• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • Vote for the theme of Hive's HD Modeling Contest #7! Click here to vote! - Please only vote if you plan on participating❗️

World of Warcraft Reforged 3.38

Open world role-playing game map for based on World of Warcraft Reborn featuring computer AI support which allows you to play the map offline. This map is not a recreation of the game World of Warcraft but is inspired by and uses some lore from the game.

  • Large open world with reinterpreted locations from World of Warcraft.
  • Higher hero levels allow progression in the game known as Hero Journey.
  • Different game modes Freelancer (RPG style) or Warlord (RTS style).
  • Many different heroes, races, items, units, buildings and spells including all Warcraft III standard content.
  • Many different professions which allow crafting items and units.
  • Many different quests which give your heroes useful unique items as rewards.
  • Many different bosses dropping unique legendary items.
  • Many different mounts transporting your heroes.
  • Many different standard abilities for heroes.
  • Many different purchasable properties.
  • Many different custom resources which can be gathered and sold.
  • Multiple heroes, professions and races per player.
  • Customizable Computer AI supporting all the different races and freelancer gameplay.
  • Chat commands for anything in the game.
  • Repicking almost anything.
  • Save codes to save and load your progress.
  • Backpacks with up to 180 items.
  • Equipment bags which allow skilling additional spells and carrying additional items.
  • Portals to connect distant places with each other and can be constructed by workers.
  • Respawning creeps and items.
  • Customizable heroes which allow you to change their spells, hero attributes and skins during the game.
  • Crafting system with many different recipes.
  • Clans to play together with multiple players for a common goal.
  • Achievements which can be unlocked during the game.
  • Evolution: A research to improve all units which automatically makes creeps stronger with higher hero levels.
  • Cinematics improving the story and atmosphere.
  • Becoming a powerful demigod.
  • RPG-style third person camera with keyboard controls.
  • Hidden dungeons and other locations to be discovered sometimes defended by creeps and bosses.
  • A train moving around Azeroth and stopping at stations.
  • Stats, game type and time shown in a multiboard.

Baradé: Creator.
EvilPitlord: Original map.
DeMoNiKuS: Original map.
Runeblade14: Tests.
Toasty Toast UwU: Tests.
Deranor: Tests.
Axxa's World of Warcraft Logo Creator: Logo.
Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford: A Call to Arms
Kam, Xaran Alamas, Dmitry Rommel, Tufy: Gnomish Submarine
Scias: BTNGnomeEngineer
PROXY, ~Nightmare: Sargeras
LordGandulfo88: Sargeras
handclaw, Norinrad: Day Laborer
Burning_Dragoon5: GoblinTrainingCenter
HerrDave: Hellscream's Fist
RightField: goblin airfield
skymarshall: Goblin Fuel Pump
MiniMage: Goblin Flame Tank
Burning_Dragoon5: Goblin altar2
skymarshall: Goblin Tower
Mike: Goblin Emperor
General Frank: Goblin Assault Tank 'Gazlowe'
Null: BTNGoblin Assault Tank 'Gazlowe'
Snirou: Shredder-Flamethrower
induwer: Goblin Tower
skymarshall, General Frank: Goblin Outpost
Kuhneghetz: Goblin Mage (Variation 1)
skymarshall: Goblin Barracks
tillinghast: Goblin sorceress
Makuza: GoblinFireworkerbackup
Geries, MiniMage: GoblinAirDrone
The_Silent: Drop Crate (Airdrop)
Fingolfin: Parachute
Sellenisko: GoblinHutNewOneV
Freddyk: Goblin Bookworm
Kuhneghetz: Female Goblin
Blizzard Entertainment, skymarshall: Goblin Factory
Hayate: Ogre Goblin Cannon Squad
donut3.5: Goblin Mobile Turret
donut3.5: Goblin Steamroller
Shardeth: Gatling Canon
SantoRayo[iP]: bohrturm
8512590215848: BTNOilStation
kellym0, MiniMage: GoblinHammerheadSubmarine
donut3.5: Goblin Rocket Rider 2
General Frank: Goblin Bewm Bewm Tank - The Boomer Retooled
Direfury, KILLCIDE, Mr.Goblin: Goblin Artist
Marcos DAB: BTNGoblinFuelSpill
Eagle XI: BTNGoblinDerrick
NFWar: BTNAlembic
Blizzard Entertainment, Darkfang: BTNIncome
FerSZ: Fel/Shadow Shivarra
67chrome: BTNShivarraby67chrome
Villagerino: Dwarven Miner (variative)
Mike: Mines
SeW: tory3
SeW: tory2
ossus: WarWagon
Direfury: Dwarven Workers
Sephiroth_VII: Dwarven Rail Tank
Urkdrengi: Rifleman
Hayate: Gryphon
Tranquil: Dwarven Rider
Fuzzyfury: Dwarven Mining Cart
Tamplier: Dwarven Barracks (WOTR style)
bakr: Dwarven Buildings (Bronzebeard)
Ket: Kurdran Academy
Tranquil: Dwarven Battlepriest
erwtenpeller: BTNTrollSlayer
Tranquil: Hero Geomancer
GreyArchon: Dwarven Runecaster
General Frank: Steam Fortress - The Vapourizer
Deolrin, Kwaliti: Elite Siege Engine - The Übertank
Mr.Goblin: BTNEliteSeigeTank
communist_orc: Gold Bars
The_Silent: Medieval Wall
Deolrin, ike_ike: Human Mailbox
Stefan.K: Hero_Khadgar
loktar: Khadgar
xw1995327www: Dark Portal
Mike: All types castle (on standart textures)
Mr. Bob: Norse Hall
Rhapsodie: Legends of Arkain - BloodStone Dwarfs
MatiS: High Elven Buildings
Chen: RiderlessDragonhawk
garfield: RiddenWarEagle
supertoinkz: Elven Ranger
Elenai: ElvenArchCleric
bakr: Elf Village Buildings
Cavman, Hawkwing, Mr.Goblin: High Elf Judicator
Em!: Birdiepult
Eagle XI: BTNStonewall
Darkfang: Orb of the Sun
General Frank: Orb of Fire
Ujimasa Hojo: Shipyard (Night Elf) and Derivatives
Retera: Tiered Temple of Tides (from Heaven's Fall)
cleavinghammer: Coral Golem
Retera: Treasury of the Tides
Retera: Pyramid of the Serpent
-Grendel: Naga Whaler
Villagerino: Divine Golem (variative)
Ujimasa Hojo: Arcane Observatory and Derivatives
Ujimasa Hojo: Archer (Dragonhawk Mount) and Derivatives
Jampacked11: Random Basic
Lockheart: Rank 0-5
bakr: Kultiras Buildings
Asssssvi: Cannoneer Team Kul-Tiras HD/Age of Colonization
Asssssvi: Guardsman Kul-Tiras HD
Asssssvi: Flibustier Kul-Tiras HD
Explobomb: Kul Tiras Dreadnought
paulH: Kul Tiras Sailor
Explobomb: Galleon
Cavman: BTNSailor
ViralHatred: Pirate Battleship (Hexed)
Asssssvi: Rifleman Kul-Tiras HD
Asssssvi: Knight Kul-Tiras HD
Ujimasa Hojo: Battleship and Derivatives
Tauer: Ner'Zhul
Tauer: BTNNerzhul
Tauer: Blackhand
HerrDave, Le Shaysonio: Roman Infantry Pack
Raging Ent: BTNRomanHelmet
purparisien: Circus Maximus
purparisien: Coliseum
Miseracord: Gladiator-Miseracord
Kuhneghetz: Lion Female (aka Lioness)
Kuhneghetz: Lion Male
Kuhneghetz: BTNLionFemale
Kuhneghetz: BTNLionMale
Kuhneghetz: Roman Villa
GolluM_KoMe, olofmoleman, purparisien: Ancient Ships
Tykkimies: Temppeli skinillalowpoly
!!GORO!!: Tower1
Kwaliti: Deathwing
XenoStalker: BTNDeathwing
Mc!: FireElementalByMc
Blizzard Entertainment: Fire Elemental
Explobomb: Old God Pack
ikillforeyou: Goblin War Zeppelin
Shardeth: Net Launcher Turret
ILH: Nuclear Silo and Missile
Callahan: The Void Lord
Anitarf: Arrow Key System
Opossum: Third Person Camera System
Remixer: Pandarian Harvester
PROXY: PandarenTemple01
PROXY: HeroGoblinGunner
Tiberius_XXVII: BTNGobGunner
UgoUgo: BTNBShipCannon1
Sylvie: BTNCannonIcon
UgoUgo: Bamboo
Asssssvi: Ship's Doctor Kul-Tiras HD
Asssssvi: Storm Sorcerer Kul-Tiras HD
𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ: BTNAltar of Eternity
𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ: BTNHighElf Sanctuary
𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ: BTNHighElf Sanctuary1
𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ: BTNHighElf Sanctuary2
Remixer: Pandarian Sanctuary (Advanced Research Center)
Remixer: Pandarian Shelter
Blizzard Entertainment, 𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ: Lordaeron Summer Doodads
Solu9: BTNSimpleCompass12
NFWar: BTNPieceOfShip
raft_pl: BTNGate
raft_pl: BTNGateOpened
Bribe: Snippet Ascii
TriggerHappy: FileIO
Wildfire: Torch
Explobomb: Fel Reaver
Mr. Bob: Library
Missing Shadowsong, YourArthas, Zorrot: Elune The Night Goddess
Vensedouh: Elune's Vision
Alethos: Envoy of the Goddess / Vicaress of Elune
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Bag_09
Direfury: †-Revellion-†'s Goblin Engineer
Dangerb0y: Easy Item Stack 'n Split v2.7.4 as reference for the unstack and pickup item systems.
MeKC: GetItemValue as reference for item gold and lumber value system.
