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Flying unit doesn't tilt while flying...

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Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I am making a Star Wars game that includes some models I've downloaded here. I've overwritten some units to make them into flying ships. One of those units tilts when it turns left or right; but another unit is flat the whole time. I've changed the "Art - Maximum Pitch" to 33 which is what the unit that tilts has. I did the same for "Art - Maximum Roll". I made it a flying unit, gave it height so it does fly up in the air... I can't see any difference between the units.

Could it be that some models just don't tilt? Or is it because I based this off a land unit?

EDIT: I've used the model on a flying unit and it did work. Is there some stat I'm missing or should I just base flying units off flying units to avoid this?
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Level 8
Jun 26, 2010
As ground units don't tilt i would guess you should only base your units in flying ones. I can't see a reason for base them on a land unit.
Level 5
Mar 22, 2009
There are four Object data fields that you should try.

Art - Maximum Pitch angle // When going up or down a hill
Art - Maximum Roll angle // When turning
Art - Elevation Sample Radius // these two are used to determine
Art - Elevation Sample Points // flying unit's height when near cliffs.
Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
There are four Object data fields that you should try.

Art - Maximum Pitch angle // When going up or down a hill
Art - Maximum Roll angle // When turning
Art - Elevation Sample Radius // these two are used to determine
Art - Elevation Sample Points // flying unit's height when near cliffs.

Excellent, thank you. Enjoy some rep. For a new guy here you know many things!
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