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Test Map Request - PlayDotA Hero

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Level 2
Sep 26, 2009
Hello Hiveworkshop community, this is king_james, a new member of the forum. Please don't flame me if I posted in the wrong side of the forum, I just didn't know where to post. I hope I did, but It feels wrong since I'm in the modd corner. Please, take it easy on me. :| I'm new.

I was in deep-thought if anyone would be willing to create a test-map for my hero back at PlayDotA.com

I have a hero suggestion that has been getting great feedback, but lately, my test-map has been truly outdated. And my friend which is a test-map maker is extremely busy with school and life so he told me he couldn't do so. So I know this may selfish of me and quite annoying for someone like me to ask for a map, but as the forum said, the requests here may never be truly resolved/completed. So If ever anyone out there is interested, then that makes me one of the happier people in the world (sad, I know, haha)

So basically, my hero is located here: Rakkel Blindeye, the Shadow Rogue

My hero already has a test-map as I will say again, however it is very outdated. It dates back to September since the last patch, and ever since, my hero has transformed into something else, a completely new hero. My hero focuses on Blindness and Key-role support of the team in initiating and disabling the opposing team for success. You guys can try the previous test-map to see his beta stages and how Rakkel feels.

This is all just a brief summary. Now if anyone is interested, send me a PM, and I will appreciate it to the very end. I truly hope one of you guys can help me out. :)

Level 5
Nov 11, 2009
Your orb effect is not possible to make in warcraft 3. (Pretty sure)
Also the movement reverse (?) would have many flaws, for example:
You're under effect of it, if you right click in one direction you would move
towards the opposite sure. But what if you right click a unit?
If you right click a hero? Will it count as attack and will it attract
the enemy creeps?
Level 11
May 16, 2007
Actually, it is possible to make all those skills, it will just take a bit of messing with the range upgrade to make it work.

I might work on it if I have time, but don't expect anything, stopped coding for a while and still need to get used to it again (and download JNGP when wc3c is back online...).
Level 2
Sep 26, 2009
Thank you all for your input. So basically, the problem right now is the range increasing skill? Alright. Is there any way possible that can alter the skill but seem similar to the actual gameplay of the skill? If not, maybe we could just leave the Orb Skill to a simple bonus damage spear and add the tool-tip of increasing range even without implementing it; just for show. :)

Regarding the Movement Disruption bug, regardless of accidentally clicking another unit, you'll move that way. This only disrupts the movement if you move on a path, not when you've clicked a unit. I know it sounds weird, but let the player itself discover that this is the counter. A subtle counter to my hero, :)

Thank you guys for actually livening up this thread, I didn't think I would get anyone to look at this thread, or even actually replying. I'd really appreciate the help guys. :)

I'll look back in a while to see what the decision is.
Level 2
Sep 26, 2009
That's quite alright. Somehow there will be a way, and I don't want to change the skill because its gotten some decent and positive feedback. :)
Level 9
Dec 8, 2009
shadow bind
Rakkel emits his link to the dark entities, binding 2 units together. These 2 units are now blinded and will lose vision of everything. Only until and unless they come in contact with Rakkel or the duration ends, they will lose the debuff.

this wont happen, cos u cant use timed black mask if im correct.

However, during the duration, they will be damaged per second and lose MS. Rakkel gains vision of the linked units for the duration of the skill. Lasts 5 seconds.

i dont understand this part: the units is blinded, see things black and cant even make its way. why the hell do u want to lower his MS? if u accidentally cast it on a unit with no1 else around, wont u get binded as well?

mental diversion

Rakkel calls upon the shadow entities to manipulate his enemies mental stability, causing confusion amongst the movement ability of units in an area, reversing the enemies movement path. Rakkel also gains vision of the affected units in the area. Skill lasts for 4 seconds, the AoE depends on the level of the skill

moonwalk? lol. this will get screwed, what happens if ur like 50 aoe away from the target and u cast this? will it rapidly change it positions to attack u? (the attack animation faces front, not back)
About the range issue - you could simply swap the hero with a different unit which has higher range. Or maybe you could fiddle with the target acquisition range - I believe a unit cannot attack further than its target acquisition range.

I might have a go at making these, they seem like really inspired ideas.

EDIT: Do you/DotA accept vJass/Zinc? I won't make them otherwise.
It's not so much inefficient as hard to handle, but I guess it still wouldn't be such a great solution. The target acquisition range trick should work though.

By the way: I want to make the spells, but I really can't be bothered doing all the object editor work + the actual test map. If someone else wants to do that stuff, however, I'd be more than happy to do the coding.
Level 2
Sep 26, 2009
i dont understand this part: the units is blinded, see things black and cant even make its way. why the hell do u want to lower his MS? if u accidentally cast it on a unit with no1 else around, wont u get binded as well?

No. This means that only the binded units are affected. Rakkel isn't. It just makes it more difficult for the 2 units to find Rakkel with a MS debuff.

mental diversion

moonwalk? lol. this will get screwed, what happens if ur like 50 aoe away from the target and u cast this? will it rapidly change it positions to attack u? (the attack animation faces front, not back)
Tricky, yet then it won't matter anymore [the skill]. You will attack as you always do.

I'm in no rush for a test-map, but considering the fact that my hero is extremely outdated, yes, I think its time for an update, but its not in any urgency.

@Element of Water
I'll upload a template that already exists my hero. So the doodads and set-up has been done. Only the skills themselves are left.

EDIT: Here's the attachment: View attachment Rakkel_Template.w3x

Thank you if ever anyone of you guys help me out. :) I'd really appreciate it.
Level 2
Feb 20, 2010
I found a way to make the range issue work. Make a custom version of long rifles and set the attack range base/increment to a negative number. Combine that with set max research level and set current research level functions and you have your shifting range.
Level 2
Sep 26, 2009
I found a way to make the range issue work. Make a custom version of long rifles and set the attack range base/increment to a negative number. Combine that with set max research level and set current research level functions and you have your shifting range.
Wow. That's cool, then that probably resolves that issue then?

Level 13
May 11, 2008
i think shadow bind's strength is a bit over the top...the duration is way too long. it should probably be your ultimate as it is, i guess. but yeah...i have no idea where to start programming a hero like that. that's a lot of imagination you came up with to make that hero design. nice work.

edit: http://www.playdota.com/forums/63396-page4/big-list-uncodable-things/
look at the first item in the original post.
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