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request 4 a mummy model

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ok so like the title, i need a mummy model 4 my map. Would REALLY REALLY prefer the "diablo 2" version of a mummy (i don't really kno how 2 upload a pic for it here... or where 2 find an d2 mummy avatar, so i guess u ppl can look it up on the web..... it has a dog skull with LOTS of black gross hair, 1 skeleton hand, 1 "zergling" hand and a rotting body) or just a regular mummy (2 arm raised high and looks kindda mindless)

thx 2 whoever is interested
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
If you replace letters with numbers (as well as words with numbers) you will NEVER get your request done. Follow the request guidelines, they'll help you out alot. You aren't explaining where your model is going to go, therefore your chances of getting it are slim.

Of course, there is a zombie model already out there. Look around the threads before you start posting requests. This way, we the people and you yourself will be happy. Happy hunting!
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