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Raise Dead turning the corpse in the undead version of the unit

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Level 4
Dec 13, 2007
Is it possible to raise diferent corpses into different undead?
For example if I had an undead stag model then I killed a stag ingame then cast raise dead (or whatever it's called) on its corpse how would I make it so that I would raise an undead stag? And also still be able to raise an undead footman from a footman corpse with the same spell?
And all this without 3rd party programs (just TFT WE)?

Level 7
Mar 12, 2006
first of all you need to create undead versions of each unit you want to be raised ^^
Then you have to trigger your raise ability
you make the raise ability basically do nothing
or you make it summon a dummy
then you shoot a trigger that should look like this
  • custom raise dead
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit starts casting an Ability
  • Conditions
    • Unittype of casting unit = 'your unit'
    • Ability being cast = raise dead
  • Actions
    • If unittype of (Target unit of ability being cast = Footman) then do (Unit - Create 1 undead Footman at position of (Target unit of ablity being cast)
    • If unittype of (.... = Sniper) then do ... and so on
This would be the way id do it
You can shorten everything a bit if u do a table of raisable units and have 2 unittype arrays of units to define which units should be raised and so on

If you need more help feel free to ask ;)
Level 4
Dec 13, 2007
SWEEEEEEEET okay thanks :D I just hope I don't have to do any variable stuff (No clue how :p)


Edit: It will still recognise the unit as a footman (or whatever) when it's just a stiff right?

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