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[Snippet] SkillBuild

library SkillBuild /* v1.3
*    AI System Member
*    Allows AIs to automatically learn abilites
*    */ uses /*
*    */ RegisterPlayerUnitEvent /*
*     - hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-registerplayerunitevent-203338/
*    API
*    static method add takes integer heroId, integer spell, integer level returns nothing
*        - adds a spell to the hero's to-learn list.
*        - spells will be learned at "level"
*    Credits
*        Magtheridon96 - RegisterPlayerUnitEvent
    private module SBInit
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            call init()
    struct SkillBuild extends array
        private static hashtable ht
        private static unit u
        static method add takes integer heroId, integer spell, integer level returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(ht, heroId, level, spell)

        private static method learn takes nothing returns boolean
		    local integer spell
            set u = GetTriggerUnit()
            if GetPlayerController(GetTriggerPlayer()) == MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER and IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO)  then
			    set spell = LoadInteger(ht, GetUnitTypeId(u), GetUnitLevel(u)) 
			    if 0 != spell then
                    call SelectHeroSkill(u, spell)
            return false
        private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
            set ht = InitHashtable()
            call RegisterPlayerUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL, function SkillBuild.learn)
        implement SBInit

struct Test
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer heroId = 'Hmkg'
        call SkillBuild.add(heroId, 'AHtc', 1)
        call SkillBuild.add(heroId, 'AHtc', 4)
        call SkillBuild.add(heroId, 'AHtc', 7)
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Since the creation of an instance here is meaningless, how about simply:

call SkillBuild['Hmkg'].add('AHtc', 1)

(You'd just provide a static method operator [] that returns the argument)

Oh, and you might want to check if there's anything stored in the hashtable before you actually make a hero learn an ability :p

Also, you might want to update the library to have the same name as the struct, it's a convention :v
Level 17
Jul 17, 2011
so this will add an ability to the hero when he she levels up? well thats nice i guess but you should make this work for player heroes too also if say a hero is "loaded" into the game via a save load system then you should add a function that re adds the hero's abilities so i duno make a loop that sets the hero's lvl +1 i could use something like this :p also i think other people can too since one problem with loading heroes with new save load systems is that usually they wont have standard abilities preplaced on them in the object editor and save load systems dont have a function like that
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
dont use your own hashtable, use Bribe's Table, that's what it is made for, to only have 1 hashtable for entire map in vJass

you could make it work for each unit independantly not for unit type, that is only suggestion tho