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Voice Acting Contest #? - Trailer Narration Contest

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Level 6
Sep 7, 2017
Here is another of my idea. I was not spamming, I was intended to contribute :)

The participant has to make a narration video with requirements below:
- A maximum of 5 minute 'custom' video with narration. That is;
- (Optional) At least one picture for the whole video background. Or; (Recommended: Plain black background with floating white text subtitle will be formal.)
- Must be trailer-spoken (first person or third person perspective.)
- Must be fantasy and not Earth topics and other realism.
- A background music. (One song choice only.)
- Must have only one primary voice narrator and maximum of 2-3 additional supporting voices.
- Voiceover must be done by one person only and not getting help from other voiceactors.

NOTE: If you want some example to refer, watch the perfectly done narrative of 'Harbinger - Guldan and Khadgar'. Another is, the most accurate example is Illidan's prologue cinematic narrative in TFT - Sentinel Campaign.

I will not host the contest. Someone good and effective will.
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