Will the resource section be better organized?

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Level 2
Jul 13, 2006
Improvement on Resource Search

I think that Hive should have the option of how many resources are showed on the page instead of me looking at like 10 and then changing page, it is quite annoying so i think they should keep the search system like wc3sear.ch did
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Ralle is trying to *partially* mimic wc3sear's style but with more extras.
the database isnt exactly finished yet.

And yes, the page and number thing does need to be fixed. I suggest page numbers of 10,25,50,100. (but no all..thats just overkill on loading..)

in the mod panel we cant turn the page over, AT ALL. Thus we cant approve old resources that dont have broken links. The ones with broken links are stacking so we can only approve/ignore new resources and such. And id rather not approve a model with no image, and/or description and/or a foreign name, those ones are stacking too.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
It would be very useful to have Wc3search's system. However, it missed some categories.

It would be excellent if, by writing the Label, a new category with the name of the label showed up on the Category Browse List. However, TDs would be turned to Tower Defences, DotAs to AoS, and such. And those with no labels would be (Unsorted). Might require alot of work, though. And it needs moderators to watch it constantly. Specially if it's to be made in all sections.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
It would be very useful to have Wc3search's system. However, it missed some categories.

It would be excellent if, by writing the Label, a new category with the name of the label showed up on the Category Browse List. However, TDs would be turned to Tower Defences, DotAs to AoS, and such. And those with no labels would be (Unsorted). Might require alot of work, though. And it needs moderators to watch it constantly. Specially if it's to be made in all sections.

Heh, I was talking to Ralle a while ago about making it just like that.
Level 2
Jan 17, 2007
Im just wondering if the search system
like that of wc3sear.ch was be implemented?
because it is almost impossiable to find a model and so forth
when there are dozens and dozens of pages

and sorry if this is in the wrong section
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Some of form of rating system would be nice.

So for example, im looking for "Undead" models or skins.
I then filter it to show, 'highest rated to lowest rated first, instead of dates.

Make sit easier to pick out the top good ones, without having to fully browse it all.
Level 1
Mar 9, 2005
Minimap vs. Preview Pictures

As a map contributor, I'd like to request that the mandatory exposure of the minimap (as opposed to imported preview pictures) be changed. In some maps, the terrain is hidden for a reason (e.g. player exploration) and in some maps the terrain is not attractive and the preview picture was designed to cover that up or at least draw more attention than an ugly minimap might. I don't understand why the site is designed to show a tiny thumbnail of imported preview pictures and a large image of the exposed minimap.

I should think that many other map contributors would be opposed to this as well.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
So you download maps based around the minimap image of the terrain? Wow, you must be playing really shitty maps, because that's a really stupid way of doing things. Ever heard the expression "Don't judge a book by it's cover"? Same rules apply here. Just because the fricking mini map image, a minimal expression of the actual terrain, looks bad, it doesn't give you any indication to how good a map actually is. And besides, a map could have stunning terrain and absolutely shit all for gameplay, so that's a poor way of judging things anyway.

Also, as is being constantly stated, the Resource section is under construction, so right now things are not completely the way that Ralle would like them to be. WORK IS STILL BEING DONE TO IMPROVE THINGS! When the Hive's resource section is complete, it will be BETTER then Sear's ever was, and it will be way less laggy, wont absolutely destroy our server and it will also load quickly. Improvements are on the way, so sit tight and deal with it for now.

If you don't like it, then go back to playing Sims 2, or whatever the hell it is that n00bs play these days....
Level 1
Mar 9, 2005
Also, as is being constantly stated, the Resource section is under construction, so right now things are not completely the way that Ralle would like them to be. WORK IS STILL BEING DONE TO IMPROVE THINGS! When the Hive's resource section is complete, it will be BETTER then Sear's ever was, and it will be way less laggy, wont absolutely destroy our server and it will also load quickly. Improvements are on the way, so sit tight and deal with it for now.

If you don't like it, then go back to playing Sims 2, or whatever the hell it is that n00bs play these days....

This is a fairly rude and aggressive response for a simple request that is, in my opinion, a very legitimate concern. I'm not a n00b - I'm the shaman of one of the most prolific and long-lived mapping clans in Warcraft - and two of the maps of mine that appear on this server won Director's Choice awards on the old wc3s site. You'd think that you would appreciate legitimate feedback from people who might be contributing to your site, rather than trying to belittle their opinions and castigate them for making a request. I understand that the site is being updated - that's why I made the request.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
This is a fairly rude and aggressive response for a simple request that is, in my opinion, a very legitimate concern. I'm not a n00b - I'm the shaman of one of the most prolific and long-lived mapping clans in Warcraft - and two of the maps of mine that appear on this server won Director's Choice awards on the old wc3s site. You'd think that you would appreciate legitimate feedback from people who might be contributing to your site, rather than trying to belittle their opinions and castigate them for making a request. I understand that the site is being updated - that's why I made the request.

