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Voice Actors Wanted

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Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
(Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this kind of thing)

That's right people, RDZ hasn't been dead for the past few months, he is in fact working on a massive RPG on a tiny map. And he wants to voice it. That's a good 250 or more lines of dialogue (just for the main quests!), so it's a big job.

Hence why I call upon you, the good people of wc3sear.ch, to aid me in my plight. I currently require five actors, ranging from a one-liner to major plot characters; there is surely a part big or small enough to fit any taste.

If you're interested in taking part, please signal your interest in this thread, and I shall furnish you with a script, the available roles and a beta version of the map.

NOTE: You must supply your own microphone, and it must be of reasonable quality. Before you are accepted as an actor, you must provide a sample of your voice (PM me or e-mail [email protected] if you're too embarrassed to post it here).

Thank you.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Ghost27 - The big evil bad guy, I'm afraid, has been taken, so unless you kill my current actor...

Anyway, at the moment it's human(oid) characters I need - a Militia Captain (like a footman, incidental but still with a little dialogue), an evil/misguided human (think Admiral Proudmoore), "The Commander" (only actually appears in two cinematics), and a one-liner - a labourer.

So there you go. Of course, at some later stage I will return for people to act as optional-quest characters...
Level 2
Jun 11, 2005
maybe it's a good idea if you download a kinda voice changer (to change a normal human voice into a demon or something) ;) but i'm not really interested.. cuz my english sux and im also dutch.. but if you really want me..
but i shouldnt..
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Right then. Some samples of available characters:

Militia Captain: HALT! Who goes there?
Militia Captain: Sound the alarm! The Errsbrückers are attacking!

The Commander: At ease, Captain. What are your findings?
The Commander: At last I come ashore. I assume the villagers have been pacified, and a full camp has been established?

Lord Scheisen: Hah hah hah. You may have destroyed my village, Kirby, but don't think I won't give you the same courtesy.
Lord Scheisen: No, no… It is not over... There is more to this... Than meets the eye... It is... Not over... Yet....

Labourer: Don't bother building a base camp. I'll handle that. You guys build some farms and stuff.

None of these guys have particularly large parts, so try your hand at any of them. Beware that you may be competing with others for a part.
Level 6
Dec 29, 2004
I went ahead and tried out for the Militia Captain and The Commander.

Militia Captain 1:

Militia Captain 2:

The Commander 1:

The Commander 2:

I did preaty good on the Militia Captain, but since I didn't know what I should sound like for the Commander, I just attempted the battlecruser voice from starcraft.
Rao Dao Zao said:
Ghost27 said:
oh damn..how to spell that??i'm not good at german espescially thos "ü"
Nor am I, but hell, it looks good to have a few accented letters flying around. I think it's a sort of "oo" but I am not at all sure.

Download a text-to-speech program (Speakonia suggested) and a german language add-on (L&H German suggested) and try out the word to see how they say with the letter "ü".

For myself I already know how how u say that letter because I know a few bits of the German language. I don't know how to explain the exact, but this letter "ü" is somewhat close to "y".
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