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Paragon's Alliance System 1.0

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Paragon's Alliance System 1.0
If you are looking for a system to ally and unally other players with typed commands this resource is for you. It requires no JassHelper, Jass knowledge or Lua knowledge. The whole system is in GUI.

With this simple system that consists of just two short triggers and three variables, a player can treat each one of the 24 players as allied with shared vision or as enemies without shared vision, just by typing "ally " or "unally ", with or without hyphen, followed by the player number, player color or name of the player they want to ally or unally. The system isn't case sensitive; this means you can type "ally" or "unally" in upper or lower case; the same applies for the names of the players or the colors of the players. You can also ally all the players by typing "ally all" or unally all the players by typing "unally all".

Examples of commands:
ally 17
Ally blue
-ally Arthas (Assuming there is a player named Arthas)
Ally Antonidas (Assuming there is a player named AnToNiDaS)
-ally Purple
ally all
Ally all
ALLY all
-Unally all
-unally 24
unally jaina (Assuming there is a player named Jaina)
unally JAINA (Assuming there is a player named Jaina)

The installation is very simple and easy, just copy the folder named "Alliance System 1.0" to your map. The folder only has 3 variables and 2 short triggers.

How do alliances work?
If player A gives a command to ally player B, player A will treat player B as an ally but player B will continue treating player A as an enemy. Both players have to type the ally command to have a full alliance.

Created by Paragon/hugope. Give credits if you use this system.

I want to thank Uncle for helping me to understand better the World Editor. I would not have been able to create such a simple system without his help.

Alliance System 1.0 (Map)

For Reforged itself, typing the player name might be the least used one since the former uses '#number' after the name. This looks between "approved" and "useful / simple". Approved
Aside from this mainly being written in GUI and having no external dependencies, what other feature/s does this system bring over similar systems such as [vJASS] Alliance System v1.0.0.1, and Advanced Alliance System [GUI], what reason should the user have to use this system over those systems already in place?

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Level 6
Jul 12, 2021
Aside from this mainly being written in GUI and having no external dependencies, what other feature/s does this system bring over similar systems such as [vJASS] Alliance System v1.0.0.1, and Advanced Alliance System [GUI], what reason should the user have to use this system over those systems already in place?

I thought mine was the first one!

Well, my system is different to this one: Advanced Alliance System [GUI]. That system uses dialog boxes and mine doesn't. Which system to use would depend on the user preferences.

My system is very similar to this one: [vJASS] Alliance System v1.0.0.1. Mine has an additional feature. In that system you can ally using the player's number or player's name. In my system you have those two options and, additionally, you can ally using the player's color. Another feature in my system is that you can use hyphen or not.
Another feature in my system is that it is not case sensitive. This means you don't have to write the name using exactly as it is (for example, you can type Antonidas instead of AnToNiDaS). I don't know if [vJASS] Alliance System v1.0.0.1 has this feature. I tried to test it but the system kept displaying "[Alliance System] Invalid Targer Player Name" with everything I typed. Not sure if I used it wrong or the system is broken because it is old.

Additionally, those 2 systems are old, which means they only work for 12 players. My system works for the 24 players.

Another positive thing about my system is that it only uses three variables and 2 short triggers. This means it's easier to visualize the system and, if desired, easier to edit.
Level 6
Jul 12, 2021
For Reforged itself, typing the player name might be the least used one since the former uses '#number' after the name.
This looks between "approved" and "useful / simple".

Thank you for your review. Not sure if you noticed, but you can create or destroy alliances with the #number of the player or its color.

You can type "ally " or "unally ", with or without hyphen, followed by the player number, player color or name of the player you want to ally or unally.