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Bleach Blade Battlers 3.2 Open Beta

Type: Bleach AoS
Heros: 30
Creator: Gothar_esp
New Forums: http://bleachbladebattlers. f o r u m c i r c l e.com
If you find others fake versions of the map or other maps with the private models of this map,they hacked it.

Map Protected.
I release an open beta because my holidays ends today and i haven't time to test it more.So please report every bug/unbalance in the bug and balance section.
A 3.2b will be released very soon.

[---Changelog 3.2----]
-Now you can give gold to your allies.
-Added Rune of Mana.
-Increased the time of creep spawn at the start.
-Changed Runes colors depending of the rune.
-Added Hero Glow model to all heros.
-Changed Shinji Model.
-Changed Mayuri's Bankai Model.
-Some icons changed.
<--General Balance-->
-Max. Level is now 25.
-Ressurecion and Mask stats decreased from 15/25/35 to 10/15/20.
-Increased Base attack speed time of ranged heros by 0.30.
-Fountain range increased.
-Moved Arrancar level 4 towers for prevent BD.
-Changed the attack type of the towers.
-Decreased the gold gained by creeps and towers.
-Now when a tower dies, the team gains 150/200/250 gold (depends of the tower killed)
-Resurrection casting time decreased to 0.15, and during that time you are invulnerable.
<--General hero changed--->
-Decreased all heros base hp by 150.
<--General Bugs Fixed--->
-Fixed creep bug.
-Fixed Seretei Level 3 and Level 4 towers bug.
-Fixed creep spawn; Now Seretei creeps spawn correct.
-Fixed spell damage bug.
-Fixed a bug where the passives skills didn't work when you get a rune of illusion.
-Fixed the bug where you only needed to kill one of level 4 tower for attack the base.
-Morph bug fixed.
-Increased level 4 tower damage and hp.
-Ichigo Revamped.
-Ishida Revamped.
-Soifon Revamped.
-Kenpachi Revamped.
-Szayel Semi-Revamped.
-6 New heros.
-Items revamped.
-Yammy's Bala cooldown decreased to 0.01.
-Yammy's Ira hp bonus increased and now no longer decreases speed.
-Hachigen's Shinji no Saimon duration decreased from 4/8/12 to 3/6/9.
-Hachigen's Default skill removed.
-Shinji's Bukujutsu flying bug fixed.
-Shinji's Changed some numbers and semi-changed ultimate.
-Shinji's Bukujutsu now doesnt give MS bonus.
-Mayuri's Ashishogi Jizo slow decreased.
-Mayuri's Default skill removed.
-Urahara's Ultimate Cooldown decreased from 80 to 40.
-Inoue's Santen Kesshun armor decreased and cooldown decreased.
-Harribel's La Gota no longer deals extra damage, now its only an effect.
-Harribel's Cascada Casting time decreased by 0.5.
-Harribel's Sword slash chances increase.
-Harribel's Sword slash knock back decrease (now is like a stun)
-Harribel's Sword slash mana cost decreased.
-Ulquiorra's Cero damage decreased, slow decreased, range decreased and cooldown decreased.
-Ulquiorra's Cero Oscuras no longer deals extra damage, now its only an effect.
-Ulquiorra's Default skill removed.
-Ulquiorra's Lanza del Relampago Casting time decreased from 1.5 to 0.25.
-Ulquiorra's Lanza del Relampago stun fixed.
-Ulquiorra's Lanza del Relampago casting range and range decreased.
-Ulquiorras's Hand of God decreased.
-Nnoitra's Cero Cooldown decreased from 20 to 15 and Casting time removed.
-Nnoitra's Santa Teresa strike, damage decreased by 25,AoE decreased by 250, casting time decreased from 25 to 20, and casting range decreased from 800 to 600.
-Nnoitra's Mana cost of all skills increased.
-Nnoitra's Hierro now also gives passive bonus defense.(1,2,3 and 4)
-Lilynette's chance to attack increased.
-Lilynette's Cero range decreased and chance to cast increased.
-Starrk's Attack speed in Resurrection fixed.
-Yumichika's Sake, Fuji Kujaku duration decreased from 12 to 7.
-Yumichika's Sake, Fuji Kujaku slow removed.
-Yumichika's shunpo CD increased and now burns mana X3.
-Yumichika's Ultimate Casting time decreased 1 second and hp/mana drained decreased.
-Yumichika's Ultimate icon changed.
-Aizen's Illusionary shunpo damage decreased and Cooldown now decreases per level.
-Aizen's Black coffin damage decreased and cooldown decreased by 5.
-Aizen's Ultimate decreased damage by 50 and range by 500 and added 1.5 casting time.
-Tousen's Bankai negative armor decreased from 30 to 7.
-Tousen's Bankai AoE decreased from 1500 to 650.
-Tousen's Bankai now has 40% chance to stun 0.3 when attack.
-Tousen's Bankai slow removed.
-Tousen's First skill changed to Hollow Mask.
-Tousen's Nake decreased AoE from 800 to 500.
-Tousen's Nake no longer deals damage, but now also slows attack speed,Cooldown decreased to 10, and duration decreased to 4.
-Tousen's Benihiko Information corrected.
-Tousen's Benihiko Flying bug when dies fixed.
-Tousen's Benihiko AoE decreased to 350, and cooldown decreased to 20.
-Grimmjow Aspect of Death increase chance and added 5 second cooldown to chance to gain ms and as.
-Ikkaku's Sakero Hozukimaru now has 6 seconds CD.
-Ikkaku's Nobiru, Hozokimaru cooldown decreased from 25 to 16.
-Byakuya's Byakurai Stun changed to slow.
-Hachigen's Invisible barrier remove casting time and now also heals.
-Hachigen's Shiji no Saimon now also deals damage.
-Hachigen's Hollow mask cooldown decreased and now gives max. speed.

