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Sect of the Holy Mother 4

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Reactions: deepstrasz
The fourth part of the Sect of the Holy Mother series. I hope you guys like it. The setting is mostly in a cave so mind the terrain(I promise it will be a lot better in part V, seeing as how it will be outside. Well that's all from me, now watch the fourth part - Allies and Enemies.

Have fun :)

Sect of the Holy Mother 4 (Map)

00:47, 12th May 2008 MasterHaosis: Hey Nikola man I am impressed once after long time. You cinematic isn't cinematic. It is movie man, you should tell me how it is long and I would eat smoki and chips until watch this. Well I like your terrrain, your...




00:47, 12th May 2008
MasterHaosis: Hey Nikola man I am impressed once after long time. You cinematic isn't cinematic. It is movie man, you should tell me how it is long and I would eat smoki and chips until watch this. Well I like your terrrain, your storyline, there are alot of action. You put alot of effort there. Man rating is highly recomender (I will see if I can get Director's cut to give you), rep for this also.
Level 24
Jan 19, 2008
I really like the story on this series even tough it was kinda.. rough in the first part, but you have improveded rapidly! I liked the fighting even tough you could have spiced it up with more moves besides auto attack and blinking around (Talking about the blademaster fight and not the one with jailor btw). Well the terrain were kinda plain at many places, but can't expect much from underground caves really, I suppose :)
But I highly recomend this series :p
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Thank you. Comments like these really make me happy :) and keep me more motivated on the sequal :)

I do realize that the fight was a bit monotone later on, and I will look not to repeat the same mistake later on in the sequals.

Anyway thanks for the feedback!
Level 6
Feb 4, 2008
nice cinematic, is that song from prince of persia?? i have that game so i recognise song =), really nice movie, its long, almost half an hour, no even more(now when i looked at the clock), awesome, story is great, not much reading and good fights, blademaster is kinda only teleporting around and quick slashing
Level 1
May 10, 2008
IT WAS AWSOME!!! This is a very, very good cinemaitc map so as the other parts. I especialy liked the horroristic parts of the video. ;..; XD I'm realy looking foward to watch the other parts (5,6, etc.) if they'll finished!
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
At the moment I'm working on part V, but sadly it's going a bit slow because I have a lot of tests the next 3-4 weeks and I can only work on the map at weekends and sometimes on workdays. Anyway I'm glad you liked it, it's comments like these that keep me motivated to continue with the story :)
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
It was really nice cinematic. Maybe a little too long but it' s fine.
It looks like you got more serious because your first part was made with some jokes (I mean funny blacksmith and his giant frog). Only thing that I was really wanted to see is what powers have Dark lord and Doom Guard. I bet we will see it in next part.
I just don' t understand some small thing. How did he granted wish of test subject to die if he was turned immortal? He should be helping him to fight just like everyone else and than dark lord would remove immortality from him.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Ah, but here is the thing(perhaps I didn't make it clear enough) the test subject is immortal in the way that he can't die from old age, and being bound by the magical gate, and being to weak, he cannot commit suicide. The reason he asks for Nikola to kill him is because he realizes that Nikola is right, he will forever live in the heart of his family. Think about it, would you want to return to your family, being a deformed creature, not even human-like?
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
After this explain everything is clear to me. But I would prefer him to die from hand of the bad guys so that he could say something noble before death and than Nikola would say "Rest in peace, Hero..."
But it doesn' t matter anyway. It was just a small part of the story.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I have viewed parts 2 and 3 but I got curious about the story and I viewed 3 parts right away, and I already forgot where parts 2 and 3 started exactly. =P

So here's the review for the "Sect of the Holy Mother 4", using the sketch cinematic review sheet:
Rui's Review
[+]Hive Workshop Requirements: The map contains a valid name, an author name, a description, but lacks a Category. This is clearly a Medieval / Warcraft category map.
[+]Bugs & Otherwise Good: I found no significant bugs. The only thing I found, however, is that when the Warden casts Forked Lightning, it hits the Blademaster as well.
[+]Music/Sound: The music used was fitting for the scenes you used them on.
[+]Special Effects: The spell effects you used for the fight between the two Wardens were a good choice and certainly well used.
[+]Imported Material: I'll be honest, I don't like noisy rocks and metals, but I cannot deny the music was decently fitting for the fight. There is no music in Warcraft III that could have replaced it, obviously. I also like the lady Necromancer's model, although the portrait could have been fixed.
[+]Story & Originality: I forgot to evaluate this one, sorry. Well, here's my comment:
The story was certainly better than that of part 1. I like any story as long as it's original, and your story pleased me. A lime plus.
[+/-]Camera: The camera was, again, nothing impressive, but the angles you chose fit well.
[+/-]Terrain: The tileset is not easy to work with, I understand. Still, I think you could have done a better than just Dirt.
[-]Screenplay: Again, the screenplay was rather boring and contained grammatical mistakes.
The worst part, however, is making a random chick quote words from a wizard. Always try to be as original as possible in your script.

A promising cinematic. Consider the Terrain part more Minus than Plus, though.
I'll save the other 4 parts for later this week.
My rating for this resource is 13/20, approximately 3 (Useful). Although the rating is similar to that of part 1, don't think I haven't noticed the improvement. I am sure I'll be rating the other parts higher.
~Thank you for using the Hive Workshop

EDIT: Oops^^ forgot to include Story, thank you for telling me. How did I jump that far?
Last edited:
Level 8
Apr 26, 2008

[+] Good story
[+] Great sounds
[+] Custom stuff (models, skins etc...)
[+] Nice actions
[+] Nice items
[+] Nice spells
[+] Humor
[+/-] No voice acting
[+/-] Terrain/Trees: No trees, terrain was perfect for the enviroment but looked like kinda boring...
[-] Camera: Camera went sometimes to places where it wasn't meant to be, at least I think so.

Overall 4,5/5 Comments: Change camera moving to the correct places, and if you can add voice acting.:spell_breaker:
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Simply beautiful.
The only thing I could ask for would be a little more detailed fights (But they were damn good already), some music (Once again, dead sound is sorta meh), and in certain scenes, like the one room by the lord of the house, all you see is black in the black ground, which would be alright I guess if it is a big hollow cave, but then I would of liked to see some fog out there, limiting my vision.
Also, I think the Luna girl came out or random.
And the terrain was more or less okay, but it was a cave, so much wasn't possible.
So my rating is:
4.4/5 but I will mark it as a 4 above (Sorry)

I REALLY like this one.
It was very long though. I'm glad I listened to the guys above and made popcorn, because I really needed it. But I enjoyed all of it. Really, I did.
In fact: http://blizzvault.com/quotes/index.php?do=view&id=456 actually refers to me after this movie.