Ergius: IronOre
Ergius: SilverOre
Ergius: GoldOre
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Ore_Iron_01
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Ore_Mithril_01
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Ore_Copper_01
KelThuzad: BTNGoldBar
Kwaliti: Jedi
olofmoleman: JediStarfighter
HerrDave: Star Wars - Darth Vader
HerrDave: Star Wars - Stormtrooper Pack
Tim.: Tie
olofmoleman: BTNDarthVader
olofmoleman: Marine
Fingolfin: Fingolfins Separatist Fleet Pack
olofmoleman: Geonosian
Illidan(Evil)X: Imperial Shuttle
Kwaliti: Jedi
olofmoleman, Yoda: Yoda
Illidan(Evil)X: Jedi Starfighter
GreyArchon: Bamboo Doodad 1
GreyArchon: Bamboo Doodad 2
Illidan(Evil)X: LightSaber3D
olofmoleman: BTNLightSaberMW
Mc !: Laser
olofmoleman: Droideka
olofmoleman: Rancor
olofmoleman: TuskenRaider
Fingolfin: Multi Troop Transport
olofmoleman: Hail Fire Droid
olofmoleman: Super Battle Droid
olofmoleman: Dwarf Spider Droid
olofmoleman: DroidStarFighter
olofmoleman: TechnoUnionShip
olofmoleman: Aat
olofmoleman: DarthRevan
Mechanical Man: Star wars Clone war vehicles
Illidan(Evil)X: Death Star (high-res) IngameSkin
Illidan(Evil)X: DBLightsaber3D
Illidan(Evil)X: LightSaberHilt
Illidan(Evil)X: ObiWans Lightsaber RotS
Rolo: Factory
Nasrudin: Jedi
Wojannnn: Star Wars Sith pack
Jack_Sparrow93: BTNGreenLightsaber
Jack_Sparrow93: BTNRedLightsaber4
olofmoleman: BTNLightsaberBlock
purparisien: Ancient Shipyard
Fingolfin: Acclamator Class Assault Ship
olofmoleman: Gungan
Illidan(Evil)X: NabooBuilding02
olofmoleman: NabooStarFighter
olofmoleman: Marine
olofmoleman: BTNCloneTrooper
Fingolfin: Republic Gunship
olofmoleman: Marine
olofmoleman: Turbolazer
Fingolfin: All Terrain Attack Pod
Fingolfin: V-Wing Fighter/Bomber
Fingolfin: Consular-class Cruiser
Fingolfin: Coruscant
olofmoleman: Ewok
olofmoleman: Kaminoan
olofmoleman: BanthawithRider
olofmoleman: ArcTrooper
Illidan(Evil)X: Arc - 170
RightField: laser
olofmoleman: Gran
Kricz: Knockback v1.01b
Jab1z: Zeus Lord of Olympus
purparisien: Ancient Barracks
Fingolfin: Roman Heavy Cavalry
Maker: Jump System v.
bakr: Assorted Farm Buildings
bakr: Kultiras Structures and Doodads
RightField: Branch
Mephestrial: Gan'arg Engineer
Explobomb: Core Hound
Murlocologist: Ragnaros
Murlocologist: Ragnaros
The Panda: BTNBlastHammer
Murlocologist: Ashbringer
Eagle XI: Goblin Building Icons
Ceterai: BTNGoblinTower
Darkfang: Mage Orb
lelyanra: BTNDigArtifact
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNAbility_Hunter_BeastCall
Mike: Turret
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Bag_10
johnwar: Troll Gatherer
Chucky: Troll Hall Tiered
Just_Spectating: Villager Troll2.0
-Grendel: Troll Manhunter (Pack)
Em!: Giant Bat
Jaccouille: Blood Troll Mage
johnwar: Troll Hexer
bakr: Tauren Buildings
apaka: Tauren Worker
Cavman: Forest Troll Female
Deolrin: Jungle Troll - Altar of Blood
Ujimasa Hojo: Shipyard (Undead) and Derivatives
The Panda: BTNWindOrb
warhog: BTNLantern
Cynon_Ironsmith: BTNEyeOfDalaran
Ujimasa Hojo: Granary and Derivatives
Sin'dorei300: Blood Elf Villager
Sin'dorei300: Night Elf Villager
General Frank: Chaos: Altar of Terror
Vinz: Cosmic Elven Wings
Paladon: BTNPAngelWings
icewolf055, MiniMage: SandElemental
exN: BTNSand
Ujimasa Hojo: Sacrificial Altar and Derivarives
Wandering Soul: Pikeman
Kitabatake: Fire Mage
acolyteofdoom: HeroArchMage
Tarrasque, General Frank: Lightning Elemental
Tarrasque: Naked Lightning Elemental
alfredx_sotn: AirElemental
Mc !: FrostElemental
icewolf055: Poison Elemental
jigrael: BTNLightingElemental
Darkfang: Elemental Convergence
Ujimasa Hojo: Gold Mine and Derivatives
Vexorian: SimError
Henry_AC: BTNPowerGenerator with different colors
JollyD: BTNLightingElemental
BoatyMcBoatface300: Villager Kazotsky Kick Dance
-Grendel: Void Walker
Vinz: Void Rain
Vinz: Void Disc
Eldin HawkWing: BTNArcaneVoid
Remixer: Pandarian Elemental Shrine
Athur12A2: Wooden Bridges
Skipper: FireworkTeam
Coinblin: BTNFirework
PROXY: Pandaren Sage
Remixer: Pandarian Hall of Elements
Remixer: Pandarian Storm Spire
Norinrad: Pandaren Nurse by Norinrad
General Frank: Pandaren Villager
Mr.Goblin: BTNPandaVillager
killst4r: Pandaren Building2
Stefan.K: Pandaren Warlord
Mephestrial: LegionTeleporter
Vinz: Eldritch Covenant
FerSZ: Jailer
Alexen: Jailer. Base + Blue + Red
FerSZ: Inquisitor
The_Silent: BTNCinematicLever
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Rock_01
prizraknadache: BTNsteelcage
Blizzard Entertainment, Xetanth87: BTNEntangledGoldMine
bakr: Assorted City Buildings
Blizzard Entertainment, genin32: BTNMurlocHut1
Ziadoma: Jedi Drone
PrMosquito: ManaWard
RightField: webward
Uncle Fester: MinigunTower
Eagle XI: Highelf Building Icons
Eagle XI: BTNBlueDragonNexus
Hantoo: Santa Claus
Hantoo, HerrDave: Santa Claus 2017
Vinz: Christmas Tree
Jaccouille: Reindeer
JollyD: BTNGiftHive
Mc !: Present
Thrikodius: Frosty the Snowman
infrenus: Bascinet Knights
Mike: All types castle
Mr. Bob: Medieval Buildings: The complete collection.
Vendro the Wind Mage: Naga Queen Azshara SD
PrinceYaser: Queen Azshara
Eagle XI: Siegemachinery Icons
Mike: Siege Tower
Eagle XI: Medieval Building Icons
Mike: Medieval castle
purparisien: BTNladder
MassiveMaster: Siege Ladder
Hayate and, Mike: PackedTrebuchet
PROXY: Pandaren Archer
PROXY: Pandaren Honorguard
PROXY: Hero Shado Pan
PROXY: Hero Iron Fist
PrinceYaser: BTNMedievalHelmet
Mike: Marketplace
Mike: Marketplace
Eagle XI: BTNMarket
Blizzard Entertainment: Neutral Building - Thieves Guild (Beta)
MiniMage: Goblin Trade Prince Mech Hero
Scias: BTNGoblinPrince
xyzier_24: VoidSkullAura_v5
Mike: University
Mike: Towers
Graber: Villager 255 Animations
The Panda: BTNSimpleBow
Uncle Fester: CheapStandardBow
Mike: Catapult
Mike: Bombard
Eagle XI: BTNBuildableCathedral
takakenji: TCCathedral
Darkfang: Bishop
Tranquil: Human Bishop
Mike: Organ cannon
Ket: Monk
Eagle XI: BTNBatteringRam
Mechanical Man: Battering ram
Mike: Mantlet
IamMclovin: Human Wizard
Hemske: BTNWizardHat
Explobomb: Battle Elephant
Em!: Petard
Miseracord: Crusader-Miseracord
Mike: Tents
Mike: Pier
Mike: RoyalOrb
Mike: Wagon
expresso, Tranquil: Angel
Mike: Chalice
Asssssvi: Footman Kul-Tiras HD
Asssssvi: Royal Guard Kul-Tiras HD
Hellx-Magnus: BTNSpectralHead
HerrDave: Skyfire Gunship
Eagle XI: BTNSkyfireGunship.blp
Null: BTNKul Tiras Defend
supertoinkz: Gnome Ark
Эльрат: AT-RT
Bloody_Turds: Naga Dragon
olofmoleman: PeregrinFalcon
Cavman: Kul'Tiras Sailor
Fingolfin: Wheat Field
Alethos: Old Witch
Asssssvi, Xelos: KultirasSiegeLandship
Oren neu dag: Pirate_Flag, Hive Upload
ikillforeyou: Horde Crossbow
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Weapon_Crossbow_04
HerrDave: Villager Cavalier Weaponless (Mike)
ikillforeyou: Crusader Helm
Sunchips: Mail Armor
Usedwell: Lance of Honor
Usedwell: Lance of Honor
GooS: BTNImprovedLance
Astaroth Zion: Astaroth Zion's Attachment Pack
Kitabatake: Medieval Weapons
olofmoleman: Medieval Trebuchet
Cuore: Spanish Helmets
Kitabatake: Samurai Helmet
Kitabatake: BTNCrimsonYoroi
Kitabatake: Katana