bleach,gothar,dota,aos,naruto,gothar_esp blade,battlers,espada,shinigami,shippuden naruto,destiny,anime

Bleach Blade Battlers 3.2 Open Beta (Map)

17:39, 18th Apr 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 3
Dec 1, 2007
i moust say from the few minutes of that i have playd so far, i say uber good, the fact that so many characters have moddel is awsome. Gj on this one :-D
Level 1
Jan 5, 2009
Hero Models:
Building Models:

NvB Copy
Triggers(creeps etc)
Nothing special
Hmm 3+/5


lol at u dude... map is good well best bleach map cause most of them are chinese and u cant make items cause of it and lets not talk about copy cause nw nvb sw aw ect are huge copy of dota
Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
a pretty solid map the heros seems to be good balanced and their abilities are well done. The Terrain is nothing Special as well as the Items. Long game (more then 50 minutes) and it began to lag.

As a summary this map is Ok but it plays mostly like DotA just with custom models. 3.5/5 from me
Level 5
Jan 8, 2008
the map is not bad o.o
but also nothing special >_<
the terrain is similar to the NvB terrain o.o
i suggest to change the whole hueco mundo side to a white desert o.o
and to change the whole soul society into seireitei only-> no forest o.o
this way it would be more special =D

your map lacks quality >_<
check the tooltips if what they say is correct (some times the damage is incorrect) >.<
and i saw some passive icons on places where active icons belong and visa verse @__@

i like the most models :3
its hard to find modelers for anime models or good anime models in general >_<
so they are acceptable o.o

in general you should think if some unique features for your map =O
i like the most of your items ^.^
but also here nothing special >_<
perhaps think of a new item system o.o
or make a special cam system o.o

also an AOS has many posibilities to become unique :3

1-2/5 (an AOS without special features but in the bleach universe and without inovative ideas)
3/5 (nothing special|the whole hueco mundo side should be a desert)
2-3/5 (be sure to check every tooltip again|some grammar mistakes|check the use of active and custom buttons)
3-4/5 (some of the models are really great, but most of them have a bad quality (still acceptable)|custom icons are nice)
2/5 (some balance issues|some abilities have too much copies so the characters are very similar->the replay factor shrinks)
2/5 (only a few problems and the triggers are nothing special(neither spells nor gameplay trigger))


edit: changed my rating after a more intense test from 3/5 to 2/5 >_<
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Level 1
Dec 5, 2008
ive been playing this allot and a couple of things ishidas arrows feel utterly useless 1 damage per arrow and the scatter everywere doesnt do much his ult u can just walk right through it and byakuya has the same problem with his ult u see it go around it or just walk through it and u will take that much damage even at max lvl
Level 4
Aug 8, 2008
This map should be removed and gothar should be banned from this site, hes claiming work he did not do, take a look at his map and take a look at dreamRaiders naruto vs bleach

Naruto vs Bleach 1.0e - Warcraft 3 Maps - EpicWar.com

see the similarities, there way to similar to be coincidence, the items are the same, terrain is exactly the same, its even the same size, everything is the same, Gothar map is just a deprotected Naruto Vs Bleach map, him claiming work he didn't do,

All the triggers are stolen from nvb, coincidence they both have the same Ice orb bug and mac users can't play both games?
Level 5
Feb 7, 2008
ITACHI_ninz, you are ******. I didn't hack nothing, if you don't believe me you can ask DreamRaider or Shinigami12, they know , now you are who must get a ban for lie.

The mac bug is because the protector , the size is different, the builds AREN'T in the fucking same syte, mine are doodoads and dream raider are units, the terrain isn't the same.. i copied terrain and items from dota a little only that.

