This is a fairly rude and aggressive response for a simple request that is, in my opinion, a very legitimate concern. I'm not a n00b - I'm the shaman of one of the most prolific and long-lived mapping clans in Warcraft - and two of the maps of mine that appear on this server won Director's Choice awards on the old wc3s site. You'd think that you would appreciate legitimate feedback from people who might be contributing to your site, rather than trying to belittle their opinions and castigate them for making a request. I understand that the site is being updated - that's why I made the request.
You should note that I never called you a noob, I only insinuated that if you were to impatient to wait for the improvements to the Resource section, you should go play n00b games. I don't care about your achievements, they mean nothing here. You bring good things to the table, you get respected. That's how it works, but just because someone has done this, or made that many maps, or won these awards, doesn't mean anything. If you have talent, great, share it with everybody! That's what we like around here. I am absolutely not belittling you, just pointing out that you, along with countless hundreds of other new users, have made this same god damned request over and over again, and don't seem to realize that we have already figured that one out, and that it's coming, so just wait, and you will see. I don't think I belittled you in any way... I explained the present situation, I explained that Ralle is working on new things, and I explained that what you see now is only a glimpse of what things will be like in the future. Hardly aggresive if you ask me, maybe you feel threatened for some unknown reason? I made a perfectly reasonable response to a valid question, and that's that, but trying to make me out as the aggressor, well, that's pretty low because in this case, I hardly see myself as such.