Tasyen: CustomConsoleUI
viiva: HumanUITile01.BLP
viiva: HumanUITile02.BLP
viiva: HumanUITile03.BLP
viiva: HumanUITile04.BLP
viiva: HumanUITile-InventoryCover.blp
viiva: HumanUITile-TimeIndicatorFrame.blp
Spellbound, Unwirklich: Demon UI - Widescreen
I3lackDeath: Sin'dorei UI by I3lackDeath
CRAZYRUSSIAN and, MiniMage: GoblinUITile2.blp
Solu9: SPuiBETA_Tile_01.blp
KelThuzad: BTNCharge
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Letter_12
Fingolfin: Praetorian Guard
Kuzakani: Triumphal Arch
Aquis: Villager Man
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Letter_09
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Letter_03
Akolyt0r: BTNAquamarineRing
olofmoleman: R2d2
olofmoleman: C-3po
Flowerman: General Grevious
olofmoleman: BTNGeneralGrievous
Mike: Ballista(Catapult)
Just_Spectating: VillagerTauren2.1
Blood Raven: Bronze Set
HerrDave: Warcraft Crusader
Mechanical Man: Hussar
Spellbound: UnitEventEx
TriggerHappy: UnitDex
Bannar: RegisterNativeEvent/RegisterPlayerUnitEvent
Almia: World Bounds v1.3
Gottfrei: Leprechaun
BLazeKraze: BTNLeprechaun
RightField: rainbow
dhguardianes: Rainbow
8512590215848: BTNRainbowNegation
HerrDave: Hobbit Hole
HerrDave: Hobbit Pack (Lotr)
HerrDave: Gondorian Pack
HerrDave, Tamplier: Gondor Barracks (WotR)
HerrDave: Fountain Guard
HerrDave: LotR Tower Pack
HerrDave: Wilderness Outpost
HerrDave: Rohan Doodads
HerrDave: Riders of Rohan (War of the Ring)
HerrDave: Rohan Archer (War of the Ring)
HerrDave: Men of the West: Heroes (War of the Ring)
HerrDave: Aragorn (WotR)
HerrDave: Tolkien Elf Heroes (War of the Ring)
HerrDave: Gimli (War of the Ring)
HerrDave: Gondor House
Hantoo: Chinese Soldier
San: Pick Lock
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNAbility_Warrior_Disarm
Fingolfin: Sindar Archer
Fingolfin: Sindar Spearman
Fingolfin: Sindar Swordsman
Fingolfin: High Elf Cavalry
olofmoleman: BTNDarthMaul
Mc !: BTNTheOneRing
Lordul Dracula: BTNJedi Drone
Mechanical Man: Comm Center
HerrDave: Industrial Era Workers
Illidan(Evil)X: M1A2 Abrams
The_Silent: Medieval Wall Trigger Map
Mechanical Man: Factory
Mr. Bob: PowerGenerators
JB_McKnight: Formal Villager
Kofi_Banan: Airbase
Kofi_Banan: Bunker
qassamzed: US Ranger
Mechanical Man: Barracks
Zombie: BTNreload
Zombie: BTNhelmet
SataX: Heliport
Illidan(Evil)X: Apache
purparisien: United Nation Building
Dragon Elf Mogare: Marine model
Kofi_Banan: M-113-Ambulance
Fingolfin: Su-35 Super Flanker
Illidan(Evil)X: T-90S Modernized
Illidan(Evil)X: Rocket Launcher Vehicle
Kofi_Banan: Humvee
Kofi_Banan: CargoHeliV2
Mr. Bob: Shipyard
Illidan(Evil)X: Upgradeable Missile Launcher
Illidan(Evil)X: Cobra Attack Helicopter
Afronight_76: FlyingMachine
Kofi_Banan: Sam-Rocket
Illidan(Evil)X: Aircraft Carrier
killst4r: Nuclear Silo2
WILL THE ALMIGHTY: NuclearExplosion
mikeisman2: BTNNuclearExplosion
General Frank: BTNTerranBunker
HerrDave: American Officer Pack
HerrDave: Breeland Militia (Lord of the Rings Online)
HerrDave: Forge (WotR)
HerrDave: RoyalDwarf
Mister_Haudrauf: Monument Of Honor / Altar of Honor
The_Silent: BTNMetallurgy
Kuhneghetz: BTNRun
Kuhneghetz: White Tiger
ILH: Satelite
kola: BTNEarthFixed
The_Silent: Flamethrower Turret
Zombie: BTNmachinegun
Burning_Dragoon5: Guardmen medic
www.icrc.org: Red Cross, Red Cross
Illidan(Evil)X: BTNJeep
Deon: BTNHeli
Blizzard Entertainment, genin32: BTNTent
lieutang: BTNAirFighterPilot
HerrDave: O'Connor the Spy
graystuff111: BTNRadio
RightField: Radar
SantoRayo[iP]: BTNRadar
Mike: Safe
Grey Knight: C4 Item
Grey Knight: C4
Deon: BTNTimeSpell
Praytic: ArtilleryAttack
WILL THE ALMIGHTY: Artillery Strike
ANdROnIQ: BTNGrenadeF1
Kitabatake: Grenade (missile)
Fingolfin: Flashbang
ChirusHighwind: BTNTarget
The_Silent: Survival Ministructure: Shelter
Kitabatake: Grenade (attachment)
Zombie: BTNsatchel
oh_snap: Btnm24
Kofi_Banan: Apache
Mc !: Arcane Tome
iron_warrior: Gear Aura
Infinitynexus: BTNAutoRepairBots
Kofi_Banan: Bulldoze
The_Silent: BTNMetalPlatingLevel1
The_Silent: BTNMetalPlatingLevel2
The_Silent: BTNMetalPlatingLevel3
The_Silent: BTNMotor
purparisien: Brick Tower
Kofi_Banan: Vulcan
BLazeKraze: Bandit Hide
WILL THE ALMIGHTY: Ultimate Explosion --- Ground-based explosion
olofmoleman: AT-AT Walker
JB_McKnight: Formal Villager
Fleck: BTNHerrDaveIndustrialWorker
Fingolfin: Fingolfins Greek Building Pack
Bioautomaton: BTNShrink
Matilda_Knights: Time Rune
terrio: Time Passing Sound Effect
OgeRfaCes: BTN.TimeUp
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNSpell_Nature_TimeStop
Sellenisko: NozdormuTheTimelessOne
Sin'dorei300: BTNNozdormu
Golden-Drake: BTNWingedClock
Kino: RuneClock
HerrDave: O'Connor
HerrDave: Mordor Great Hall
HerrDave: LotR Orc Pack
chopinski: New Bonus
HerrDave: Troll Den (WotR)
HerrDave: Lotr Troll Pack
PurgeandFire: Libram v3.0.0.0
bakr, HerrDave: Haradrim Barracks (Lotr)
HerrDave: Mûmak
olofmoleman: Barad'dur
HerrDave, Tamplier: Orc Slaughterhouse (War of the Ring)
HerrDave, Tamplier: Orc Mound
HerrDave: Pack - Men of Rhûn
HerrDave: Warg Rider (War of the Ring)
Uncle Fester: HaradrimRider
olofmoleman: Sauron
olofmoleman: SauronsMace
The_Silent: HQ Victrola
Darkfang: BTNHolyNote
Shaysonio: Roman icons
Mike: Ballista(Scorpion)
Mister_Haudrauf: Battle Chariot
purparisien: Ancient Workshop
MassiveMaster: Fortification buildings
67chrome: BTNTeleport
Marcos DAB: BTNKingdomFlag
darkdeathknight: BTNCamera
Mephestrial: LogBridgeSmall45
Itius Leurn Freim: ElfAltar
Sellenisko: GoblinShopCentreCataclysmV
Anachron: BTNANAHolyCross
kola: BTNFlamethrower
purparisien: Vintage Car Pack
Ziadoma: GTA Checkpoint model
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Bomb_01
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Bomb_02
4eNNightmare: BTNRocketFlare
MiniMage: HammerheadTorpedos
Teaspoon: WaterMine
Splatt: Bomb
Scias: BTNGnomeEngineer
infrenus, Kam, Sellenisko: Ironclad Submarine
Zombie: BTNrocket
GreyArchon: Goblin Sheep Processor
Pvt.Toma: Gnome Engineer
Champara Bros: Flame Thrower
MiniMage: Goblin Tinker Turret Flamethrower
Kofi_Banan: RocketMissile-2-
Tarrasque: Naga Royal Guard
Tarrasque: warqueen
Sun gate: Scream of terror
olofmoleman: Trex
olofmoleman: Orthanc
I3lackDeath: BTNPalantirSauron
Fingolfin: Uruk Hai Swordsman
Fingolfin: Uruk Hai Crossbowman
Fingolfin: Uruk Hai Pikeman
Alok: BTNUruk-haiPikeman, Elven and Uruk Icons
HerrDave: Saruman (War of the Ring)
The Lord of the Rings movies: BTNSaruman, BTNSarumansStaff
NFWar: BTNGunFire
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Ingot_Iron
Blood Raven: Ingot
olofmoleman: BTNJediStarFighter
Kinjal: Aqueduct
Tranquil: Monk
DOTA2, Milan The Ripper: BTNJetpack
Dinosaur Nest, olofmoleman: DragonRoost
Syczewski: German Buildings
HerrDave: German Infantry Units
HerrDave: German Rifleman
HerrDave, SonsOfSami: German Tank Pack
purparisien: German Zeppelin
M0rbid: BTNStickGrenade
HerrDave: German Officer Units
HerrDave: German Support Units
merai: BTNTiger
Syczewski: HerrDave's WW Additional Units
Syczewski: Icons for HerrDave's WWII models
Illidan(Evil)X: Me 109
