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[General] Terraining Questions

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Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Hi all. Gonna have a few questions again.

1. I have a big object. It is like 2 times the size of the screen.
However, when you go to that point (in-game as well as in the editor) the object is not shown unless the center is inside the screen.
Does anyone know how to fix that?

2. I have a chasm/ravine/clough and ofcourse, when you move to there, the camera will have massive problems with distance.
How can I solve that the best?

3. What is the best world editor program/tool for terraining?
I heard WEU can have 95% edges for height difference, but are there more tools etc to exceed the limits of terraining?
I also heard that WEU is outdated so is it still safe to use it for my maps?

Those are the questions for now...
I might have more soon.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
1. Try to recalculate the model's extents with Magos.

2. Set the camera parameters via triggers? The functions GetCameraSourcePositionZ()/GetCameraTargetPositionZ() may help.

3. For steep cliffs you only need to have a modified UI\MiscData.txt in your wc3 directory. WEU and stuff is pretty outdated.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
1. Try to recalculate the model's extents with Magos.
Sorry I am no modeller so I don't know what that is or how to edit that.

2. Set the camera parameters via triggers? The functions GetCameraSourcePositionZ()/GetCameraTargetPositionZ() may help.
... I actually hoped that there was some epic thing that I never heard of... something like invisible platform for camera :D
But triggering is ok too.

3. For steep cliffs you only need to have a modified UI\MiscData.txt in your wc3 directory. WEU and stuff is pretty outdated.
Hmm that is interesting.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
1. Magos, open the model with that program, >Edit >Calculate Extents, save the model and import it into your map. The extents are an indicator for wc3 which dimensions the model possesses in order to decide if it still needs to be rendered even if the origin is outside of the screen.

2. I do not know what it depends on. Maybe walkable destructables do alter the camera height since they also count to terrain height for GetLocationZ()/graphical purposes. Ofc this would also affect units that run through the chasm or maybe ubersplats and the like.
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