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Few models needed

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Level 11
Jul 27, 2008
Hi guys i have request. Since i have no expiriance in makeing wc3 models i must ask someone to help me. Ok heres what i need :
1. I need unarmed unarmored unit that attacks with one hand and have shoot, block (like footman defend) animation for other hand I think you can make this model from footman (I have no rep but as soon as i get mine 10 rep i will rep you for makeing this model) I beg someone to make this model i need it badly thx in advance.
2. I need empty bottle like this one Link
3. and 4. i need more oldish gun atachments like chriz mad Link but i need a gun with bigger pipe and 2 barrel gun, and i also need models for those atachmens as items (droped)

3 and 4 isnt urgent, 2 isnt urgent eather but its more needed than 3 and 4 but 1 is urgent i beg someone to make that model plz :cry:
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