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What programming languages do you know?

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Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
I am curious what programming, sripting and/or markup languages do you, guys (and girls, if there are), know.

I know the following:
  1. C
  2. C++ (I love to combine it with more languages!!! - like Assembler)
  3. C#
  4. VB6
  5. VB.NET
  6. VBScript
  7. Batch
  8. Javascript
  9. Java
  10. Jass
  11. vJass
  12. cJass
  13. LUA
  14. Expression
  15. Expression2
  16. Assembler
  17. HTML (XHTML)
  18. XML
  19. XAML
  20. CSS
  21. PHP
  22. ASP.NET
  • And obviously more that just don't come in my mind now...

I am mostly experienced with C#, XML, XAML, Expression2 and LUA (interfaced with C#).
Level 4
Aug 22, 2008
Firstly, Ihave to say Vercas, that is an amazing list, same with you Barathrum.
And here's mine:

1. PureBasic 4/5
2. Win32 Batch 4/5
3. HTML 3/5
4. XML 3/5
5. VB.NET 2.5/5
6. C++ 1/5
7. SAP ABAP Workbench 0.5/5
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Edit: Wrong discussion lol
Edit2: How do I delete this? >.>
Edit3: Forget about it...

To answer a question, I am just 15 so I can't really have a job or make money legally.
I have made some Windows Phone 7 applications that I intend to sell after Windows Marketplace becomes available in Romania. (Sell under my mom's account and intellectual property.)
Level 14
Oct 18, 2008
i wouldn't count jass, but here is my list.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • php
  • xml
  • jquery
  • asp
  • SQL
  • VBscript
  • AJAX(not really a language)
  • C# (learning)
  • C++
  • java
also many of these are webdesign languages.
languages i plan to learn:


(for the next few months)
C++ (Currently reading the book :p)
Java (Online Tutorials, so there's not much potential for me with it like C++)
Visual Basic (My uncle is an experienced programmer :D He's teaching me :p)
HTML (Same as VB)

JASS (Almost mastered)
vJASS (I finally understood what a struct while reading a book about C++ :D (Chapter 3 - Introduction to Classes and Objects))


C++ (0.5/5)
Java (0.1/5)
VB (1.75/5)
HTML (0/5) -- Going to learn
JASS (4.5/5)
vJASS (2/5)

Btw, I've been wondering about this for quite some time: How can i pronounce C#?? :D
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Let's include here not only Programming Languages, but also Query Languages and Markup Languages.

C - after English, probably the most basic 'language' anyone working with Computers should be familiar with. Can't say I'm a complete expert, but I've had to work with C for a long time now. Did I mention how much I love pointers?
C++ - I only started working recently with it (if you take into account the object-oriented aspect alone - pushing the structural aspects up to C knowledge).
C#/Java - both fall in about the same category - if you know one of them, switching to the other is not that hard. Technologies (Java vs .NET): now that's a different story. We could include here LINQ, ASP, JSP and other mumbo-jumbo, but again, once you get how to work with a language, adapting to various technologies is rather easy.
80x86 Assembly - you cannot always avoid assembly I guess, but personally I try to stay away from it - had a course on assembly languages and an additional lab for ATMega64 microcontrollers. Can't say I hate anything more than branches (writing loops in assembly? better shoot me in the head instead!). The top of the garbage was the Operating Systems Design course.
HTML, CSS, Javascript Batch - had to deal with them, but I can't say I'm an expert - I run away from HTML as much as I can, mainly because writing hardcore by hand is tedious, boring and heavily frustrating. I find Javascript this messy goo - though it was the very first 'language' I ever started programming in (if you don't count an afternoon of Pascal before that, which was a complete disaster).
PHP - I prefer JSP and ASP as alternatives. Weakly typed languages drive me insane for some very odd reason I totally understand.
VHDL - FPGA Programming made me want to throw my computer down the window two years in a row. Anyone who hasn't bothered with VHDL and complains how long some programs take to compile, get Xilinx, and synthesize some decent project in VHDL. You'll never-ever hate compilers again. Getting an FPGA board to behave at a hardware level any way you want is pretty awesome, though.
MSQL & MySQL - I work with them when I have to. Though I know how to make basic queries, I know next term I'll be going back to hardcore SQL (database courses are always horror stuff). Used to be able to do some pretty nifty queries - since I didn't have to do anything more complex than an INNER JOIN, I kind of lost my touch.
Prolog - I totally lo-lo-loved it. Being able to write a quicksort algorithm in 3 lines (of decent maximum length, say... 60 characters/line?) rocks! Logic programming is a bit weird at first, but it has its uses in Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing. Neat course, neat experience, can't wait to get the chance to experiment with it more.
Haskell - My dear lord, I had a teacher obsessed with Haskell, and prototyping in Haskell. He gave me this horror distributed system to port it on Windows Azure. But again, I guess like any other 'obscure' language, Haskell has its own uses. Learned a few tricks, and though I haven't worked with it in a year, I'm certain I could remember rather easily.
LISP - Half a semester and a project on a different subject in LISP was more than enough for me. Too many brackets, some very obscure concepts... let's just say if I see a LISP program I know what it is, but I'd rather stay completely away from it! Haskell is a much better Functional Programming language.

