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What Are You Doing?

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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Saitek is making an uber mailing system, fixing bugs, possibly adding equipment system (unless you or TripX wants to make one better than the one we're planning to put in as a placeholder) and I think that's it.

Once he's done, he'll pass the campaign to me and then I'll polish the terrain a bit for a day or two, probably provide the public with some new screenshots, and then give the campaign to Warlord_HU (our new JASSer! w00t) and he'll trigger a lot of useful stuff, UI wise I believe.

Once he's done, he'll give it back to me and I believe Operator gets it. When Operator is done making a new looting system, he'll give the campaign to me and if we don't have anyone else to trigger, I'll finish the terrain as much and fast as possible until I find that we need some more work on triggers such as QUESTS which is a big thing that we can't leave out in the Open Beta. Who's willing to do Quests?
Level 4
Jul 12, 2007
Once he's done, he'll pass the campaign to me and then I'll polish the terrain a bit for a day or two, probably provide the public with some new screenshots, and then give the campaign to Warlord_HU (our new JASSer! w00t) and he'll trigger a lot of useful stuff, UI wise I believe.

At the moment i am working on a AI order system, it works like you give an order (whit a * suffix before your order) for exemple *attack the Wolfs (my trigger checks every unit whit in range of 2700 that have name that you entered, and orders your party to attack move to the position of the unit).

I have almost finished it. (99% already completed) :thumbs_up:
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I should e-mail/PM reminders about this area of the website then. I know a lot of the members are aware of it, just not sure if they rememeber or even care about WC3:WoW forums anymore.
PS: How are those models and tiles coming along HT?
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