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Geno's Shao'Lin: Tribes Of War

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Level 3
Sep 5, 2004
waaaz up!! ive made a map and i wanna show you the link on the information of the map. it explains in great detail about what the map is like. it will soon be available for download very soon for right now it is BETA!!! yaaaaaaaaay!! anywayz. its out for da kill and the desperate hunt to out beat DOTA in a different map style based on Hero Arena / Survival. You either get strong in 60 mins or die from the creep that ramdomly spawns all over da map. Sounds lame? Well you dont know till you try it out. You can criticise all you want on my map but if its noobish bull, ill just ignore it for most ppl dont know what da heck they are talking about and never test maps. Most of the time i test a map before i say anything about it. its more professional and you can back up your opinions more if you test the map out.


this map like it says in the above link is a hero arena / survival and theres 3 towns. the map doesnt provide a picture of the map when you download it for the following reasons.

A: It speeds up dlling i beleieve

B: Noobs come in and say "o dis is gay looks awful. Ppl actually play dat crap? Man your map sux host!! host are you gay, becouse your map pic makes you look gay man. Dude what is with the hills? OMG YOU HAVE GRASS?!! we dont need noe grass!! dude why in da heck do you have flowers in your map!! dude, the pot holes are gay man!! we may fall and hurt our selves trying to kick ur butt. OMG WHY DO YOU HAVE A SHOPS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MAP? look hes got bird in his map lmao ahahahaha!!! Omg look at this low class 0.5% piece of crap!!" well now ive fixed all of those little comments with no download pic... so youll have to download it like a true pro and play the map or walk away blind as bad as the worsest noob on bnet.

if you cant play dis map... you stink... real bad. lol. for its super easy i just about never die to creep lol becouse im smart enough to look around and get items, and when you get use to the map you will too. the items are organized in 3 towns!! how easier can it get. the towns are N, S-E and S-W. How hard is dat?!!

give me a hollar for any questions you may have thx.
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