Villagerino's Work in Progress


Hello community! I'm happy to annouce a forum thread devoted to my work in progress!

Here you can follow the creative process of models, icons and other projects I'm currently working on and discuss any content without waiting for my bundles to be published. Always feel free to leave your comments and enjoy your stay!

Shattering Frost.png

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Where have you been, you ask? And I will answer you immediately: I was hands full with models devoted to one of the coolest custom maps - Tree Tag.
The map itself is so fun, deep and many-sided that I couldn't stop playing it and finally joined the developers team!

Here sneaky little Ents fight for their lives against huge and scary Infernals. You will have plenty options on how to develop your play style, enjoy original gameplay, have fun or even feed your competitive spirit and become a respected and professional member.

The map has an active and vibrant community where everyone can be themselves.
We always welcome you to join our Discord, visit the website or watch some of the latest tournament videos!


By the way, this is my first loading screen for a map (ever), and the essentric models on the right are also my work 😀
I hope you will enjoy my WIPs and stay tuned!
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Ent Warrior

Mission. We need to create a model that is easily recognizable as an Ent Warrior, has a design that fits perfectly with the visuals of Warcraft, and also has a clean/edgy look to serve as a great base for future skins (yes, we'll need plenty!).


Appearance. It must correspond to the role, namely: quickly and harshly kick ass of the Infernal team units. Thus, we decided to follow the idea of a primeval and raging Ent which assembles the image of a wild and untamed creature.

Still interested? Let's move on!


Pic 1. Class selector in the Fountain of Destiny.

In Tree Tag there are 9 (!) general Ent classes (pic. 1) and 2 secret classes. Quite a lot, I would say, especially when you think of providing every Ent with a unique and recognizible appearance that must not be confused by players. In addition, all new models should contain some features that pay homage to the original models that players are accustomed to. Sounds like a great challenge, doesn't it?

Let's start with the most difficult part, which will give us the future direction - the Ent's Face.

To begin with, we took our Ent template with all the necessary animations, as well as a merged portrait (so as not to worry about unnecessary changes in the future), and then we applied AncientProtector.blp:


Well, no matter how we stretch the texture, we can’t get the eyes to fit into their sockets, half of the face is covered with leaves, and a dark spot has formed under the nose that needs to be covered with something.

As you can see, the texture maps are very different: the Ent's face is too long and narrow, while AP's is wide and protruding. To solve this problem I made the face more massive, and moved the eyebrows, which are constantly covered by the texture of the eyes, inward, thereby creating eye sockets.


Step by step, working like the best Greek sculptors, we adjusted the form to the texture, and the texture to the shape of the face. Now we can place accents on our face in the form of massive eyebrows, cheekbones, a wide and thick jaw, and let’s even add fangs:


Here we go! This manlike stern face is just what we need. At the same time we solved the problem with the dark spot under the nose with the help of a mustache, which also added extra masculinity.

But we're not out of the woods yet because the eyebrows are moved by the eye bones, the upper jaw is connected to the cheekbones, and the mustache does nothing at all. So we need to re-assign the old bones and add some new ones in order to get proper mimics:


Done! We re-assigned the bones and added a few more to control other facial structures. Let's have a look:


Good! The face is almost done but the head still looks bold and we also need something that will add more aggressive aesthetics and further develop the idea of the wild and unbridled nature of this character.

Let's think a little. A bunch of strong branches? Giant torn leaves? Hmm... How about a big, leafy mane? After all, it is an absolute symbol of the gorgeous and formidable lion nature, the real king of beasts. Let's see how it turns out!

For this we need to create... or use some existing geosets. Which creature has huge, prominent hair that gives it a special appearance? And the answer is Banshee!


Without delay we added different textures on top of the Banshee with leaves from the Night Elf family. After experimenting, we pick the most suitable texture for the color of the leaves:


Great! Also, this dynamic arrangement of leaves further enhances the character’s image. All that remains is to fix the "hair" on the bones. But for cunning people like us this is not a problem because we did not remove the bones of the branches, which will allow us to select moderately mobile ones and clone them:


Fine! We also arranged parts of the "mane" so that only the face was exposed, and additionally covered the back of the head. This gave an additional bestial charm to the character and greatly enhanced the external originality.

By the way, after wrapping the Ancient Protector texture back and forth we decided to abandon it because it was too dark and wrinkly. So let's go back to the standard Ent texture and see how it fits into the picture:


Much better! The Ent looks definitely fresher.

In the meantime, we adjusted the position of some limbs and made them larger to make our hero look more massive and dangerous. But the original Ent Warrior's hands had red glow. So, paying tribute to the original model, it is also worth focusing on the hands:


Interesting... Sharp claws and massive forearms might be the way. Let's continue to move the same direction and further pump up the animalistic nature of our hero:


Great! These forearms and stone claws can become a unique and signature element of the model (which fits well with our mission) that is clearly seen from afar.

