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Are Hobbies bad for you?

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Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
What are some of your hobbies and what have you ever achieved with them?

they say the more hobbies you have the more successful you are, but is that really true or does your success merely allow you more hobbies?

which is the actual catalyst to your achievement, do you achieve because you are talented or are you talented because you succeed?

this is the grand question:
-Are hobbies a waste of time?
-Should you rather spend that time studying/working and watching tv?
-Do your friends and family really get any say in whether hobbies are good for you?
-and what is a hobby to you?
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Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
-Are hobbies a waste of time?
A better question would be are things you do in your freetime a waste of time? And the answer is no.

-Should you rather spend that time studying/working and watching tv?
Way too much work without rest and something to keep your mind away from it will lead to serious issues. Maybe that's what hobbies are for?

-Do your friends and family really get any say in whether hobbies are good for you?

-and what is a hobby to you?
Something you do in your freetime and something you enjoy. Also as Zombie said the question really makes no sense.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2004
I find this whole thing confusing. What do you live and work and achieve success for besides supporting hobbies? I mean yes there are responsibilities like being financial support for dependents, but working solely to fulfill responsibilities is typical for an ant or a bee in a hive, not for a human being.

Ultimately, the reason anyone tries to be "successful" is to support activities they want to do for its own sake. Like hobbies.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
I find this whole thing confusing. What do you live and work and achieve success for besides supporting hobbies? I mean yes there are responsibilities like being financial support for dependents, but working solely to fulfill responsibilities is typical for an ant or a bee in a hive, not for a human being.

Ultimately, the reason anyone tries to be "successful" is to support activities they want to do for its own sake. Like hobbies.
that is a very cool answer considering my father believes the only purpose for life is work, and I'm not exaggerating... this is what he said
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
Oh, I believe it. My parents were similar. My father was worried that he'd be incredibly bored after retiring, since he wouldn't have as much work to do. Fortunately I got him to pick up reading at least.
lol that's bad

I think our parents work so much that they forget the reason they started working in the first place. your point is valid and I wish I could rep you for it, but since the new hive I have been un-able to rep from my phone.

one last question for you. do you think hobbies make you a better smarter person?
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
what is your favourite hobby?

my favourite hobby is combative sword fighting, but I haven't done that for years

the fact that you could hit someone in the face with a bamboo rode, and they had to be cool about it... that was the best feeling in the would.

it was even better when we were still noobs, we had to say, 'thank you, it was a good fight'

Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
"-Are hobbies a waste of time?"
A lot of women say they hate their hubbys, so it's probably a bad thing if you're female.

"-Should you rather spend that time studying/working and watching tv?"

"-Do your friends and family really get any say in whether hobbies are good for you?"
What? Do you live in the basement?

"-and what is a hobby to you?"
Am male so dunno... Try asking Directive255, he's a hubby, a husbando™ to be precise.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
"What about hobbits?"
Crunchy crackers made from imported Chinese rice, harvested by underpaid laborers, that are salty and bitter.

"Get your family some nice and crunchy Hobbits™ right now!" ~TV Advertisement
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