Teaspoon: Barbed Wire
SonsOfSami: Trench Wall
HerrDave: Wrath of the Kaiser: Flag Pack
EhrGhoul: WW2 Flags
The_Silent: Bunker Wall Pieces v.1.5
purparisien: Brick House
RED BARON: Red Baron Airplane
Sellenisko: Dragons Reach
Eagle XI: BTNVrykulMain2
Sellenisko: VrykulWorker
Eagle XI: BTNVrykulWorker
Sellenisko: VrykulFisherHouse
Eagle XI: BTNVrykulFarm
Syczewski: German additional units
Eagle XI: Vrykul Icons
olofmoleman: VikingLongHouse
Eagle XI: BTNVrykulWarrior
Eagle XI: BTNVrykulWarMammoth
Eagle XI: BTNVrykulHarpooner
Alok: Dragon Roosts with Birth and Decay animations and team colour
Eagle XI: BTNVrykulProtoDrake
Ujimasa Hojo: Shipyard (Human) and Derivatives
Eagle XI: BTNVrykulLongboat
Ujimasa Hojo: Altar of Kings and Derivarives
JollyD: Adventure Road
Eagle XI: BTNVrykulThane
Sin'dorei300: BTNRagnarFlamebeard
Kershbob: BTNHeroRanger
Insk: BTNRainOfArrows
WaggaWagga: ArrowRain
Cavman: Worgen Peasant
Murlocologist: Worgen
bakr: Gilneas Buildings
Kimbo: BTNWorgenMoon
Whitewolf8: Worgen Knight
jordan10: Worgen Druid
Sellenisko: WorgenDeathknigh
Sellenisko, Zadelim/Zade: Adelas Deathclaw
NFWar: BTNWorgenHero
Cavman: Suited Worgen
Mr.Goblin: BTNWorgen
Sellenisko: WorgenBlackBandit
BLazeKraze: BTNWorgenFemale
Mister_Haudrauf: Worgen Rifleman
Cavman: Worgen Footy
BLazeKraze: BTNSavannahNight
4eNNightmare, HappyCockroach: Herald of the Deep Mother
Grey Knight: Firework Update
Ujimasa Hojo: Mortar Team and Derivatives
Ujimasa Hojo: MortarTeam
Oinkerwinkle: Telescope
Kenathorn: Icons to Models Pack
republicola: RingOfProtection
Arak1da: DwarfHero Female Woodcutter
Kenathorn: Pickaxe Item
Sellenisko: Balrog Of Moria
Grey Knight: DUMMY
tillinghast: Alchemist lab
Golden-Drake: BTNGDFlameWhip
The Panda: BTNFlameStorm
r.ace613: Acolyte and Derivatives
Darky29: BTNDragonEye
(Darkfang), Blizzard Entertainment: DivineArmor
PrinceYaser: BTNSoulDischarge
TurieL: RiflemanElite
PrinceYaser: BTNPlateArmor
Illidan(Evil)X: Replaceable Banner
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNCharge
Ujimasa Hojo: Shaman and Derivatives
Alok: Furbolg Worker
Stefan.K: Prophet Velen
Mouseketeer: BTNDraeneiProphet
Pvt.Toma: Gnome Castle
Pvt.Toma: Gnome Worker
Blizzard Entertainment, Sellenisko: DarkVal'kyrSvH
Sellenisko: Golden Val'Kyr
Hantoo: Raptors
LordGandulfo88: Troll Raptor
debode, skin by, FrIkY: Druid of the Panda
pWn3d: demonspaceship1.5.2
Pvt.Toma: Gnome Brassman
AndrewOverload519: Gnomish Field Engineer
Hantoo, johnwar: Elite Darkspear Troll Rider
frostwhisper: Zandalari Throne of War
frostwhisper: Troll Golem
Matarael: Elven Boots
terrio: item models
General Frank: Orb of Darkness
General Frank: Orb of Ice
General Frank: Orb of Blood (...or Orb of Emos)
Darkfang: Bloodstone Orb
doom_sheep: Arcane Tower Missile Recolors
General Frank: Orb of Poison
General Frank: Orb of Lightning
abcdefghstuvwxy: BTNOrbOfLightningYellow
General Frank: Orb of Light
Yours Truly: Troll Voodoo Cannoneer
Uncle Fester: TempleOfSacrifice
Uncle Fester: TrollTigersharkRider
Norinrad: Gnomish Rifleman
Norinrad: Gnomish Artillery Tank
AndrewOverload519: Mechanostrider
Ujimasa Hojo: Flying Machine, Gyrocopter, and Derivatives
Pvt.Toma: Gnome Turret
markus-1: Troll Hall Tired
markus-1: Troll Barrack
Chief_Death: Shaman
frostwhisper: Aqir
Filip95: Troll Barrack
Footman16, SinisterX: Blood Elf buildings
General Frank: Bloodelf 'Scorpion' Ballista
General Frank: Bloodelven Archer Maiden
General Frank: Bloodelven Decimator
Sin'dorei300: BTNFemaleBE
th15: laser
ChevronSeven: OrcChild
ChevronSeven: TrollChild
antiquegirl33, Cheshire: Troll child icon
Freddyk: Robot Factory
Solu9: Gear (Rotating)
kola: BTNGear
Retera: Draenei Altar of Seers
Retera: Draenei Hut
Ujimasa Hojo: Draenei (Lost One) and Derivatives
Ujimasa Hojo: Villager (Kid, Gryphon Mount) and Derivatives
GiantSandWorm, Sephiroth_VII: GiantSandWorm
Vinz: Orbs of Frostcraft
GhostThruster: BTNlegolasHD
North Star: GnomishHoverCopter
olofmoleman: NazgulRider
LordRazor: Gnome Teleporter
Norinrad: Gnomish Warlock
BLazeKraze: BTNBrainSap
Mike: UniversalFarm
Ergius: WoodenPool
armel: StarDestroyer
HerrDave: Star Wars - Stormtrooper Pack
olofmoleman: AT-ST Walker
Tim: Tie
olofmoleman: KotoBeastNoRider
olofmoleman: KotoBeastNoRider
olofmoleman: RepublicAssaultShip
olofmoleman: JarJarBinks
biridius, snorthcall2t: Futuristic buildings
Fingolfin: Greek Hoplite (Corinthian)
Fingolfin: Greek Soldier (Corinthian)
AbstractCreativity: BTNHopliteHelmetUPG1
AbstractCreativity: BTNHopliteHelmetUPG2
AbstractCreativity: BTNHopliteHelmetUPG3
purparisien: Lighthouse of Alexandria
Fingolfin: Companion Cavalry
Wezthal: BTNReturnResources2
Ujimasa Hojo: Acolyte and Derivatives
Tranquil: Monk
Painkiller91: Old Man
eubz: Armored_VillagerMan_Archer
bakr: Lordaeron Buildings
z00rtaz: Human Slinger
Hoth: Cage/Transport Chariot pack
HerrDave: Greek Battle Helmet
loktar: Corn & Wheat Pack
Blizzard, MasterDragons: BTNINVWaterBucket
bakr: Assorted Village Buildings
Kimbo: Sparta
.KC, diosilva16: Villager in robe - 40 animations
purparisien: Ancient Market
Asssssvi: Mystical Knight on Pegasus Lordaeron
Tunadil: The Seven Kingdoms of Human
Kuhneghetz: Riderless Undead Horse
Ceterai: Orc Taming Pack
Walle: BTNPickPocket
Asssssvi: Archer Lordaeron
Asssssvi: Knight Lordaeron
bakr: Lordaeron Units
Asssssvi: Spearman Lordaeron
Himperion: Lordaeron Magician
Asssssvi: Crossbowman Lordaeron
Arkamond: BTNCopperCoins
NemoVonFish: BTNSilverCoin
MultiGod: BTNElectricityBreakout
skrab: Noname
Mephestrial: HumanOilPlatform
communist_orc: Spike Trap
Heroic_Milkman: Bee
Jaccouille: Honeycomb Item
communist_orc: Noname
darkdeathknight: BTNFish
Retera: Fish Item Model
maxor_gan: BTNWheat
Illidan(Evil)X: Tiberium Crystals - Green/blue
killst4r: Geyser
4eNNightmare: BTNTestOfFaith
Shimrra: BTNResourceCrystal
Shimrra: BTNVespianGeyser
67chrome: BTNAstralCalander
KelThuzad: BTNSilverBar
Ziadoma: Ingots
maxor_gan: BTNFirePit
Mr. Bob: Tavern
jk2pach: ScoutTower
Cavman: Bull and Cow
darkdeathknight: BTNcow
Frozen_Naga: BTN.Galaxy
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Food_18
HerrDave: Scarlet Monastery
olofmoleman: Hoth Blaster
Asssssvi: Footman Lordaeron HQ
Asssssvi: Rifleman Lordaeron HD
Jiok: Bannercarrier and Derivatives
Kofi_Banan, purparisien: Wagons and Train
unchips: Fish Vending Stand
Sellenisko: MoriaGoblin
bakr: Human Alliance Banners
Alok: Nerubian Worker
Ujimasa Hojo: Necropolis and Derivatives
Lender: Web
Khazmo: Altar of the Spider
Zion007: SpiderAltarIconNew2
Tranquil: Door 00
Darky29: BTNEgg
communist_orc: Witch Hut
Bioautomaton: Human Airship
Stefan.K: Goblin Prince
killst4r: command center connected final
General Frank: BTNCommandCenter
killst4r: SCV Final
General Frank: BTNTerranSCV
General Frank: BTNTerranSupplyDepot
killst4r: SupplyDepot
The_Silent: BTNSyringeStimpack
killst4r: Barracks Connected
killst4r: Akademy
General Frank: BTNTerranAcademy
Max666: Battlecruiser
Shimrra: BTNBattleCruiser
Don Valentino: Demon Armor Upgrade
Hawkwing: Naaru
Chen: BTNGiftoftheNaaru
Blood Raven: Anvil