The Ent now looks so dangerous that it seems that it can kick any forest enemy with a Mui-Tai elbow and then terminate it with its claws. But it would be a good idea to slightly adjust the volume of the forearms:


Good. Let's check out our sapling in the game and enjoy some animations:


Hmm... So far everything is working smoothly. Here we have the 'Spell Throw' sequence for items and spells (like Sentinel), as well as 'Spell Slam', and this is what he does when he summons his minions, giving them a short-term Roar buff.

And finally, as icing on the cake, let's do something special for the portrait. For this we'll imitate an amazing animation where an Ancient Protector shakes off some foliage:


So natural and beautiful, isn't it? Good old Blizzard knew the thing!

Okay, let's import the leaves with all their motion, put them closer to each other, animate the "mane", face and adjust the camera angle:


Nice! Our bushy wild friend got more originality. And before we release him into the wild, let's take one last family photo to compare how well the new model fits into the SD design that is so familiar to our eye:


Wonderful! Just an ordinary, but a bit crazed sapling that has always been here. So we can solemnly announce the addition of another Ent to the Tree Tag family! Clap, clap, clap!

Thank you all for your attention and I sincerely hope you enjoyed our little journey of thought! I tried not to overwhelm you with details and such, but instead tried to provide more pics and be as brief as possible.

There is still a lot of work ahead, many new models will be released soon, so I will be glad if you join me on my modeling adventure.

I look forward to seeing you again!

Warm regards,
your Villagerino
Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
Nice stuff!

Edit.: What an oustanding developmente post! i've tried to re-skin some models i like just to see how could it end, and it's a friggin rabbit hole X'D, seeing this is fantastic (i tried to rewrapp -Grendel's old burning ancient to use ancient protector skin too, what a nightmare X'D), keep the wips (or public resources) coming!
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I really like your work!

I should replay some treetag
Thank you! Always worth 😜

Nice stuff!
Thanks! I found your laughing reaction on my Wolf Rider Leader and after so much time it made me laugh as well :peasant-popcorn: but here you'll eventually see Ents mechanics with huge wrenches, pirate Ents with sabers and even Ents riding deers 😀

Edit: @stein123, some peeps are looking for the lost Grendel's legacy, if you have something stored, can they contact you? 🕵️‍♂️
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@Villagerino So, if I may ask, you will be making a new model for the Burning Legion 🙂?
Hey, sure, but they will get delayed. Anyways I have plans to finish my second Demonic bundle 👍
I love the demonic creatures and their powerful atmosphere from Disciples 2 and take inspiration from there. However, I'm not sure that they will be entirely Burnin Legion creations 🤔

It's a fantastic piece of work and I look forward to seeing more. And I'd like you to share some tips on how to make it.
Thank you!

Yea, I always consider it and will share creative moments from time to time that may be useful to someone 👌

By the way, Ent Warrior's post has some advice if you read between the lines, for example: if you plan to make a set of models based on one unit, then make a perfect template with a large set of animations that will pass the Sanity Test; also, don't remove unnecessary bones unless you're 100% sure you won't be using them.

P.S. Reading the creative process from experienced modelers can always teach you something. I also try to review interesting bundles from seasoned modelers 👍
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Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
Heck yeah!!

Very exciting to see you finally whip this up; you were already posting reams of information about your process & decisions with each upload; having it centralized here (& providing opportunity for feedback) is simply the most sensible evolution of your process. And your drive to maintain Warcraft-y styles while developing incredibly cool stuff has always been very impressive to me.

Looking forward to more!
Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
Edit: @stein123, some peeps are looking for the lost Grendel's legacy, if you have something stored, can they contact you? 🕵️‍♂️
Yeah sure, i think i have all his stuff, but on the computer i'm using right now i have only some of his recent models, and a few old ones (i'm sure there are a couple of his models with fixed normals attached on a request section post)
Hey, folks! I've recently updated my Swordmaster bundle and renamed it to Swordmaster & Dueler since it has been replenished with a new model:


And this medieval gentleman is waiting for you here!

Heck yeah!!

Very exciting to see you finally whip this up; you were already posting reams of information about your process & decisions with each upload; having it centralized here (& providing opportunity for feedback) is simply the most sensible evolution of your process. And your drive to maintain Warcraft-y styles while developing incredibly cool stuff has always been very impressive to me.

Looking forward to more!
Thank you for your kind and motivating words 💛
I will try to continue to impress and will always welcome your commentary 😌
Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
Hey, folks! I've recently updated my Swordmaster bundle and renamed it to Swordmaster & Dueler since it has been replenished with a new model:

View attachment 452246

And this medieval gentleman is waiting for you here!

Thank you for your kind and motivating words 💛
I will try to continue to impress and will always welcome your commentary 😌
Nice blademaster :)
Level 18
Apr 20, 2014
Hey, folks! I've recently updated my Swordmaster bundle and renamed it to Swordmaster & Dueler since it has been replenished with a new model:

View attachment 452246

And this medieval gentleman is waiting for you here!

Thank you for your kind and motivating words 💛
I will try to continue to impress and will always welcome your commentary 😌

Sorry for the quality, just wanted to joke on Garithos look lol
Skeleton Assassin

Hello my skinny brothers, it's me, Skeleton Assassin in the flesh!


