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Propulsion v1.0 [GUI]

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Propulsion v1.0 [GUI]
by S.W.I.N.E

- Wave type spell without leaks.
- SUPER EASY to implement.

- This spell can be implemented into just about any map.
- This spell is completely leak-free.
- This spell is completely lag-free.
- This spell is GUI-based and easily editable.
- This spell is multi-unit and multi-player functional.

1) Create three variables, in your map's Trigger Editor (no arrays required).
2) Copy the triggers to your map's Trigger Editor.

--> This spell is now 100% leak-free!

Wave, Horde, Legion, Ghost, Spirit, Walk, Impulse.

Propulsion v1,0 (Map)

19:30, 29th Dec 2009 TriggerHappy: This isn't even MUI, or MPI for that matter. Please make it one of those, preferably the first. You also don't need custom scripts to set a unit to null. Don't update until you do either.




19:30, 29th Dec 2009

This isn't even MUI, or MPI for that matter. Please make it one of those, preferably the first. You also don't need custom scripts to set a unit to null.
Don't update until you do either.
Face it Swine! Your spell is just not good enough.

Nether MPI nor MUI. Also you leak with some of the GUI functions.

I'd like to see it MUI and preferable a setup trigger to increase the AoE of the spell.
Other than that, if you work more on your spell you could fadeout the spirits upon moving to have it a neat effect.
Level 9
Apr 25, 2009
♠ HaniBon Review ♠
ID: 00.00.01 "Propulsion v1.0 [GUI]"
Type: Spell
Language: GUI

"I am not a moderator or administrator. I only made this review to give you some tips or how to improve your uploaded resource."
• Spell Idea: 6/10 :con:
• Spell Functions: 7/10 :cool:
• Spell Effects: 6/10 :con:
• Spell Leakfree: 7/10 :cool:
• Spell MUI: 0/10 :cry:
If you feel that you want more details on your resource, send a PM to me!

Hi there!
Ok let's start with the good news: You have made a simple yet useful spell. The effects works and there are no big leaks. The one and only leak I could find was a point that is not removed.
  • P
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Propulsion
    • Actions
      • Set P_caster = (Casting unit)
      • Set P_taget_point = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Set You_Should_Remove_The_Point = You must remove the point you have set!
To remove this point, use this simple custom script:
call RemoveLocation(udg_P_taget_point)
Oh, and you typed wrong, its "taRget" not "taget" :cool:

Other than that:

It is not MUI, sorry...

Can this be approved?

- No I am sorry, make the spell MUI and remove the leak to get it approved!

How can I solve this problem?
- Well I have posted how you can remove the Leak. To make it MUI, you will have to use Index (integers) and array some variables. If you need further help with this, contact me.

♣♣♣♣ (4.5/10)