An enumeration doesn't make anyone an expert in everything. It just means that at the very least, the programmer recognizes the language/understands vaguely what's written there. Since I didn't include Python for example there, it means that if you gave me a piece of code in Python, I would be completely clueless of the language (and probably not even understand what's going on there).
Level 8
Sep 18, 2011
C++: 0.01%
VB: 12%
HTML: 90% (sometimes needs reference)
CSS: 100% (but now I think I'm forgetting it :/)
Some javascript...
PHP: 11.89% (lollolol)
(My website has been deleted/hacked so I am not continuing it, and almost forgetting these)

JASS/vJass: 90% / 10%
(I just want to accomplish what I want in war3, so few basics are good)

not-so-popular languages: 94%

I think I will continue learning C languages after few years.

-I can use Notepad and Mspaint if those count.
-I never use Microsoft Word and those f ing microsoft programs.
-I know how computer works etc... not just a language learner, I always in need to know the small things.

And If you guys have an advice tell me!!!! :O
Level 6
Jul 25, 2010
*basic and vb(9/10) .. my primary preferred programming lang
*C and C++ (4/10).. just know the basics. since its mostly alike with basic
*HTML(7/10).. I learned this and I know alot about it before but i forgot
*IDE programming.. I love making programs using IDEs
* Assembly (6/10).. I got stuck coz its mostly architecture dependent.
* does batch count?? well if it does then i know batch (10/10)
and I can understand some other langs.. but not much
Level 14
Aug 8, 2010
This is what i know :

1. HTML (XHTML) - 4.8/5 - veeery easy language and because of that, it does not give much
2. GUI - 5/5 - i know this shit pretty well
3. CSS - 4.1/5 - not very hard, not easy at all but results are epic, much more than what you can achieve with HTML
4. Jass - 0.8/5 (i know only the small things, like basic functions and leaks, however, i am master of writing comments)
Level 4
Sep 12, 2008
Batch 7/10
JASS 8/10
vJASS 5/10
C# 1/10 (Started long ago and went to jass.)
CSS 3/10 [READ (Inspect Element) :D]
Java 2/10 (Minecraft Mods editing but failed for some reason.) [Modifying doesn't work I guess]
Level 14
Oct 18, 2008
@ GhostWolf though you are banned i still feel the need to say this. Your ignorance is showing. Technically most of the things listed here are indeed languages. Except Ajax of course. Even html is considered a programming "language". Please re-read the definition next time before posting.
I'm here to update:

Languages I use regularly:

  • C++ (I'm halfway to a legit mastery of the thing having spent over 4000 hours and counting with it)
  • C (After learning C++, I felt that knowing how to write C code could be important in the future as a skill, so I acknowledged the differences between C++ and C and there we have it. In fact, half my hours with C++ were likely C programming hours because I used a lot of C libraries like SDL and zlib for my needs. Today, I use SFML for graphics, networking, window management, event handling and audio.)

Languages I can code in but don't use regularly:

  • C# (I picked it up in a day when I took a summer job at this software engineering house. It stuck to me then.)
  • Visual Basic (I picked up the language in 10 minutes and searched through a lot of the standard libraries in 2 hours. If you were to ask me to write some code now, I would, but I'd need an IDE because the standard libraries are not stuck to me yet.)
  • JavaScript (I picked this language up in quite a similar timeframe relative to Visual Basic)

Goal Languages:

  • x86 Assembly (I'm reading a book on it as we speak. It's quite an interesting language despite the fact that its practical applications are limited)
  • Haskell (I already learned it twice but I can't find practical applications and thus I don't use it, so it never sticks to me)
  • Lua (My game engine in C++ will execute game code using Lua and so I need to learn to use this language soon. Lua is blazing fast too, which is a plus)
  • Python (I know for sure I can pick this thing up as fast as I picked up JavaScript, so why not?)
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