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Requesting models/skins of horsemen...

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Level 3
Jun 12, 2009
... the four horsemen of apocalypse (and no, not these from WoW). Yeah, I find them quite epic and also they could be useful not only for me. I was thinking of skinning the DK model, but as I'm not really good at skinning (I'm actually pretty bad..) I'd like to request someone who's at least experienced (or just wants to do it).
However if there is anyone who wants to make four different models of them it will be even better imo.
So, I've searched and nothing was fitting that theme.. I will provide information and images if needed ^^
Level 3
Jun 12, 2009
Lol, well what you want with then? =p
You Know, you want then only for fun or for anything? ^^
Well they are supposed to be horsemen, which means they are supposed to ride horses.. or I'm wrong? xD
And I would need them for a project of mine, a hero (yeah, four instances, one hero), however I am absolutely sure that they are going to be useful to other people as well, since the story behind them gives unlimited possibilities even with just a bit of imagination..
I don't know them, show me pictures, and I consider making ...

(only if possible though)
Images can be easily found:
This is one of the oldest artworks containing their appearances (from left to right: the one riding a pale horse, he is named Death, usually has no weapon, but often he is depict carrying a scythe; the one riding a black horse, (s)he is named Famine, carrying weighing scales, sometimes illustrated as female; the one riding a red horse, he is named War, his weapon is a huge sword, resembling WoW's runeblades (deathknight's swords) with runes on them, but red, instead of blue; the one riding a white horse, he is called Plague, using a bow (or crossbow) as a weapon). (Source).
Also this shows War from the game Darksiders on his red horse. This one is a fanart of the same game (credits are going to Joe Mad and Wes Talbott) and this is just a fanart, which I actually love (<3 Giye).
So, that's a bit info and images of them, excuse me for the delay of answering here, 'been busy few days.
If you are still willing to do this I'll be happy, if not - thank you for the time anyway.
Still lookin' forward^^
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
I really like the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.. and I'm owning the Game Darksiders, which is really cool and impressive to play!

I just thought about creating War with his Sword and Horse for Wc3 and own usage.. hopefully he'll be imba XD .. I think the Sword is a small problem and I'll do it in the next days/hours and upload it here.. maybe.. And of cause some of the other Weapons of the Horsemen.
But War itself could take some time, because I want to finish another Model first.. oh and I'm going to create HD Models only, if that's ok.. Don't like those box-models much from Wc3 ^^

-Oh and I can't promise anything -
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