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Warcraft 3.5

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Level 4
Aug 30, 2008
Warcraft 3.5 is basicly the same old warcraft 3.

But improved with..

-New models
-Sea units and shipyard, including transport, frigate, battleship and more. All upgradable. You must unlock the shipyard and sea units by researching different technologies.
-Many new upgrades, instead of upgrades only going to level 3, they go all the way to level 10, so players will be in a bit of a weapon race. On top of that you must unlock the upgrades by building weapon, armor, and structure tiers (structures). Which go up to tier 3, creating a high value target for the enemy.
-horizontal,vertical,diagonal walls and gates will be added. and will be upgradable.
-Hero maximum level will be 20.
-Added archer (tier 1 weapons), Crossbowman (tier 2 weapons), Rifleman (tier 3 weapons).
-Footman (tier 1 weapons), added Axeman (tier 2 weapons), knight (tier 3 weapons)
-Changed maximum food limit, so players can mass units a little more)
-Added Base, Bases are little outposts which can load units, so you can keep your army organized and clean.
-Added university, which will research several different science abilities, and added scientist to the game. Scientists can plant tree's so if your low on lumber, plant some tree's to chop.
-added markets, markets give gold every 50 seconds.

screenshots soon.

There may also be 2 different types of the game, the normal game, and the Generals and Kings version, where Generals get control over military units. And Kings do all the building and funding and give orders to the general.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Warcraft doesn't take place in a Medieval Era... It takes place in another world where Earth's Eras doesn't matter :S
Anyway, I hope you could finish this. Always did love Altered Melee and I hope you could finish this one, many others before you never did :(

Can I just request something? Can you make it a requirement or something to place an archer or something inside the tower so it can shoot. Its rather amazing how towers can actually shoot arrows even though there's no one inside :0

Also, I believe there shouldn't be Scientist... The technology of Warcraft is not so advanced, maybe make some kind of Druid for Night Elf that can plant tree, some unit for human that can craft weapons (I dunno, to give to your units?), some Orc Unit which can train their troops (give tomes and stuff to units) and Undead Units that can spawn permanent Skeletons. That would be cool 0_0. However, you could also make Goblins the Scientists, they have the most PWNAGE technologies in the game~!

Now, as to walls... They might make a base "godly". If you spam loads of walls and put a line of towers behind, it would own life and death. Maybe limit the number of walls or something :)

Good luck.+rep
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Growing tree walls>Building normal walls
How many units in WC3 can attack trees (other then workers, an average of about 1). Maybe add some anti-tree vehicles (that also attack buildings or something so they are not useless).
Anyways, old idea, new user. I hope to see this complete.
Level 4
Aug 30, 2008
ive read everyones posts. thanks for the tips.

I will change the name of the "scientist", and I will make it so melee units can attack trees. Tree growing will require alot of gold and researching to do, its sort of an end game ability.

At the moment Im working on the techtree/upgrades of tier 2 units and adding in new units and models. Tier 1 excluding sea and air units is completed.

only working on Humans for now, once there finished it will be playable, and ill upload a demo map. the demo probably wont be ready for a week maybe 2.

edit: thanks for the plus rep!


From left to right (Militia man, Archer, Footman, Crossbow man, Warrior)


Militia man is tier 0 (no req), Archer is Weapons Tier 1,
Footman is Armor tier 1, Crossbowman is Armor tier 1 and weapons tier 2,
Warrior is Armor tier 2, weapons tier 1.

after you build tier's you can upgrade them to tier 2 then 3.

Types of upgrades that are finished:
Melee Weapons, Arrow Weapons, Plate Armor, Leather Armor.

Upgrades 1-3 require tier 1. and upgrades 4-6 require tier 2. Upgrades 7-10 require tier 3.

this is only a very small preview. From my experience lots of different upgrades make an alternative melee map fun because it adds the weapons race aspect, And that is the main focus in Warcraft 3.5.

Models are credited in game.

Combat: similar to normal warcraft 3, but you can mass units more, there is slightly more strategy involved and battles have a sort of "risk" push back effect, you gain ground you lose ground feel to it.
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Level 18
Feb 2, 2008
lol im working on a project exactly like this 2 XD i always hated that you could not make shipyard units in a bnet game (even when you see a picture on the backside when you purchase the game. Anyway maybe it would be a better idea to make new units for all current races and make the bloodelf the dwarf the tauren a race of his own. And not like thay are in the orc or human army for example the Bloodmage is a Human hero but when you make a Bloodelf race it becomes one of the heroes of the bloodelf.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Custom model 0_0. Whenever I see those in great numbers, I ask: How large is the Map Size? I hope its not too big XD

Anyway, i_brg_doom, you could learn to use some commas, it makes your replies easier to read and more easy to understand.

As to the map, I think I have an idea, its kinda a racial specialty thing. For example, humans could have some research that upgrades their Racial Specialty (maybe technology) and when you research it, it allows you to build special Godlike End-game units and makes your other units more powerful.
Take humans (again), if they research Technology, all mechanical units and Siege units gain damage and it allows you to create (maybe) a War Robot or some crazy Dwarven invention with huge guns and stuff XD
Orcs could be Brute Strength (+dmg to melee and allows you to create some Orc Berserker or something, you could use that hidden model, the Orc with the claws).
Undead could be Necromancy (makes Necromancers and Skeletons more powerful, allows you to summon to Master Necromancer that summons crazy Skeletons and has powerful spells, maybe the Kel'thuzad Ghost Necromancer Model)
Night Elves could have Bond with Nature (+regen for all units? Can summons some Druid that can grow lots of tree at once :D, use the Malfurion Model if you want)

Overall, I wish you luck again.
Level 4
Aug 30, 2008
Infantry have many different upgrades, and all upgrades go to lvl 10. Allowing for players to sort of customize there armies specialty.

Markets and banks are also in the game, Markets cost less and give a little gold every 30 seconds, while banks cost alot and give alot of gold every 90 seconds. Both are upgradable. You have to build a trade Tier 1, and research trade upgrades to a certain point before building them. Both have different upgrades and tier requirements.
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