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Its Model Time!

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Level 8
Dec 18, 2008
I need as far as many models for my Lord of the Rings map.
I am going to make it as best as i can because i didint saw any good map uploaded refering to Lord of the Rings :/.

Please! Help me with models!

Models are needed are:

-Gandalf the White :thumbs_up:
-Uruk Hai ( Found one but it was huge and without weapons):thumbs_down:
-The Hobbits
-The Grond (Batering Ram used in Minas Tirith):thumbs_down:

Thats all for now, thanks!
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Level 7
Mar 26, 2009
Urukhai skin (dunno what you'd do with the pickaxe):

For hobbits, I suggest a villager with a cloak attachment or something similar.

Good luck!

Hobbit pack from Russian site xgm - by KO3bMA:
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Level 8
Dec 18, 2008
Thanks you guys! +rep!

I found some models...


The problem with this model is that it is huuuuge and without sword.
I told that there:

Its Model Time!


I need as far as many models for my Lord of the Rings map.
I am going to make it as best as i can because i didint saw any good map uploaded refering to Lord of the Rings :/.

Please! Help me with models!

Models are needed are:

-Gandalf the White
-Uruk Hai ( Found one but it was huge and without weapons)
-The Hobbits
-The Grom (Batering Ram used in minas Tirith)

Thats all for now, thanks!
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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
actually its Grond, not Grom.
Just looked through models linked here - Archmage on foot looks 99.99% like saruman =)
Level 8
Dec 18, 2008
actually its Grond, not Grom.

Well ok, i ve done a mistake :p

Just looked through models linked here - Archmage on foot looks 99.99% like saruman =)

Yes but i ll use him as Gandalf the white so uhmm...still needed.

Want me to zip it?

Well, yes if you could =)

Also, I thought I knew my LotR, but who/what is Croy?

I didint knew this word too. I founded in lexicon when i was searching for this.
I think, it can also be called like, ladder? You know, the thing that Uruk Hai climped to get on the walls.

And plz someone. Make this Uruk'ai model that is uploaded on hive, tiny and if you could, find me its weapons like, Uruk Sword, Uruk Shield, Uruk Spear and Uruk crossbow.

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