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Good risk map to learn from?

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Level 1
Jun 9, 2009
I started making a small risk map just for fun a long time ago, and then gave up on it because the triggers wouldn't cooperate with me. Admittedly, the triggers were taken from an (unprotected) old risk map, plus I wasn't terribly trigger savvy back then (not that I really am now). So my question is, is there any good risk maps I can learn from and/or modify the triggers to work with my own (with credits given of course if I ever decided to release my map)?
Level 3
Feb 1, 2011
Search through Epicwar's map archive and the Hive's. I would recommend the world of warcraft risk, because it seems simple and its very fun. remember though, good risk maps have terrain that fits with the gameplay. So trying to copy triggers directly is something i advise against.
Level 1
Jun 9, 2009
Search through Epicwar's map archive and the Hive's. I would recommend the world of warcraft risk, because it seems simple and its very fun. remember though, good risk maps have terrain that fits with the gameplay. So trying to copy triggers directly is something i advise against.

Yeah, I wasn't planning on completely copying the triggers, just some of the ones that I was stuck on and then modifying them to fit with my map.

Do you know if WoW Risk is unprotected or not? I don't have the patience or energy to learn how to deprotect maps, nor would I do that unless I got permission anyway, which is probably unlikely since idk if Priwin is still active.
Level 15
Jul 9, 2008
well i cant help you with giving a suggestion for a map of a risk map simply because i dont play them.

but your trigger problem there is with any copy and pasting triggers u may need to edit them to work read some tutorials and learn to trigger before u think about copying and pasting
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