Walkable Walls/Doodads


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Level 65
Jan 1, 2006
Walkable Walls/Doodads
By Archian

I've noticed aswell as been asked how to make custom made walls (for instance) walkable for ground units.
This is why i've made this tutorial which explains how to do it.

This a General Mapping hint.

The Wall Itself
First of all you'll be needing a wall, there are some cool ones downloadable here and here.
However there are doodads and destructibles within the World Editor you could use aswell.

Object Editing
You can't use common doodads like the "Pier" or "Wall End Short" to make the walkable wall.
Baseing the wall on these doodads will make the units go right through it and not ON it.
Therefore you should base your wall on a destructible like the "Stone Ramp" (found under Bridges/Ramps).

So edit the ramp field values so it fits for your wall (size, shadow, pathing etc.)
If the field "Pathing - Is Walkable" is set to False, adjust it to True.

Usually the pathing doesn't fit your new wall, so i'd adjust the field "Pathing - Pathing Texture" to NONE.
However, now the units can "enter" the wall from all directions...

Pathing Blockers
To prevent the units from "entering" the wall from all kinds of directions, you should use Pathing Blockers.
Place the Pathing Blockers around the wall where you don't want the units to be walking or entering.
This doesn't work within the WE, only in-game the units are able to walk on the walls.

(This image shows the footmen's in-game)
(This image shows how i placed the footman inside the WE)

You can edit a Pathing Blocker's Pathing Texture to a larger texture; so you don't have to place a large amount of Pathing Blockers around your castle etc.

Usually people uses a model of a stair for the units to walk on to get to the wall.
Simply adjust the Pathing Blockers so they lead the unit up on the stair and further onto the wall.

You'll probably gonna have to adjust the "Art - Fixed Rotation" for the wall...

If you know there's another way to do this, then feel free to post it bellow...
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