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help wanted

Who is interested in beta testing my map online!

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Level 2
Jan 29, 2005
im making a new RPG for Warcraft 3, and i would like someone out there to create a save and load code for me, i will fully add that they contributed, and add they're name on my site, P.M. me if ur interested, and add how good u are with either JASS or triggers, wutever is better, i have no clue, lol. I will choose the one with the best qualifications, and i will email you the map, u can add the appropriate things, or u can send me a map of the spell, with a tutorial on how to copy/paste it into mine

i want the save and load code to be able to support over 100 items, about 40 characters, and up to 1000 hero levels, with about 160-200 ability levels. if anyone can find out how to do this, P.M. me, ill get right back to you, as soon as possible
Level 2
Jan 29, 2005
ok, well first, this is kind of realted to the site, seeing as how i cant download any of the zip files, my computer wont let me unzip them. second, how is this an off-topic discussion? the site discussions are about the site, including submitting maps, icons, etc. and how to improve the site itself. Off topic are to post anything unrelated to warcraft itself here. this is about warcraft, so i post here. im sorry if im not supposed to, but seeing as how this is my first post,im sorry that i posted in the wrong area, ok? thank you. in my own defense, i have tried a very good save and load code, but its very confusing, and involves bit treansfers and JASS, and i dont noe anything about those 2, thats y im seeking help. post a reply soon...
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Even just the simple winzip trail version available for free at winzip's website will work better then nearly all 3rd party zipping programs, except winrar. Try that for starters. But when ElfWarfare said that this was in the wrong forum. Your post is regarding mapping. There is a mapping forum where people can assemble teams and the such for making maps. It would be better to post there. This forum is for site specific issues, such as your unzipping problem.
Level 2
Jan 29, 2005
thx VG, ill try getting winRAR, and ill be more careful where i post in the future, and for the record, i didnt noe, and this is my first post. other than that, i got one of the save/load codes, but it wont work correctly, im using "elil's save and load code" its pretty complicated, and i dont really know wut im doing, so, ill get winRAR, and ill try Darky28's, since that doesnt need any kind of customizing, or so it says i think... i am thinking of the right one, right? i want a user-friendly one. once again, to sum it all up, thank you for the help, i wont be so careless about where i post, and ill go get winRAR.
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
You can't find any easy save/load trigger, because if you want to save Hero, Items, Levels, Ability + Level, it will be a very advanced- and long trigger.

Darky's save/load System is easy to use, but i had heard its full of bug.

You can also try WEU (World Editor Unlimited). You can download it in the tool section, its have also an easy save/load system, and you can select what you want to save.

Try to search under "Save/load" under map and spell sections, and you will find some save/load map. :D
Level 2
Jan 29, 2005

I have a save / load code, thanks Emergenzy! in other news, I just want to see how many people are interested in beta testing or getting a preview of my new map? I will warn you though, it's only like 5% done, so there a lot of bugs and untouched stuff... :roll: w/e... If anyone is interested, please leave a comment, P.M. me, or email me. If you don't know my email, leave me a comment or P.M., lol... I am usually on this site daily from like 2:30p.m. - 6:00p.m. (GMT - 6 Hours). I will be back tomorrow or so, update, wutever, and I hope to see some feedback, since i cannot host online, I cannot get my map out that way, so i have to submit it here, but I dont want it removed or flamed at, dam noobs... Also, when this is finished, I will open the table for online hosting to get the word out and stuff. In other news, I hope you guys give feedback, hope you like my new map, and i will love to see you all playing it when its done, Undead_Zeratul, out.
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