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Horde Attack v 0.2

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Horde Attack v 0.2 (Map)

MasterHaosis: Hey man I have comment ! First map is not so special, i am not so impressed , second man you must write description. It exist here with reason to descript what about your map, how to play etc... [REJECTED]- Until you write description...




MasterHaosis: Hey man I have comment ! First map is not so special, i am not so impressed , second man you must write description. It exist here with reason to descript what about your map, how to play etc...
[REJECTED]- Until you write description and resend me PM to approve
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
I really like idea of the map. But there is some things that should be done:
-I don't know why but human side is stronger than undead
-Holy strike don't requires more mana on higher levels
-it would be nice if all unit's had portraits.
-change left key press event to skip cinematik (press esc) event for red
-you could improve your triggering skill with useing conditions
-when hero get all set items they should be combined into one
-get better icons(and preview). They look like made in paint and than converted to blp. Anyway, it doesn't look like there was pot much work on creating them. At least use some tools to improve them.