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Carriage- What do u think of these???

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Level 11
Mar 8, 2006
These is a carriage, some parts like the wheels are not textured yet.
It can transport villagers with visual reprezentation in the back, the villagers in the back will not take more space because u will add them with an easy trigger( i made animstions to fit them in the back).
The model right now: charriage, villager and horse is 140 kb in total so i not much but the anims that i will make will increase the file size in a big pervert way.

I will make also an alternte Knight Villager animations sinse the horse is already there.
the model in the future will have other things in it like charriot or that primitive taxi.

How about i add a birth anim where the villager builds the chariage from scrath outside of a building on the ground?

So the model will have only 1 villager and horse, the viallgers in the pic is some demo in there but i can see that the joints of the villagers are fucked up how do i solve that problem.?


  • Carriage 01.jpg
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Level 11
Mar 8, 2006
Here i think is beter like these:

Man i got an old problem even if it is simple mesh:

You see man the blizzard bones to me are simple boxes that have linked to them some meshes(body parts of the model), in the 3ds the body parts are apearing with gaps between them but in Magos Me and War3 not, they apear good no gaps between the hand and the arm if u know what i mean.
For any model that i made new it has gaps in animation, i think blizzard art tools and war3 doesnt uses skin modifier just simple link.

Here is a pic of problem in animation looks like this and it should have no gaps:

I should look like these in Magos Me even if in 3ds have gaps it should all fill:

How do i solve these?


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    carriage 02.jpg
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There is a way in MDLVis, to solve this. Basically, the problem with bones comes from when you assign faces to the bones in max, and not vertices.

This can be fixed via MDLVis, where you can re-rig the model, and, aside from assigning a certain bone to some vertex, you can add more than one. So basically, if you have one bone moving right and the other moving up, and add one vertex to move with both, you get a vector-based movement (they add up).

However, your certain problem is that faces are assigned to bones instead of vertices, and this can be fixed pretty easily in MDLVis, as I've said, by re-rigging faulty bones to vertices they need to be rigged to. What happens is that you have two vertices in the same position, but they belong to different bones. This results in the tearing disaster that you're experiencing.
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