Go to play pokemon noob...
Level 7
Aug 20, 2008
yeah dont be so rude theyre working hard on this map..but still gothar really is has the same terrain/concept w/ nvb thats really bad..
Level 4
Aug 8, 2008
I did ask dream he said

"Gothar is clearly no idea what he is doing.

He copyed my sw map, and NVB? Wow i am simply amazed how influential my maps are since people are constantly finding ways to hack, steal, and w/e to map."

Don't flame and don't think came in here just because of a few similarities, map has the same bugs NVB does/did, including ice orb, same terrain buildings are the same except there yellow,

I mean look you stole SW in NSD, so i bet u thought why no steal NVB too. You really should be banned were tired of rip off hacked map
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Level 12
Sep 24, 2007
Well Itachi_NINz you really dont know. I had that map deprotected. Gothar_esp doesnt know JASS. How can he stole spells from NVB if it is "50% JASS blabla" This map was really made-from-scratch. While Gothar_esp was making this map he asked me to make leakless some triggers and etc. I saw how he was making this map. So no he didnt steal it.
Level 3
Jan 5, 2009
i like the map, and i do notice the differences between the two. There might be some wc3 bugs, that they might know how to fix, and by what i know gothar and dream dont get along well AT ALL. Anyways just because there are things similar maybe he just based them off of it? Anyways nvb has so much vjass and stuff like that that blinkboy did. If niddhog said gothar doesnt know jass he wouldnt know vjass either.
EDIT: and itachi you shuold show proof that dream said that, a screenshot or something. its like i could accuse you of say "this map is the best!" all you did was put yours in quotes but never provided proof of it
Level 5
Feb 7, 2008
I did ask dream he said

"Gothar is clearly no idea what he is doing.

He copyed my sw map, and NVB? Wow i am simply amazed how influential my maps are since people are constantly finding ways to hack, steal, and w/e to map."

Read, dream didn't say that i hacked me.
He copyed my sw map and NVB? Copyed not hack, and i didn't copy.. but wll.

i am simply amazed how influential my maps are since people are constantly finding ways to hack, steal, and w/e to map."
He says the people don't say Gothar.
I only can say that my map is 100% legal.
Level 2
Oct 22, 2008
ZolaR said:
Okay, i played the map few times, time for me to say what do i think 'bout it.
Map's really cool, there's really nothing bad in this map. Skills look cool, skins look cool. I only got dissapointed cause of the number of characters.. Doing Primera Espada w/o knowing his skills is kinda stupid. I would really love to see more characters in next versions, like Hitsugaya, Aizen, Renji..
I'm not quiet sure but did you read that in Bleach topic, so i'm posting it in here as well.
Level 5
Feb 7, 2008
i'm too bored to say much ... but you get from me a 2/5 just because of the models cuz i played with all heroes and the map is like a dejavu of others ... no ofense but ya need to work on it ...
P.S.: Mayuri sux so badly that i fell of chair laughing while playing with him :))

We will work more and fix all bugs in future versions don't worry.
Level 3
Jan 5, 2009
he means if anyone uses the models they deprotected and they will get banned. He was NOT giving permission to use them if i understand it correctly
Level 9
Jan 23, 2008
lawl when gothar will get better than dream i will give up triggering spells ... and every anime map is copying nvb and sw because those 2 aos are the first and the best anime aos ever ... i'm making my own map and so on ... but stil i want to make everything unique ... but i can't !
And in the end this is a silly topic cuz no one will get banned if you say "hey he steal my models, ban him !"
Level 3
Jan 5, 2009
every AOS map these days is a copy of DOTA, and RVsoldier he had a personal model maker that was chinese
Level 5
Oct 18, 2007
It's..not a bad map. I love Nel and Syazel. His clones are fun as all hell >_>; As the above poster said, if you could change up the terrain a bit it'd be great.

@Sfuzzy, I don't have my own personal model maker xD...I wish. I just visit that BBS Blink/Shini posted a WHILE back. They always have a ton of models.
Level 3
Apr 27, 2008
When i played this map, I was like "oooohhhh cool skins".
Then, about ten minutes into it, I realized that's about all it had going for it. This map is mildly entertaining due to cool skins, but nothing special
Level 3
Jan 5, 2009
its the first version, changes are being made such as terrain spells and more. Just wait v2.0 is getting released soon
Level 4
Dec 5, 2006
ok gothar, ive heard some ppl talk to me about u reporting other maps because they uses demon-ye's models and do not have permission from demon-ye himself.
so i asked demon-ye about this, and his exact words translated is:"help themselves. no need to ask me actually". so it's pretty obvious that HE doesnt care. so dont bother urself to report every map that uses his models unless credits are not given. it is quiet tiring.
Level 3
Jan 5, 2009
he is talking about the espada models, they are narutoj's and he only gave permission for 4people, owa/mordocai,gothar,massino, and demon-ye.
So espada models can only be used by those 4people