Ujimasa Hojo: Crypt and Derivatives
AndrewOverload519: Crypt Drone
AndrewOverload519: Crypt Drone Cocoon
Ujimasa Hojo: Boneyard and Derivatives
Ujimasa Hojo: Tomb of Relics and Derivatives
Markus3832: Starcraft Larva
Shimrra: BTNLarva
Ujimasa Hojo: Shrine of Azshara and Derivatives
Burning_Dragoon5: Nerubian Flying Bombarder by Burning_Dragoon5
Maxwell: BTNNerubian_Bombarder
Mister_Haudrauf: Spider Nest
MatiS: Nerubian Watchtower/Stronghold/Palace
Windrunner29: BTNNerubianPalace
Hellx-Magnus: BTNNerubianScepter
The Panda: Pack of Nerub Icons
alfredx_sotn: CryptFiend
unwirklich, Wa666r: Nerubian UI
Lender: Web animated
Juice_F: BTNSpiderWeb
Sellenisko: ArmoredWolf
Sin'dorei300: BTNArmoredBlackWolf
Sin'dorei300: BTNArmoredWolf
Sellenisko: VrykulLamp
Sellenisko: UndeadVrykul
D.O.G.: BTNIconSave
General Frank: Frankster's Gems
Cavman, Kuhneghetz: Eversong Lynx
Mr. Bob: Norse Stronghold
Sin'dorei300: BarbarianVillager
Direfury: Norse Runecarver
Palaslayer: BTNHorn
Mephestrial: GilneasGunship
Mc !: Werewolf
bakr: Gilneas Units
Darkfang: Arcane Sphere Orb
SovietElf: Shadow orb
Blizzard Entertainment, Darkfang: MoonOrb
Mechanical Man: Manticore
Eagle XI: BTNManticore
Worgen: Feral Worgen & Derivatives
Sellenisko: WorgenCage
bakr: Transport Ships
bakr: Frigates
Ujimasa Hojo: Battleship and Derivatives
Amigurumi: BTNDice
Blood Raven: Dice and Cup
Stefan.K: Genn Greymane
Sellenisko: GreymaneWall
ShadiHD: CSW - High Elf Swordsman Soundset
Loken Ironwolf: Warcraft III Cenarius Soundset
Cavman, Hawkwing: Arakkoa
Ujimasa Hojo: Harpy and Derivatives
Mouseketeer: BTNArakkoaWarrioress
garfield: Tuskarr Worker
Mr.Goblin: Tuskarr Pack
Retera: Northrend Buildings Pack
Cavman, Mr.Goblin: TuskarrShaman
Retera: Tuskarr Mammoth Rider
Gen Bloodhorn: tuskarr villager
Retera: Frozen Halls and derivatives
kola: BTNHarpoon
Retera: Owl Moon Priestess
Barorque: Druid Forms
UgoUgo: MeteorStrike
Aldeia: Fire Meteor
Cavman, Kuhneghetz: Night Elf Druid Cat Form
Dmitry Rommel: Archdruid
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNDruidOfTheTalonBETA
Xetanth87: Owl Riding Priestess of the Moon
PetHer01c3, StonemaulMidget: Murloc Buildings (Completed)
Retera: Dragon Turtle with Siege Mode
67chrome: BTNMurlocGreenWorkerby67chrome
frostwhisper: Multi-Tier Hydra
Murlocologist, Stefan.K: Magni Bronzebeard
Retera: Elite Armored Polar Bear
PrincePhoenix: UI Ice CRAZYRUSSIAN Fixed By Phoenix
The_Silent: Crossbow Turret
Liomsi: Murlocs models and Icons
WilliamBz: Murloc Hatchling Ground
willydawiller: Murloc Fisher
Maxwell: BTNMurloc_Caviar
00110000: Murloc Air / Bubble Mage
Zephyrius2412: Murloc & Mur'gul - Variations - Shadowcaster
Marcos DAB: BTNWaterPearlStaff
Mr.Goblin: BTNShaman
HerrDave: Captain James Hook
Mc !: Tome Of Retraining
Blizzard Entertainment, Zephyrius2412: High Elven Upgrades
Spellbound: Lost Tribe UI
Direfury: Ogre Peon\Peasant/Worker
Rubellu Sidus: Ogre Mound
Stanakin: BTNOgreClubs2
supertoinkz: WC2 Ogre (Normal Ogre Texture)
supertoinkz: WC2 Ogre (Ogre Mage Texture)
NO_exe: TaurenAxeFighter
flemil: Tauren Catapult
Null: BTNTauren Catapult
Stefan.K: Female Tauren Druid
Cavman, Kuhneghetz: Tauren Druid Cat Form
b17rider: BTNBlackTaurenShaman
johnwar: Elite Tauren (Re-Classic)
Taur: TaurenSpearThrower
Fingolfin: Totem Pole
Wildfire: BTNTaurenTotem
Blizzard Entertainment, HerrDave: Teamcolored Kodo
apaka: TaurenKodoBeast
Direfury: Gnome Arcanist
Sin'dorei300: Black Wizard
Norinrad: Gnomish Bombardier
darkdeathknight: BTNCamera
darkdeathknight: BTNCameraReset
darkdeathknight: BTNCameraRight
darkdeathknight: BTNCameraLeft
darkdeathknight: BTNCameraClose
darkdeathknight: BTNCameraFar
r.ace613: Tauren and Derivatives
ChevronSeven: BTNOrbOfNature
Sin'dorei300: Heart Amulet
Lord_T: Lord_T's Ogre Drummer
Kitabatake: Ogre Stone Thrower
Red XIII: WCIIOgreMound
killst4r: Pandaren Building6
Athur12A2: Paper Lanterns
FrIkY: BTNPandaWeaponUpg1
FrIkY: BTNPandaWeaponUpg2
FrIkY: BTNPandaWeaponUpg3
FrIkY: BTNPandaArmorUpg1
FrIkY: BTNPandaArmorUpg2
FrIkY: BTNPandaArmorUpg2
killst4r: Pandaren Building7
Spellbound, Unwirklich: Pandaren UI - Widescreen version
Kimbo: CritterTurtle
Norinrad: Pandaren Geomancer by Norinrad
Skipper: PandarenMilitia
eubz: High_Bamboo
infrenus: Pandaren Transport Ship
infrenus: Pandaren Battleship
chr2: BTNPandaAura
Tauer: Gul'dan
PrinceYaser: BTNGul'dan
Tauer: GaronaHalforcen
loktar: Garona
kola: BTNQuestScroll
Just_Spectating: Villager Druid 2.0
kola: BTNOrange
kola: BTNBanana3
D.O.G.: Banana Item
WyrWuulfe: Satyr
Oinkerwinkle: HarvestCart
HerrDave: Berry Bush
Ujimasa Hojo: Hunter's Hall and Derivatives
Ujimasa Hojo: Ancient of Lore and Derivatives
Ujimasa Hojo: Ancient of Wind and Derivatives
84chrome: Corrupted Night Elves
Loken Ironwolf: Warcraft III Medivh Soundset
Technopig: Bilgewater Building Icon Pack
(zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Furbolg Hut
(zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Furbolg Hut 2
(zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Centaur Tent
(zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Centaur Tent 2
Searinox: centaur worker
Alfagar: Centaur Tent Camp
Mephestrial: Gnoll Race Pack
Mephestrial: HeroGnollAlpha
Gyrosphinx: Kobold Slave
Direfury: Wildland Storehouse/Fort\Hold
Mister_Haudrauf: Quilboar Race
WilliamBz: WarCraft III Guldan soundset
Zenonoth: Mal'Ganis Soundset
Dragunov: Maiev Caged
r.ace613: Ancient of Wind and Derivatives
Direfury: All-Purpose Gate/Archway\Portal
takakenji: ogre arena
Eagle XI: BTNSimpleOgreArena
takakenji: OgreWarlock
johnwar: Ogre Legion Models (Re-Classic Pack)
Stanakin: BTNOgreClubs1
Stanakin: BTNOgreClubs3
Stanakin: BTNOgreArmor1
Stanakin: BTNOgreArmor2
Stanakin: BTNOgreArmor3
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNOgreMound
Marcos DAB: BTNGiantOgreSmashingHand
Chucky: BTNOgreBash
Marcos DAB: BlueOgre - Ambush
Champara Bros: Holy Nova
8512590215848: BTNHolyBan
strongwill: Dragon Kazan, Battle Realms
Vortballat: Krush Tazsh the Ogre Warlock
Eagle XI: Skeleton Ogre
supertoinkz: Altar of some sorts
Kam: Ogre Reincarnation
Ujimasa Hojo: Grunt and Derivatives
Serbianbeast: ElevatorPuzzle
HerrDave: Elf Maiden
Alethos, Cuore: Camel Pack Bundle
Uncle Fester: BTNMagnifyingGlass
Mc !: BTNItemForging
Stefan.K: King Anduin Wrynn
Scias: BTNHeroAnduinWrynn
Chen: BTNKingAnduin
Tauer: Anduin Lothar
BLazeKraze: Anduin Lothar
Tauer: Durotan
8512590215848: BTNDurotan164
bakr: Stormwind Buildings
Tauer: Orgrim Doomhammer
loktar: Orgrim Doomhammer
supertoinkz: Orc Oil Tanker
Mephestrial: HumanOilTanker
TheHuntress: Chaplain Icon
bakr: Cathedral of Light
bakr: Generic Human Units
bakr: Stormwind Units
bakr: Gryphon Knight
johnwar: Footmen and Captains (Re-Classic Pack)
Moy, Stefan.K: King Varian Wrynn
Scias: BTNVarianWrynn
Mephestrial: Knight Unmounted
Jiok: Stormwind City
chr2, Sellenisko: Gronn V.4
Marshmalo: Gronn Icon
Hawkwing: Blue Wild Elekk
Ilya Alaric: Priest Pack
AndrewOverload519: Female Human Mage
Zydler: WC2 Death Knight
Blizzard: BTNOrcDeathKnight
Blizzard: Warcraft II Oil icon.
