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This is one of the nine ringbarers, the nazgul !

Lord of the Rings, Nazgul, Ringwraith,

Nazgul (Model)

Nazgul (Model)

18:41, 24th Oct 2009 General Frank: Very good model and lovely texture.




18:41, 24th Oct 2009
General Frank:

Very good model and lovely texture.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Wow thought this was just gonna be the 1 on wc3 campaigns but a good surprised vary nice.
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
First of all: remove white.blp from your model and your submittion as it is not used.
The texture of the feet could need some more work. Most of the animations are good, but the walk animation really needs some improvements(basicly the legs).
Some particles or effects would also be nice to give it the final touch.
The decay animation is cool though. But is it a screenshot edit??
The hero glow is easely removed,
the white.blp, i don't know how it gets there, it is each time I export a model from MAX5, he adds a white.blp ??? so if you can tell me what the hell it is used for, I could make it so that I never have that problem again :cool:

what is actually wrong with the walk animation ?

the decay animation, the image is from the official lotr website, from a twilight king

btw thnx guys :cool:

damn, that looks badass, you should get paid for this, what program do you use to model/skin/animate?

Well, compared to guys that do this for a living I suck bigtime, that is reminded to me each time I go through the forums like GameArtisans.org, 3DTotal.com or Polycount.com etc.

I use 3DS Max 2009, 3DS Max 5 with Art Tools, PhotoShop CS2 , and that is about it...
and lots of reference pictures ( I used about 60 ref images for the nazgul )

Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
The hero glow is easely removed,
the white.blp, i don't know how it gets there, it is each time I export a model from MAX5, he adds a white.blp ??? so if you can tell me what the hell it is used for, I could make it so that I never have that problem again :cool:

what is actually wrong with the walk animation ?

the decay animation, the image is from the official lotr website, from a twilight king

btw thnx guys :cool:


uhm....I think they look a bit too cartoony/cute/soft , but which does not really fit to a nazgul I think :/
Now that... is sexy

Who is hiding under coat :p ?
Freaking cool, I will look at animations.
About to reduce model size... Compress texture better,
seems like people using 65% compression or 60%.

Hope Nazgul is hoovering while mooving like at movie :D

EDIT: people, look at DC models. Some of them are close to 1MB
:( Animations seems like hardest thing at models... Attack-2 is a bit crapy.
Stand animations looks good but it doesnt feels like it is Nazgul.
It is someone under coat try to scary more his enemy :p
Move animation is kinda fun :] But shud be more sirius.

Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
I use 3DS Max 2009, 3DS Max 5 with Art Tools, PhotoShop CS2 , and that is about it...
and lots of reference pictures ( I used about 60 ref images for the nazgul )


oh if you have a tablet, or scanner, you could try to do your own concept art, the outcome might be better so you don't have to search for 60 pics, depends how well you draw, just saying, it always gives me a good feeling to draw the reference pic and bring it to life :)
Level 4
Oct 20, 2009
Yess!! i was going to request that too along with the elemental-normal units!

Looks epic like the mounted one, i´m going to download this right away!
Maybe to much space use, but it´s to bloody epic not to have.
Level 9
Apr 28, 2009
Thnx Guys, about the size, I actually never pay any attention to that, cause nowadays, models are about 5 to 10MB each ! so I geuss 400k is nothing.

Anyway thanks again!


Maybe, but we're talking about warcraft 3 here, not the witcher, doom3, far cry or whatever game you're talking about. 400 KB for a warcraft 3 model is just too much unless it's designed to be used in campaigns.
Level 1
Mar 9, 2009
The modell itself looks very good but the animations doesnt look like the movements of a real Nazgul. You should try to reduce the filesize, 400 KB is too much for a WC3-Map. And final you should remove the hero glow. It's too big and its easier to add it than to remove it. But you still did a good job with this one: 4/5

BTW: I love the "Decay Flesh" Animation :)

Edit: I removed the hero glow and i think it looks better:


  • NazgulPic.jpg
    38 KB · Views: 241
  • NazgulPic2.jpg
    103 KB · Views: 308
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Level 4
Jul 3, 2008
the white.blp, i don't know how it gets there, it is each time I export a model from MAX5, he adds a white.blp ???

There is probably an object untextured and by default is associated and creates a texture which is white.blp. To fix this, make sure every object is assigned to the appropriate textures. Sometimes, on my models I get that problem so I put textures on all my mesh objects,bones,etc etc.