the unique stuff that the race has.

Examples:shamanism for orcs ,necromancery for undead,holy light for humans...
In my opinion Every race should have it's own set of themes, to make the race quite "unique".

Defense Mechanism:Each warcraft III race has one of those .It's the thing which gives you an advantage when your base is being attacked.
Examples: human buildings have additional armor, undead's main building can attack, and their ziggurats (food production building) can attack when upgraded, orcish buildings deal damage to their attackers, and NE buildings can attack and wisps have an offensive spell.

Heroes: I believe everyone who plays WCIII knows what those are. I am in need of creative heroes, with unique abilities, that would fit with the hero's theme (example:hammers for mountain king).Also spell synergy is not required but it is preferred.Every hero you may submit must have a full working animated model.AGILITY AND INTELLIGENCE HEROES ONLY.

Be unique and creative :smile:
Level 7
Jan 2, 2010
I'm not sure if this is useful or unique enough for you, but here are some of my ideas,

Race themes: Arcane, because High Elves have an arcane addiction! I'm thinking every non-mechanical unit has mana, even workers. They have a higher amount of mana than other races but they suffer towards the health and damage side of things. As a result of this, the race will be quite dependent on their spells. However, not all units suffer from the loss of health and damage, there could be one unit type which is the "muscles" of the High Elven race! This would be to help balance the race against the others, such as the Orcs

Defense Mechanism: They can build a small, weak building which makes buildings alot stronger. It uses arcane magic to put a bubble around buildings within a small area of it. Workers can also have the ability to turn themselves invisible for a short period of time. This would be useful for exploring and running from an attack if he breaks through your defenses into your base.
Level 6
Apr 18, 2009
any idea is useful:smile: .you actually gave me some ideas:what do you think:eek:f those 2:
The race will have 2 modes: the offensive and defensive mode(arcane,holy light mode).When in offensive mode,the more mana the unit has the more he deals damage,every time the units takes damage(or deals damage,I'm not sure bout this one yet) he loses mana
Example:if the unit has 200 mana he'll deal normal damage +12 damage.
When in defensive mode:they got a regular mana shield, and all flying units are grounded

Defense mechanism:the main building has a shield around it,which covers an 3000 aoe around it.In defensive mode, allied units in the shield will have additional armor and hp regen .In offensive mode enemy units in the shield get slowed(attack speed/movement speed).shield model:http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ld-115828/?prev=d=list&r=20&u=Champara%20Bros

so what do you think?
Level 7
Jan 2, 2010
Yeah, I like it! I like the model you will use for shield. I didn't think about the main building making the shield, this will make the whole thing less complicated! I also like the mana being use as shields, but will the units also have abilities? The idea of 2 modes sounds cool! But will each unit have to swap mode individually or will there be a mass switch? I personally think you should make each individual unit switch! I would also recommend making the switch a researchable ability!
Level 6
Apr 18, 2009
Personally i think a mass switch would be better, because it is:simpler and if I make an individual switch people will keep their air units in the air instead of grounding them using defensive mode. I also believe it is better for balancing issues...
Any questions or comments?

Also if any triggerer is interested in making this system, Plz send me a visitor or personal message
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
I think the elven race should be a mix between night elves and human architecture. You should have one real strong melee unit - Arcane Guardian (something like that, basicly a rock golem with golden tint) and the other units should be range, magic one siege unit (ballista) and a one weaker melee unit. Elven magic is the strongest so their spellcasters should have some good abilities but cost more.

Another idea of the elves is in general there units are far stronger, faster and have more health then other races, but they cost more gold, more food and take more time to build.
Level 6
Apr 18, 2009
I think the elven race should be a mix between night elves and human architecture
you are right , I already based my building choice on this Principe.

You should have one real strong melee unit - Arcane Guardian (something like that, basicly a rock golem with golden tint) and the other units should be range, magic one siege unit (ballista) and a one weaker melee unit. Elven magic is the strongest so their spellcasters should have some good abilities but cost more.
stronger spellcasters doesn't fit the warcraft III balance, Stronger spellcasters should result in weaker melee units.If all ranged units have magic damage there will also be a balancing issue, as the race should contain piercing damage to be strong against air units, also high elves have an unequaled skill in longbows.

Another idea of the elves is in general there units are far stronger, faster and have more health then other races, but they cost more gold, more food and take more time to build.

Lorewise, high elves aren't stronger than other races. And this will make the race weak in early game, but being strong in end game.This option may be taken in consideration.
The theme should be mana-based, meaning everything revolves around magic.

They should have degenerating mana, but they have a building called Mana Pool are something, that has auras to regenerate mana. Once they have mana, all the units can cast deadily spells. So basically, they are dependant on mana. This is sorta a defense mechanism as well, similar to the Night Elf Moon Wells. I don't think you should use golems as part of the tech-tree, perhaps make them a summoned unit by a hero. Workers have the repair ability AND a magic ability that heals any mechanical unit, but costs mana.