Red XIII: WCII_GreatHall
loktar: Great Hall (WC2) v2
Red XIII: WCII Orc Barrack
Red XIII: WCIITrollLumberMill
Red XIII: WCIIOrcBlacksmith
Red XIII: WCIIOrcWarTower
Red XIII: WCIIOrcFoundry
Mephestrial: OrcOilPlatform
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNOrcShipyard
Red XIII: WCIITempleOfDamned
Red XIII: WCII Altar of Storms
LordPerenoldeII: Oil Patch
Blizzard: BTNOrcCatapult
Blizzard: BTNUpgradeShipArmorOrc
Blizzard: BTNUpgradeShipArmorOrc2
Blizzard: BTNUpgradeCannonOrc
Blizzard: BTNUpgradeCannonOrc2
Blizzard: BTNOrcRefinery
LordPerenoldeII: Warcraft 2 - Tides of Darkness - Orcs/Oil Patches/Refinery
Blizzard: BTNOrcPeon
Blizzard: BTNHumanPeasant
Tarrasque: Tidal Lord
Himperion: Great Elementals
NFWar: BTNEarthElemental
leetslay: BTNSummonAirElemental
Shardeth: Subterrain Vehicle v1.2
SuPa-: Earth Elemental
Red XIII: WCIITownHall
loktar: Town Hall (WC2)
Red XIII: WCIIHumanFarm
Blizzard: BTNHumanFarm
Shardeth: Subterrain Vehicle v1.2
kondoriyano: cloud serpent/Cloud Serpent
PROXY: Draenei / Eredar Pack
Wa666r: Draenei UI
Ujimasa Hojo: Villager (Kid) and Derivatives
ShadiHD: CSW - Gnomish Submarine
Verdun: domer
Syczewski: American Civil War Units
StonemaulMidget: All Human Nations Tents_Colored
Mechanical Man: Saloon
Lord Zodiac: Saloon
Fingolfin: Training Teepee
Kitabatake: Balloon Transport
Illidan(Evil)X: Replaceable Flag
TheHuntress: Horse Upgrade
Radagast: Apatche Mounted Archer
General Frank: Azure Dragon Judicator
Muoteck: BTN_AzureDragonJudicator
Golden-Drake: BTNNagaTail
Hantoo, HerrDave: Brutasaurus
stan0033: Quest Exclamation + Question Mark & Variations
Grey Knight: Staff Item
Mr. Bob: Armory
Kuhneghetz: Skeletal Child
Mace Windu, olofmoleman: Hellscream
Blood Raven: BTNLemons
Cavman: Bum Bed
ikillforeyou: Crusader Sword
HerrDave: Sword
Pretor: PaladinHammer
Vinz: Disarm
Vinz: Armor Penetration / Stimulus
HerrDave: Shield
paladinjst: Guard_Shield
paladinjst: HumanHelmetByShadow
Sunchips: Wolf Pelt Boot by Sunchips
eubz: Arrow n' Quiver
Mr.Goblin: BTNQuiver
Blood Raven: Studded Quiver
HerrDave: Bow
KayS: Basic Bow
Deolrin: Simple Scythe
KingB00ker: BTNScythe
imforfun: Simple Hood
imforfun: Simple Cape
paladinjst: Guard_Armor_Kultiras
Kitabatake: Bandit Armor
Praytic: BTNKatana
smithyjones: Handheld Lantern
sunwarrior25: Torch Attachment
HappyTauren: Nightvision Attachment
Muoteck: BTNNightVisionGoggles
theJ89: jetpack
theJ89: jetpack
Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_MinigunAttachment
Deathbringer: BTNMinigun
Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_MinigunMissile
tee.dubs: Bloody Chainsaw
Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_FlameThrowerAttachment
Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_FlameThrowerEffektAttachment
Moy: BTNHalberd
Grey Knight: Arcanite and Thorium
Blood Raven: Flamberge
jatter2: SpellShield
Darkwind: GoldenClaw
Uncle Fester: ElvenRangerBow
Uncle Fester: Naga Trident Attachment & Item Version
Deleted member 126647: Pirate Attachment Pack
Herio-san: Flintlock Rifle
Blood Raven: Diablo II Weapon Pack
Sin'dorei300: CentaurStaff
Blood Raven: Nerubian Headwear
Sunchips: Mage Hat by Sunchips
Hemske: BTNWizardhat2
Truth Troll UA: DruidStaff
Hellx-Magnus: BTNEagleDruidStaff
The_Silent: BTNPirateCutlass
Hantoo: Cutlass
Blood Raven: Knightly Rapier
Mainy, War_Golum: ArcaneStaff
1223344: demon sword
Hantoo: Naginata
Black flesh: Demon Hunter Blade
Molot: Animated smoke in three colors
Stanakin: BTNAntler
General Frank: It's a bear trap!
HerrDave: Leather Jerkin
The_Silent: Survival Ministructure: Skinning Rack
Moy: BTNReinforcedFireAttack
stonneash: High Quallity Red Handled Spiked ClubV0.9
r.ace613: Ogre MEGA Pack
HuanJuan: Ogre Drummer Icon Variations
Xetanth87: I2S without natives for use in AI scripts
bakr: Pandaren Buildings
Sellenisko: Malorne, Great Stag Mount
Hantoo: Saddle Item
Hantoo, Heinvers: BTNSaddleItem
Blood Raven: Cowboy Hat
xXMephistoXx: Magic Hat
Kitabatake: Samurai Dual Sword
BLazeKraze: BTNPandarenBambooStick
Blizzard: BTNHaste
Blizzard: BTNTouchOfDarkness
Blizzard: BTNDeathCoil
loktar: Fortress (WC2)
Wezthal: BTNIncreaseIncome2
Blizzard: BTNEyeOfKilrogg
Blizzard: BTNOrcStronghold
Blizzard: BTNHumanKeep
Blizzard: BTNHumanCastle
Blizzard: WCIIHumanFarm
Blizzard: ElfLumberMill
Blizzard: BTNElvenLumbermill
Blizzard: BTNTrollLumbermill
Red XIII: WCII_Church
Red XIII: WCIIMageTower
Blizzard: BTNMageTower
AndrewOverload519: Warcraft II Mage
Ujimasa Hojo: Sapper and Derivatives
BlinkBoy: Wc2ElvenArcher
BlinkBoy: Spanish Conquistador
Killrogg Deadeye, BlinkBoy: Warcraft 2 Elven Ranger
Blizzard: BTNElvenRanger
Cavman: Clefthoof
Heinvers, Sellenisko: FelLord
-Berz-: BTNThrowingAxe
Lord_T: Short Axe/Throwing Axe
Lord_T: Item Short Axe/ Throwing Axe
Devine, dansaDisco: Dice
Windrunner29: BTNGarlic
MeteORA: Wooden Fishing Rod
darkdeathknight: BTNFishDish
KelThuzad: BTNFishing1
Sharks: olofmoleman
NFWar: BTNShark
Praytic: BTNCarvingKnife
kola: BTNRecipe
JollyD: BTNCloverStuff
Riley: BTNstamina
Hantoo: AdvancedFirePit
Benboncan: Cow.wav
MasterHaosis: Demonic Crystal Generator
Dristitia: Crystal Building
CreatorD3292: Crystal Building
Cavman, Hawkwing: Elekk Knight
rkevil7: Elekk Knight Icon
GhostThruster: Nether Ray
FerSZ: Wrathguard
FerSZ, Murlocologist: Mo'arg Overlord
Red: Talbuk
Just_Spectating: Villager Draenei
FerSZ: Eredar Witch
Nightmare2077: Eredar Witch
Kuhneghetz: Panther
Alok: Dragonspawn Worker
Pvt.Toma: Altar of Dragon
exN: BTNFlower1
kellym0: AnimatedFlowerAv.343
Vinz: Sawmill / War Mill
Tranquil: Generators
Nightmare2077: Generator sphere
Nightmare2077: Generator crystal
HappyCockroach: Night Elven Airship
pWn3d: Sunwell
Stormode: Murlocs Buildings
Stefan.K: Lion Rider
PROXY: Eredar Annihilator
Blizzard Entertainment, PashaFenko036: WC2 - Orc
Ujimasa Hojo: Great Hall and Derivatives
General Frank: Fel Orc Lancer
General Frank: Fel Orc Felhound Rider
General Frank: Fel Orc Crossbowman
Arch-archdemon: Orc Warlock Variations
TVK: Fel Cultist
Mr.Goblin: BTNFelOrcCrossbow
General Frank: Icecrown Overlord
General Frank: BTNIceCrownOverlord
Vinz: Frost Bolt
Footman16, General Frank: Tidesage
Sin'dorei300: FacelessOneWorker
AndrewOverload519: Faceless One Tentacle Pit
D.O.G.: Forgotten One Birth
Maxwell: Faceless One Buildings
Diegoit: Faceless units
Mister_Haudrauf: Black Empire Building Set
Sin'dorei300: Faceless & Unbroken Cultists
Radagast: Faceless & Unbroken Pack
Sin'dorei300: FacelessOneKid
Scias: BTNFacelessOneCultist
Kuhneghetz: Raven
HerrDave: Mordor Blacksmith (LOTR)
HerrDave: Rohan Town Hall (LOTR)
Fant0md: BTNFacelessArtillery
Aldeia: HQ Classic - Faceless Ones
MN Lahmar: Faceless King
Maxwell: BTNCreepAttack1
Maxwell: BTNCreepAttack2
Maxwell: BTNCreepAttack3
Maxwell: BTNExample1
Maxwell: BTNExample2
Maxwell: BTNExample3
Misha: Faceless Nightmare Weaver
Wa666r: Faceless Ones v1.1 - Faceless One UI
Bleeq: Parrot (multiple varieties)
Dentothor: General Vezax
HerrDave: Horde Warmachine
Dominus15: BTNFelOrcWarlock
stonneash: Warlock Upgrades
MasterHaosis: Chaos Barracks
MasterHaosis: Chaos Mill
MasterHaosis: Chaos Beastiary
MasterHaosis: ChaosVault
MasterHaosis: Chaos Pig Farm
MasterHaosis: Chaos Warlock Temple
Mister_Haudrauf: Hellfire Citadel (Outland)
Salepate: Floppy Disk
Blizzard Entertainment, KadoviYi: Berserk Derivatives
Mister_Haudrauf: Kargath Bladefist (Fel Orc)
Don Valentino: Life Burn and Fel Burn
TheHuntress: Chaos/Fel Orc Peon
Ilya Alaric: Peon Pack
Mainywc3sear: BootsOfTeleport
BaiyuGalan: Xe'ra Icon
Spellbound: Spellbound's Custom Lightning Effects
Darky29: BTNCoralStone
Tarrasque: RoyalGuard
Mouseketeer: BTNNagaArmoredRoyalGuard
The Panda: BTNFireIceAttack
Darkfang: Shadow Capture and 3 chain and hook icons
AndrewOverload519: Naga Royal Vault
Explobomb: Doom Lord
Explobomb: Djinn/Genie
Mc !: BTNTNTBarrel
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNGlyphV2
The_Avenger's_Return: BTNBattleTerror
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNAbility_Parry
Enmouth: BTNTrack
Diegoit: Kobold barracks
komarovba: Kobold barracks
Stormode: Kobold Tunneler
(zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Ice Troll Hut
(zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Ice Troll Hut 1
komarovba: Repair
Mike: BTNSpade
Sunchips: Wolf Spirit Headpiece by Sunchips
Sunchips: InfernalDestroyer
HerrDave, 1_Freon_1: Oathbreaker Pack (LOTR)
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNOrcScoutTower
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNOrcCannonTower
