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Dwarven Cannon

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
  • Siege unit for the Dwarven Race

  • This is supposed to be an alternative for the siege engine.
  • Its my Second attempt in making simple custom animations so notify me if there are issues or if you want to share some key points to improve the model. Thanks in advance
    (for this model I made the moving wheels and gun barrel movements but the body and other special effects are borrowed from the siege engine model)
  • Please give proper credits when using any model/s or icon/s from this pack.
  • Do not edit without permission
  • Do not upload any part of this pack to other sites

These models takes time and effort to make. And due to current state of the global economy we found ourselves in different hard circumstances. Anyhow your comments and suggestions are very much appreciated. Please consider supporting me via the links below :

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/bakr_kev
PayPal: PayPal.Me/bakrKev12

:peasant-thumbs-up: :peasant-thumbs-up: :peasant-thumbs-up:

Dwarven Cannon (Model)

Dwarven Cannon (Icon)

General Frank
A lovely idea, but there are a few mayor issues the model has. Please fix the following: The 'Stand 2' is not very needed as there is no visual difference between the 'Stand' animation. You might want to remove it or change it to something that make...
Level 11
Jul 20, 2022
Another great work sir bakr 👌. I think it looks similar from the Warhammer lore dwarven cannoneer, or maybe not? 🤔.
Its my Second attempt in making simple custom animations so notify me if there are issues or if you want to share some key points to improve the model
Nice custom work, although a little too detailed for an SD nerd like me, but I can share some points 🙂

  • The model would look more livelier and interactive if you add some rocking and swaying to the gun barrel in the 'Walk' sequence, - right now it looks more like a solid construction. (By the way, bouncing and riding of the cannon's platform looks cool.)
  • 'Stand-1' and 'Stand-2' are the same.
  • The wheels move quite implausibly in the 'Attack' sequence: they do not move as intended during the return on the shot. They should move after the physical impulse instead of just sliding back and scrolling in the same place. The barrel also doesn't follow the impulse correctly and moves sharply.
  • In the 'Attack' sequence I'd leave only one particle emitter because they visually mess up with the one that works in 'Stand Ready'.
  • There's no proper transition between the 'Stand Ready' and 'Attack' sequences: the hatch on the back of the barrel opens up and slams between the shots.

Also if you look at the centring of the shot you can notice that the particle emitters are off-center. You might want to move the stuff.

Hope this helps 🙃
Last edited:
Level 11
Jul 20, 2022
no worries, i managed to make it work, guess it was a problem of my side
How did you manage it sir, I re-download it like sir bakr said but it still won't appear in the editor and can't be rotate which is also weird 🤔.
A lovely idea, but there are a few mayor issues the model has.
Please fix the following:
  • The 'Stand 2' is not very needed as there is no visual difference between the 'Stand' animation. You might want to remove it or change it to something that make the animation different enough.
  • The model needs to fully disappear at the end of the death animation. Right now it just shrinks into a tiny bit. This is a flaw with the Steam Tank / Siege Engine model you used as a base. Use geoset animations to make it work.
  • 4700+ polygons? That is very excessive. Please make the model only have about 1000 or even less polygons.