Here are some unit concepts: (* means it has degenerating mana rates)
Worker-Repairs and heals mechs with magic(Magic Engineering)

Guardian-Basic melee with Mana Implosion(50% to cause AoE damage and drain 5% of nearby caster's mana)
Wind Archer-Basic ranged with Arcane Missile(deals extra damage against casters, like feedback)
Crusader-Heavy melee horseman with Holy Lance(50% to increase health by 50% of damage dealt)

Sorceress-Primary caster that manipulates mana, has Restoration(regenerates a target's mana over time), Magic Healing(when activated, has an aura that regenerates all other nearby allies' mana, but drains this units mana) and Mana Sphere(a unit with this buff
Messiah-Supporting caster that manipulates health
Spirit Blade-Anti-mage/infantry

Ballista-Mechanical siege unit with Enchanted(Resistance to magic and deals magic damage to non-buildings)
Sun Hawk-Flying scout with True Sight and Astral Recall(blinks to the base, but explodes in a ball of flame, damaging itself and nearby units around it when it begins casting)
Pyromorph-Siege suicidal with Widespread Ruin(kills the unit, but deals lots of damage to nearby enemies and drains 200 mana) and Pyre Sacrifice(kills the unit, but deals damage over time to a target building)

Dragon Hawk-Anti-air unit with Binding Net(traps flyers in the ground, makes them invulnerable, but also drains their life) and Cloudstorm(pulls all nearby flyers towards it, if any reach the centre of the storm before it disappears, the unit is instantly killed, but targets your units also)
Hawk Rider-Primary flyer that is good at disrupting ground forces, has Screech(stuns all organic ground units in the area, channeled spell)[Only formed when Wind Archers and Sun Hawks mount]
Level 6
Apr 18, 2009
Guardian:In my opinion the melee units should have a defensive ability instead of an offensive one
Wind archer:Feedback is useful against spell casters so this sounds great:) coz spell casters are unarmored.Also I plan a ranger upgrade for those so are not obsolete in late game.
Crusader: i already have a heavy melee unit and it's http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=91078 . He will have a taunt/attract ability and he has a chance to release a chain lightning kind of spell which drains mana to affected units when attacked.

Casters:these guys will be done in the ends, as their abilities will depend of my final vision of the race, however, I won't do an anti mage unit, because some units have mana decreasing abilities, and a hero is already made on this concept.

Ballista:Magic damage for the ballista is unbalanced in my opinion:it takes 3 food and deals 50-80 damage,so it deals like 100 damage to melee units...it should have or an ability that is useful for other units:meat wagon , or offensive:ballista's vorpal blade.
Sun hawk: i love it :).
Pyromorph:Instant damage to buildings would be better,and a progressive mana draining dot on units sounds better.PS:what kind of unit should this one use?

Dragonhawk:will be taken in consideration since i don't like the cloudstorm ability...
hawkrider: channeled stun sounds really crap honestly , people will do like 7 of this units and the enemies will be perma stunned.BUT could be an upgrade for the archer instead of the ranger
Level 4
Jul 25, 2008
I am all about making unique race ideas, although I do have a deep hatred for High Elves, i guess I'll post some ideas for you :wink:


Swordsman: Versatile foot soldier that deals 8-10 melee damage. Learns Magic Defense, which lowers magic damage and learns Feedback, allowing him to lower a foes mana by 5 and dealing that much damage extra.

Phoenix Knight: Powerful mounted warrior capable of stealing buffs and dealing fire damage. Has Phoenix Blade, which does fire damage over time. Learns Phoenix Return and Spell Steal.

Arcane Being: A large construct of arcane magic and the void, the Arcane Being has the most HP of the High Elf units and lowers magic damage. Has Arcane Skin, which lowers magic damage by 60%, Arcane Strike, a 15% chance to deal 50 damage in a 150 AoE. Learns Arcane Bolt and Mana Break [10 mana damage +10 extra damage v. mana units].


Ranger: A guardian of the forests of Quel'thelas [pardon my spelling xD] that deals 13-17 piercing damage. Learns Camouflage which allows the Ranger to hide with a very slow movement but losing the ability to attack, and Arcane Shot, allowing her to deal +5 damage with her attacks with a 9 mana cost.

Corpsman: An upgraded version of the Ranger, deals more damage and has more mana. Has camouflage, Arcane Shot, and Scout, creates 1 invisible wisp-like creature with detect invisibility, has 15 hp but is invisible.

Thats all i have for now, i hope you like. :spell_breaker:
Level 2
Apr 17, 2010
You could give buildings auras which slow the attack speed and movement speed of nearby enemies. As you increase the tier of your main building, make the slow decrease.
Tier 1 town hall - 30%, 50%
Tier 2 town hall - 20%, 30%
Tier 3 town hall - 10%, 10%
Level 6
Apr 18, 2009
i was thinking that the main building had an aura around it that slows AS/MS. and it should increase with level or its pointless,because no one attacks while still in tier one...
Anyway i still need ideas for units (takes ghostthruster's post per example, it's really great)
and i'll give you some rep if you do it:)
Level 9
Aug 21, 2008
you will be in need of air units. beside the dragon hawk(which is just the best choice), they need some form of a more "heavy" air unit.

YOu can leave the dragon rider as he is, but better would be to remake him a bit.You could make him into a spellcaster, using the default spellcaster upgrade(like priest training, which incrase stats of the priest and also give him a new spell).

A other idea would be hawks. Small fast air units, but vularnable. A bit like the gargs from the undead. With a weak ranged attack vs ground, and a stronger ranged attack vs air. Some sort of windwalk without break damage as ability would fit too.

For the big one, you may try an ancient(=big) fearie dragon. Splash attack and no chance to attack air, but a short distance blink for being unique. They need magic damage(all kind of "heavy" air units have magic attacks)
Level 6
Apr 18, 2009
well, due to the lack of air units models for elves, might do the dragonhawk as you say, for the eagles im not sure yet, i was intending to make them as you said, but im still not sure about the heavy air unit, i might go for a dragon but not for something too strong because the ground units are already powered
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