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNOrcGuardTower
olofmoleman: BobaFett
olofmoleman: BTNBobaFett
ynosh: Star Wars BFTF 1.12.01
Jaccouille: Star Wars: Rebel Trooper
olofmoleman: Ithorian
Elunes-Guardian: StarBase
Domokun: xwing11
Illidan(Evil)X: B-Wing Starfighter
Illidan(Evil)X: Y-Wing Starfighter
Illidan(Evil)X: Millennium Falcon
chilla_killa: Bacta Tank by chilla_killa
olofmoleman: BTNJediMale1
olofmoleman: Jedi Male
Mike: Arabian inn
Mike: Arabian market
killst4r: Factory Animated
General Frank: BTNTerranFactory
General Frank: BTNTerranBarracs
killst4r: Armory 2
General Frank: BTNTerranArmory
Uncle Fester: HaradrimBannerCarrier
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNHumanChurch
Blizzard Entertainment, Zephyrius2412: Blood Elven Upgrades
Barade, Blizzard Entertainment: Doodad icons
Barade, Fingolfin, HerrDave: Star Wars unit icons
NhazUl: Dreadlord Child
Thrikodius: Goblin Kid
Em!: Creep-Spawner/Basements&Tunnels/Waygates
Retera: Draenei Harvester's Mill
Mr.Goblin: BTNPadarenKid
Blizzard Entertainment, Ujimasa Hojo: Shipyard (Goblin) and Derivatives
BLazeKraze: BTNTrollBatrider
Blizzard Entertainment, zerotul: Forest Troll Hut 0
Blizzard Entertainment, zerotul: Forest Troll Hut 1
Dionesiist: Vampire Combatant
Remixer: Stone Coffin
Darkfang: BTNDeathCoffin
Stanakin: Kobold Race Pack
Blood Raven: BTNKoboldCandles
=X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Armor Upg1
=X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Armor Upg2
=X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Armor Upg3
=X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Weapon Upg1
=X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Weapon Upg2
=X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Weapon Upg3
Darky29: BTNMushroom1
Grey-Tuzed: BTNCorruptedBlessing
bakr: Pandaren Banners
Tunadil: Khaz Modan Banner
donut3.5: Goblin Drillbot 3000
Liu: SeaLife killer whale
Ket: Thief - Blade Edition
Lockheart: BTNcheck
Mike: Mine
Tro||: BTNBag
The_Silent: BTNModernDrill
Sellenisko: YseraTheDreamer
Sellenisko: BTNYsera
Bolthan: Elk_male
Moy: BTNElkMount
Ujimasa Hojo: Tent (Centaur, 2) and Derivatives
komarovba: CentaurTent2V2.01
johnwar: Female Centaur Archer (Re-Classic)
BaiyuGalan: Centaur Diviner
Ujimasa Hojo: Nest (Harpy) and Derivatives
komarovba: HarpyNestV2.01
Null: BTNCentaur Tent
NFWar: BTNHorseShoe
NFWar: BTNHorseShoe2
NFWar: BTNHorseShoe3
Legal_Ease: BTNJudgmentOff
The_Silent: BTNMindControlWBrain
Mouseketeer: BTN_NagaSorceror
Misha: Naga Sorceror
AndrewOverload519: Naga Nazjatar Gate
AndrewOverload519: BTNNagaGate
epsilon: Azshara statue portrait
Chucky: Naga (Generic) Hatchery Animated
ikillforeyou: Night sky with moon skybox
Fingolfin: Fingolfins Planet Pack
Explobomb: Direhorn
PrinceYaser: BTNNagaWhaler
PROXY: Goblin Demolisher (Goblin Car)
Chriz: Fill-Me-Up Treasure Chest
The_Silent: BTNMolotovCocktail
Red: Ak-47
Zombie: BTNAk47
Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_SniperAttachment
Deathbringer: BTNSniperRifle
Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_SniperMissile01
epsilon: m249_ByEpsilon
Zombie: Btnm249
paladinjst: Guard_Armor_Stormwind
Kitabatake: Farm
Archangel_Tidusx: BTNFarmKita
NFWar: BTNPumkin
R2D2: Pumpkin
Sunchips: RedApple
Aldeia: Red Apple
Kenathorn: Some Custom Items Pack
Blizzard, UgoUgo, Kam: HeroCryptLord
Traxamillion: Sand Troll Shaman
-Dieser-: BTNSnowFlake
Praytic: BTNRainyWeather
GolluM_KoMe: DesertTile.blp
Null: BTNZandalari Throne of War
Darkfang: Improved Ancient Protector
Jacky The turtle: Balloons
Em!: Fireflies
Null: BTNDay Time
Hexus: Fountain statue
WhiteDeath: Living Statue
Hantoo: CandyItem
NFWar: Blood Oak Tree
StonemaulMidget: Ashen Autumn Tree Wall
Thrikodius: Moon
Horn: Ancient Malfurion
Mc !: NightElfCar
8512590215848: BTNHunter01
DeathKnight: BTNPoisonArrowsOn
DeathKnight: BTNPoisonArrows
Jaccouille: Star Wars: Empire Vehicle AT-AT
supertoinkz: Crannies Summer and Fall
supertoinkz: Crannies Snow/y and Winter
JetFangInferno: MusicTarget
Mike: Music effect (notes)
assasin_lord: Dwarf Bard
assasin_lord: Bard Projectile
General Frank: BTNSteamfortress
TerranUp16: BTN_BronzeRoost
Rebel-Turret: Tie
General Frank: Draconian Spear thrower
General Frank: BTNDraconianSpearThrower
Mister_Haudrauf: Quilboar Raider
garfield: RazorManeWorker
Wandering Soul: Razormane Hunter
Mister_Haudrauf: Skeletal Razormane
Edge45: Quilboar Bunker
Windrunner29: BTNQuilboarBunker
Darkfang: PiercingQuills
komarovba: Main building Kobolds
komarovba: MarketPlace Kobold
komarovba: Arcane Academy Kobold
komarovba: Forge Kobold
komarovba: Altar Throne Kobold
komarovba: Farm Kobold
komarovba: Beastiary Kobold
komarovba: Shipyard Kobold
komarovba: Boulder Tower Kobold
komarovba: Goldmine Kobold
komarovba: LibraryKobold
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldGodmine
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldArcaneAcademy
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldShipyard
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNkoboldAltar
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldBestiary
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNTowerKobold
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNkoboldForge
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldMarket
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldGreatHall
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldBastion
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldFort
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldTowerUpgrade
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldLibrary
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNFarmKobold
frostwhisper, Galendor an'Kreil, Ket: Troll Warbeast Kraal
Mephestrial: Gnoll Race Pack
loktar: Furion (Optimized)
bakr: Kultiras Navy
bakr, Ian The Red: Elven Ships
johnwar: Gnoll Treasure Hunter (Re-Classic)
Direfury: Gnoll Battle Arena
HuanJuan: Gnoll Battle Arena
Nosferoh: Silithid Wasp
Nosferoh: Prophet of the Qiraji
Ilya Alaric: Worker Pack
Ilya Alaric: Militia Pack
Ujimasa Hojo: Mercenary Camp and Derivatives
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNChurchBanditV2
komarovba, Ket: Human Church Bandit
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNLumberMillBandit
komarovba, Red XIII: BanditLumberMill
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNMarketPlaceBandit
komarovba, Ujimasa Hojo: MarketPlace Pack
HuanJuan: Altar of Champions
Direfury: Altar of Champions
Coronel Mael Radec: BTNBanditTower
komarovba: Tower Bandit
DREADMAN: Bandit-Pack
Scias: BTNAmbal
Direfury: Deathguard Falric
loktar: Dark Falric
NFWar: BTNLeatherArmor
NFWar: BTNBanditsLeather
NFWar: BTNBanditsLeather2
Ujimasa Hojo: Aviary (Gryphon) and Derivatives
komarovba: GryphonAviaryBandit
Mouseketeer: BTN_Azshara_Siren
Wandering Soul: Bandit Gryphon Raider
Thrikodius: Surrender (buff)
Wandering Soul: Bandit Crossbowman
Gluma: Human Crossbowman
Hoth: Bandit Elite Barrack
HuanJuan: Bandit Elite Barrack
Ujimasa Hojo: Hut (Gnoll) and Derivatives
loktar: Knight, Bandit Lord & Riderless Horse (WC1 & WC2)
MassiveMaster: FlyingSpearThrower
Hermit: CorruptedGoldmine
Hermit: BTNCorruptedMine
Brombie: BTNStrawberry
Steel0RaZoR: BTNCherry
Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Milk_04
Cavman: Skeletal Peasant
Villagerino: Skeleton Warriors (pack I)
Achille: Skeleton Berserker
The_Silent: Dungeon Walls [Mine] + Bookshelfs, Porticulus and Columns
Mike: Rack (torture)

World of Warcraft Reforged 3.38 (Map)

Approved as before. Hopefully this time it will stay.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
This has already been uploaded before. Please do not delete and reupload.
Also, write a proper description, please.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 27
Feb 2, 2006
I tried loading it in single player and it crashes the game right after I approve the rules and AIs
I think it has something to do with the start location. I have tried with one allied AI player always using Human race and it crashed for Azuremyst Isles and Kul Tiras and maybe more start locations. I will have to start again and again to check all since "-aireset" does not have the same effect. Maybe it is some pathing issue for the AI which led to crashes in the past. Hard to tell with Warcraft's limited traces.
Alright, however, the feedback of the previous version should not be simply swept away and be what made this new version manifest.
