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How to create a unit precisely on targeted unit

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Level 2
Sep 17, 2012
Hello there,

I'm working on getting better at triggers and editing in general, so I'm basically fooling around with the map editor at this point. Although, a small problem has come to me;
My dummy units both have no collision and infestation, yet whenever I use one to cast a spell with a projectile, or use one to make some sort of effect, if I explicitly say in the trigger "create (dummy unit) at (position of (triggering unit))" the dummy unit always seems to be placed slightly to its side, making for strange effects.
For example, I have a character who uses a spell which creates an image of him at his given position, so that he may use another spell to return to it later at any given time. When I cast the spell, I use a dummy unit with no collision, and infestation, but with a model, as to create his transparent 'image' so that he knows where his last image is. Although, when he casts it, the image always is placed right next to him, and not directly upon him. I've tried playing with "turn collision on/off" but to no avail.
I'd really like to make a spell which allows me to use dummy units to shoot a projectile without looking like it's coming from the caster's side. A more graphic example of what I speak of is in Dota (original, or second), with Phantom Lancer's doppelwalk ability, creating an illusion of him right where he stands and turning him instantly invisible.

Any help?

Thanks in advance.
Level 6
Apr 23, 2011
Make the dummy unit a flying unit. It works for me.
0 colision without group separation should also work.
Level 20
Aug 13, 2013
There is a Doppelwalk ability in this site. Find it in search then learn it from them. Actually this is my suggestion. Like in doppelwalk add a item to the caster like wand of illusion then use orcast it in the dummy, that will create a illusion to him.
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