I was thinking that as i made it... but seeming I whipped it up in 20 minutes didn't really think of it after I finished. Thanks for the honest criticism, I'll go read the tutorials and see what I can make next! Oh and how do i make my images open on the site as someone asked me to make them do before... I'll do it once I figure out how
20 minutes?
Hm. Maybe that is the problem?
I rarely say this.... no I never have said this, you are using too many doodads/objects.
1. Instead of using ten tents to cover x amount of area, enlarge the tent unit until a round unit (like the Blood Mage) can walk comfortably into the tent. This can take more than 20 minutes. Personally I like to adjust all of the buildings units and doodads until a Captain or Admiral Proudmoore standing in front of the door looks like they could walk through the door, maybe with just stooping down a tad, but not having to get down on their hands and knees.
2. You have rocks and stuff in the air - this works fine for Blizzard Default Camera Angles of Attack, but in this instance you are at ground level looking at the horizon. You need to select each and every floating rock and use Ctrl + the page down button to lower until the jagged nasty bottom sinks below the terrain. If you want you can select all doodads of a type by selecting one and then hitting Strl+Shift+~ (the button to the left of !/1).
3. Since this is a city/town/collection of housing units there would be need for room to walk between structures. We do not see this here, it looks like everything is as close as possible and either you need to be able to fly (your Orc is SOL on that one) or that you have to walk on top of the roofs.
One should always aim for some realistic goals, such as a fair amount of distance between yurts, tents, buildings that would allow for beings to walk and move about - considering that villages/towns would be hubs of activity then riding beasts and vehicles need to be accommodated.
So we are basically looking at scale, placement and gravity.