You should note that I never called you a noob, I only insinuated that if you were to impatient to wait for the improvements to the Resource section, you should go play n00b games. I don't care about your achievements, they mean nothing here. You bring good things to the table, you get respected. That's how it works, but just because someone has done this, or made that many maps, or won these awards, doesn't mean anything. If you have talent, great, share it with everybody! That's what we like around here. I am absolutely not belittling you, just pointing out that you, along with countless hundreds of other new users, have made this same god damned request over and over again, and don't seem to realize that we have already figured that one out, and that it's coming, so just wait, and you will see. I don't think I belittled you in any way... I explained the present situation, I explained that Ralle is working on new things, and I explained that what you see now is only a glimpse of what things will be like in the future. Hardly aggresive if you ask me, maybe you feel threatened for some unknown reason? I made a perfectly reasonable response to a valid question, and that's that, but trying to make me out as the aggressor, well, that's pretty low because in this case, I hardly see myself as such.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Just knock it off.

Both of you.

The topic of this discussion is "Improvement on Resource Search." Please contribute to this topic in a constructive fashion or hold peace. If I have to clean this thread for off-topic or agressive posts, believe me, it's going to be a much shorter thread.

Also, as is being constantly stated, the Resource section is under construction, so right now things are not completely the way that Ralle would like them to be. WORK IS STILL BEING DONE TO IMPROVE THINGS! When the Hive's resource section is complete, it will be BETTER then Sear's ever was, and it will be way less laggy, wont absolutely destroy our server and it will also load quickly. Improvements are on the way, so sit tight and deal with it for now.

If you don't like it, then go back to playing Sims 2, or whatever the hell it is that n00bs play these days....

This is a fairly rude and aggressive response for a simple request that is, in my opinion, a very legitimate concern. I'm not a n00b - I'm the shaman of one of the most prolific and long-lived mapping clans in Warcraft - and two of the maps of mine that appear on this server won Director's Choice awards on the old wc3s site. You'd think that you would appreciate legitimate feedback from people who might be contributing to your site, rather than trying to belittle their opinions and castigate them for making a request. I understand that the site is being updated - that's why I made the request.

This is a fairly rude and aggressive response for a simple request that is, in my opinion, a very legitimate concern. I'm not a n00b - I'm the shaman of one of the most prolific and long-lived mapping clans in Warcraft - and two of the maps of mine that appear on this server won Director's Choice awards on the old wc3s site. You'd think that you would appreciate legitimate feedback from people who might be contributing to your site, rather than trying to belittle their opinions and castigate them for making a request. I understand that the site is being updated - that's why I made the request.

You should note that I never called you a noob, I only insinuated that if you were to impatient to wait for the improvements to the Resource section, you should go play n00b games. I don't care about your achievements, they mean nothing here. You bring good things to the table, you get respected. That's how it works, but just because someone has done this, or made that many maps, or won these awards, doesn't mean anything. If you have talent, great, share it with everybody! That's what we like around here. I am absolutely not belittling you, just pointing out that you, along with countless hundreds of other new users, have made this same god damned request over and over again, and don't seem to realize that we have already figured that one out, and that it's coming, so just wait, and you will see. I don't think I belittled you in any way... I explained the present situation, I explained that Ralle is working on new things, and I explained that what you see now is only a glimpse of what things will be like in the future. Hardly aggresive if you ask me, maybe you feel threatened for some unknown reason? I made a perfectly reasonable response to a valid question, and that's that, but trying to make me out as the aggressor, well, that's pretty low because in this case, I hardly see myself as such.
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Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
Chunk is right in here, in all of his points.
I also want to get the 'real' minimap pictures hidden asap. The fact is the cooler minimap picture you have the more interest the map gets, and if people spend a lot of time making cool minimap pictures then they should be shown properly with the map and not as a little icon somewhere.
Brad you might think that the "dont judge a book by its covers" is in the back of everyones head, but it's not. I often skip maps just because of their ugly minimap previews, and I believe many others do the same. Appearance is important.
Ralle is trying to *partially* mimic wc3sear's style but with more extras.
the database isnt exactly finished yet.

And yes, the page and number thing does need to be fixed. I suggest page numbers of 10,25,50,100. (but no all..thats just overkill on loading..)

in the mod panel we cant turn the page over, AT ALL. Thus we cant approve old resources that dont have broken links. The ones with broken links are stacking so we can only approve/ignore new resources and such. And id rather not approve a model with no image, and/or description and/or a foreign name, those ones are stacking too.
I would rather w8 for a minute until 'all' are loaded and then use my 'Middle Mouse' button to open things i need in a new Tab (In Firefox)
There should be at least an 'option' for 'All', if you don't want to use it, don't click on it.

I also agree about the 'Minimap Picture' thing. Are you going to take a book that has very cool and graphical looking cover or are you going to take a complitely white book with a Black, Arial titling? Those minimap pictures have been indeed made for a reason like to make the map lok more attractive, professional or maybe to explain where th emap is aobut
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