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Game of Thrones Map

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Level 7
Nov 10, 2010
Imho GOT is the greatest thing on earth, and so is Warcraft 3, so where is all the GOT maps?

I have thus far done all the programming for the White Walkers and they can even take down a dragon and convert it to their own.

What I need is a Terrainer, or a Model maker who is as obsessed with Warcraft 3 and GOT as me and wants to make the ultimate map.

Does this map already exist, if so please reply with a link or how to find it, but either way I think I can do better.

Right now I'm making a GOT ending with zombies and dragons to my Elizabeth I vs Mary of Scots map, but I rather have a full blown GOT map.

I was thinking of making it a single / 2 player co-op so I could focus on the drama aspect (Zelda/Elder Scrolls style).

Reply if interested....
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
so where is all the GOT maps?
Not here, because this forum section is for non-Warcraft III game development. Making a separate game based on the franchise is as good as impossible due to copyright, the copyright holders will only permit game developers they licence to develop games based on the franchise, and one can imagine such licencing is extremely difficult to acquire or not cheap.

There are several such maps for Warcraft III, and many in the works. Check out the map development forum and well as map resource section.

The main problem with GoT maps is that the franchise itself makes no logical sense. The only reason it works on screen is due to all the heavily scripted plot armour and other narrative techniques that can be used to break all logic. For example the only reason the White Walkers could even convert a dragon, which also happened to be the only weakness of the wall, was due to them requiring a mechanic to break down the wall, without which the writers can not create a climatic last season. For this reason all GoT related maps turn out nothing more than branded strategy maps with themed mechanics.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Yes yes I have put much thought in to that myself but don't video games work the same way: step 1 find out how to kill the enemy, step 2 get the dragon glass, step 3 kill the enemy with newly found resource.
Since video games are in the hands of the player, generally such plot mechanics are avoided or expanded. Otherwise the game becomes pretty much on rails.

A good example of a good video game is Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, where Link gets dropped into the story with only some rough guide as to what he must do and it is left up to the player as to the order they are done, or even done at all. The player could beat the game without getting all memories back, without acquiring the master sword, without saving any of the divine beasts or even without doing anything else other than heading straight for the final boss. Or they could do all the stuff, done in any order they so wish in any means that work and get the best ending.

Serial TV narrative does not convert well to video games. If the White Walkers could not raise a dragon because the dragon controlling player is sensible enough not to give them one, unlike the actual series, then everything happens in the final season will not possibly occur. It gets worse when someone who was meant to die or not die in the first season ends up in the wrong state as then the entire lore breaks down entirely. The end result is GoT maps end up nothing more than massive themed strategy games, similar to Azeroth Wars which also suffers from similar lore breakdown problems.

One could in theory make a GoT style campaign which sticks close to the series, how Warcraft story telling was done, but the problem is even that will not work very well as the story was not designed for player interaction so it would end up a mess of the player constantly changing sides or focusing on only very small parts such as single battles.
My biggest inspiration for this map is season 6 and 7, the roman style battle and then knights of the vail flank, the ships attacking dorn, an army of undead, just all of the mass chaos...sounds like a warcraft 3 map to me. Just got to focus on the wars.
However one could do this without any Game of Thrones references at all. Look at games (not maps) like War Hammer Total War 1/2 which have epic thousand unit battles in a completely ludicrous lore environment.
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