True but I wrote down, discussed and fixed many of the things on GitHub and Discord etc. I had some issues with people here which is why I have deleted most of my stuff. I ignored those people now via the Ignore function which might help in the future.
Last edited:
Level 27
Feb 2, 2006
always get unexpected errors every I play this map
Please report more specific issues. I know that there are currently at least these 3 issues which only occur sometimes:
  • Crash with certain start locations for Computer players. Maybe it is some weird pathing issues at those locations.
  • Lags in multiplayer maybe by mass data sent in some system.
  • After loading games accessing framehandles which have not been replaced successfully leads to crashes.

If you aren't even able to start the map play Reforged with SD graphics.
Classic is not supported.
Level 2
Dec 31, 2017
I don't know if this is just me, but tried playing this in single player after the 2.0 update and it crashes right after it finishes loading (and I hit any key to start the game). I have my game set to Reforged with SD graphics and other maps load fine it's just this one that crashes on me now, it loaded fine before just a bit laggy at the start.
Level 33
May 14, 2021
I don't know if this is just me, but tried playing this in single player after the 2.0 update and it crashes right after it finishes loading (and I hit any key to start the game). I have my game set to Reforged with SD graphics and other maps load fine it's just this one that crashes on me now, it loaded fine before just a bit laggy at the start.
Might be related to the broken custom model portrait.
People have experienced this kind of issues when playing custom maps/campaigns with custom models.
Level 27
Feb 2, 2006
I don't know if this is just me, but tried playing this in single player after the 2.0 update and it crashes right after it finishes loading (and I hit any key to start the game). I have my game set to Reforged with SD graphics and other maps load fine it's just this one that crashes on me now, it loaded fine before just a bit laggy at the start.
Did you try 3.31? They changed the UI layout, so I disabled the custom soundset system and races UI and related UI systems.

However, there are other issues at the moment:
  • The game crashes when you choose start locations Kul Tiras or Azuremyst Isles for AI. Maybe some AI pathing issue.
  • Massive delays and lags in multiplayers. Not sure what cause is. Maybe some periodic syncing of selections.
  • Sometimes the map just ends with score screen after loading it. Even if players all have SD graphics on.

The former two issues can be avoided by playing it in singleplayer. As soon as I know what causes these issues, I will fix them.
Debugging is always really hard with Warcraft.
Level 2
Dec 31, 2017
Did you try 3.31? They changed the UI layout, so I disabled the custom soundset system and races UI and related UI systems.

However, there are other issues at the moment:
  • The game crashes when you choose start locations Kul Tiras or Azuremyst Isles for AI. Maybe some AI pathing issue.
  • Massive delays and lags in multiplayers. Not sure what cause is. Maybe some periodic syncing of selections.
  • Sometimes the map just ends with score screen after loading it. Even if players all have SD graphics on.

The former two issues can be avoided by playing it in singleplayer. As soon as I know what causes these issues, I will fix them.
Debugging is always really hard with Warcraft.
I had to download it from your main website, but yes 3.31 seems to work, played it for a couple of hours and had no issues. Thanks!
Level 27
Feb 2, 2006
I had to download it from your main website, but yes 3.31 seems to work, played it for a couple of hours and had no issues. Thanks!
sry I did not notice that I had 3.30 on Hive. I have released and uploaded 3.32 now with further fixes.
Other researches which increased maximum HP of units like Improved Masonry, Improved Clan, Improved Clan Hall and Ogre Strength are implemented via vJass now to fix instant death bugs. Blizzard somehow restricted the bonus to 1 byte which led to an overflow and negative maximum HP of units.

Release 3.33:
  • Move AI start location Kul Tiras to fix the instant crash.
  • Move AI start location Azuremyst Isles to fix the instant crash.
  • Improve race Dragonkin.
  • Add bridge to Outland's portal area.
  • Add creep Jailer to Outland.
  • Add creep Inquisitor to Outland.
  • Add Chest to Outland.
  • Register critter Fox for save codes.
  • Fix parent zones of continent zones.
  • Fix maximum HP bonus for research Improved Mount.
  • Fix maximum HP bonus for research Improved Hand of God.
  • Reduce maximum percentage HP bonus from researches.
  • Fix many building and unit portraits by specifiny the new field "upor" from Warcraft 2.0.
  • Add chat command "-resetmount".
  • Add chat command "-resetmasonry".
  • Add chat command "-resethandofgod".
  • All critters have 1 food cost now.
  • Fix some synchronization issues with paged buttons UI.
  • Add creep Clefthoof Rider to Outland.
  • Add creep Rylak Rider to Outland.
  • Increase hero level of NPC Barade.
  • Increase hero level of NPC Carsten.
  • Add Mercenary Camp (Sea) to water base.
  • Move neutral buildings at water base.
  • Add critter Hedgehog.
  • Remove inventory ability and hero spells from NPC Fleet Admiral.
  • Add more creeps sold by Mercenary Camp Sea.
  • Add mount Zeppelin.
  • Give Goblin heroes the standard mount Zeppelin.
  • Permanently store Witch Hut abilities for mounts.
  • Add custom icon for Troll Citzen (male).
  • Register unit Cow for save codes.
  • Increase map dimensions.
  • Add creep Djinn.
  • Add creep Lightning Elemental.
  • Add creep Frost Giant.
  • Add creep Molten Giant.
  • Add creep Kraken.
  • Fix coloring of creep Earth Elemental.
  • Add creep Enraged Earth Elemental.
  • Add queue UI system to show queued trainings, researches and upgrades.
  • Add chat command "-uiqueueon/off".
  • Add chat command "-uiqueueclear".
  • Improved Paged Buttons UI.
  • Make effect of spell Divine Shield temporarily.
  • Increase cooldown of hero spell Charge.
  • Add zone Uldum.
  • Add creep Tol'vir.
  • Add creep Ramkahen Guard.
  • Add hero Ramkahen Huntress.
  • Add creep Dark Phoenix.
  • Add skin Thief.
  • Add creep Air Revenant.
  • Add creep Fire Hawk.
  • Show zones for bosses on the website.
  • Add profession rank Grand Master.
  • Add profession rank Doctor.
  • Show profession rank in title of charges on the website.
  • Add skin Thrall.
  • Add skin Grommash Hellscream.
  • Add skin Uther.
  • Add skin Jaina.
  • Add skin Medivh.
  • Add NPC Medivh.
  • Add skin Lord Garithos.
  • Add skin Spellbreaker.
  • Add skin Knight.
  • Do not allow heroes to pick up multiple race scepters for the same race.
  • Do not allow heroes to pick up multiple profession books for the same profession.
  • Increase selection scale of hero Infernal.
  • Fix coloring of Neutral Citizen (female).
  • Fix portal from Underground to Mount Hyjal and back.
  • Hero spell Spell Shield is not learnable by Equipment Bags.
  • Add missing summon effect to hero spell Summon Doom Guard.
  • Fix NPC Chen Stormstout in Pandaria.
  • Revise terrain tiles.
  • Increase area for start location Kul Tiras to prevent AI crashing.
  • Increase area for start location Sunstrider Isle to prevent AI crashing.
  • Increase area for start location Azymerest Isle to prevent AI crashing.
  • Do not allow to pick up tome items if tomes are disabled.
  • Do not auto replenish stocks in Crafting Stashes.
  • Fix tooltip of hero spell Divine Shield.
Last edited:
Level 2
Mar 13, 2019
I've tried this map and the past few versions earlier this week and I couldn't play it without crashing. If there's any way, I can contribute to investigating why this happened please let me know. It was on battlenet group 10 people randoms. No bots.
Level 27
Feb 2, 2006
Does it crash when you play in singleplayer?

Maybe some actions of players crashed the map.
It is hard to tell without knowing what caused the crash.

  • Add learnable hero spell Holy Magic.
  • Add learnable hero spell Arcane Magic.
  • Add learnable hero spell Dark Magic.
  • Add learnable hero spell Fel Magic.
  • Add learnable hero spell Water Magic.
  • Add learnable hero spell Nature Magic.
  • Add bonus hero Aegwynn.
  • Add shipyard and water portal to Maldraxxus.
  • Disable level changers.
  • Improve player housings.
  • Fix tooltip for profession Jewelcrafter.
  • Add ranks for profession Witch Doctor.
  • Fix icon of profession Witch Doctor.
  • Add ranks for profession Lore Master.
  • Add ranks for profession Sorcerer.
  • Add village quest 2.
  • Add village quest 3.
  • Add village quest 4.
  • Add race Village.
  • Add shipyard to AI start location Village.
  • Improve website data.
  • Add account name restrictions.
  • Add zone and start location Jadefire.
  • Fix portrait model of NPC Falric.
  • Fix researches in Blacksmith for race Stormwind.
  • Fix tooltip of Lumber Mill for race Stormwind.
  • Fix tooltip of research Improved Masonry for race Stormwind.
  • Fix ability Magic Sentry for Scout Tower for race Stormwind.
  • Fix hotkeys for Mage for race Stormwind.
  • Fix hotkeys for Mage Adept Training for race Stormwind.
  • Fix research and ability Unmount for race Stormwind.
  • Register dependency equivalent for Knight and Unmounted Knight for race Stormwind.
  • Fix unit Gryphon Knight for race Stormwind.
  • Fix unit Eagle Knight for race Stormwind.
  • Change hotkey of ability Firebolt for race Stormwind.
  • Make Railway Stations a bit more transparent.
  • Fix tooltip of building Workshop for race Stormwind.
  • Add custom icon for unit Alliance Airship.
  • Add all tiny items for race Stoirmwind.
  • Reduce collision size of Banner Shop.
  • Change race of Human Housing buildings to Human.
  • Add hero Bishop for race Stormwind.
  • Add special building to race Dragonkin.
  • Add property Strahnbrad.
  • Only unpause units after cinematic which have not been paused before.
  • Restore previous camera position after cinematic.
  • Fix many building and unit portraits by specifiny the new field "upor" from Warcraft 2.0.
  • Add custom model for Orb of Light missile.
  • Fix hero spell Phoenix Fire for hero Flamebinder.
  • Add Kul Tiras quest 1.