Today I'm going to tell you how I became a professional knife fighter in the Undead army.

A few days a go I was a mere Skeleton in a regular Undead army: I was riding a Meatwagon, had friendship with Necromancers and carried a big shield with a portrait of mine.


But one day, when I was tanking some creeps in the ladder, I found a leaflet that said that a certain man Villagerino was looking for Skeletons for a certain bundle, where you can learn a new profession, improve your skills and receive a pile of social benefits for the dead completely free of charge:


This made me immidiately quit my job and rush my bones to the brothers, of whom there were already so many (sorry, Kel'Thudad!).


There I met my double, whose name was Skeleton_Portrait.mdx, in a suspiciously strange place called Retera's Model Studio. That was really weird, though I was intrigued!


There this man (what's name again?) offered me to become a whole thing with my double. Thus we got bound by one file, united our bones, thoughts and emotions (was that my line?). Anyways, I felt much better and stronger, though I lost some weight, they call it Kylobites.


Mr. Villagerino gave me a warm, brand new cloak, a comfortable loincloth (I was always worried that my pants were too short) and a well-sharpened knife (I drowned my rusty sword in the river but I still had the green stone from the handle).


When I looked in the mirror, I simply didn’t recognize myself:


Just a handsome! My bones are shining, my teeth are chattering, I’m all in purple (they say this is the trend of the season in the Undercity), and they even sewed up new boots, what a beauty! Though Mr. Villagerino said he took some chitin from Anub'arak to make my cape, so I'm a bit worried and hope he is okay.

A few hours later, Mr. Villagerino removed this strange wall that had always haunted me from behind and began to teach me how to pose:


At first I learned how to hold the daggers and learned a basic battle stance (they call it "Stand Ready"). Then I began to learn how to attack through shadowboxing:


So far I learned a couple of attack techniques, but Mr. Villagerino insisted that I must learn how to throw a dagger.

Since the daggers were infinite, I quickly learned how to throw one:


During that day I also learned how to spin them, this technique is called "Spell":


Quite impressive, isn't it? (Uh, my aching bones!)

Although the learning process was hard, I developed a super move called "Attack Slam":


My pelvis bone almost fell off, but it looks so cool, right? The game is definately worth the bone!

By the end of the training week in the RMS academy, I had learned to handle knives so well that I could even juggle them a little, look here:


Mr. Villagerino praised me for this, although for some reason he looked tired (he mentioned my cloak and said something about animation).

I also learned to run like a real assassin (you need to constantly bend down like in the famous anime, you know):


Almost every day I trained on a fat Ogre (but don't worry, I was told he was used to the pain!).

At the end of the training course, I was told to put on purple lenses (they say, they help you see shadows better, control the darkness and all that):


Well, at the very end I took a photo for the pass to the Crypt:


Now I am a truly valuable employee of the Undead! Thank you, RMS academy!

P.S. My bones still aching.
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What a fun idea; a fantastic little goofy adventure travelogue version of your modeling process? You are a gem my man. 💎
Thank you! I think this is the second gem from you, I will be happy to keep it in my collection 😌

Great vibe on skeleton assassin as it reminds me of sneaky forsaken rogues
Thanks! Didn't look at the Rogues though✌️

exelent heard that, you back, your skeleton and eredars pack was so good, wonder if you plans go on new ones like zombies, faceless, tuskars....
Yea, I'm back with the new content, was quite busy publishing it, still have a bunch of stored models 😉
Zombies? Maybe, but not Tuskars and Faceless. But I know who is making some cool Faceless models and I hope he'll publish it 👍

In the meantime, I'm making a new Demoness model for my pack which will be called... Hmm, I'll keep it a secret because it might reveal her future appearance and status in the Demon army. I usually start with the face:



Today I'm working on her facial structure (sexy mouth here), mimics and horns. She must be a charming seductress. This will also expand the range of spells suitable for this model. Once I've finished laying out the horns, I'll add hair and improve some wrapping.

I also found a good texture for the horns, and this is the amazing tail scales of the Black Dragon:


By the way, if you are in need of some long demonic horns, that you want to bend here and there, just cut off the Black Dragon's tail and make a simple re-wrap. I recommend! 👍
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Did you like playing with construction sets? I played with Lego a lot as a child and really enjoyed it. Perhaps this is why I see how different volumetric parts can make good connections.

Here is the draft and further development of our Demoness:


Right now she looks quite messy, containing some Night Elf parts and even Medivh's mesh. But don’t worry: it won’t last long and for a reason!

I cut off some Furion's geosets (because I'm lazy to make one myself) that have a suitable position for horns on the sides and above the ears at once:


This allowed us to increase the size of her forehead, thus creating more space for hair connections and its volumetry, and also allowed us to put ears where they should be in terms of the proper head structure (see the lines).

Medivh's upper chest armor allowed us to perfectly connect the neck and add hair on sides:


Now we can do a nice bob haircut and add some waving hair on the back of the head. Quite handy, isn't it?

Moreover, such shape of armor is a perfect fit for a future cloak we want there as it will cover her shoulders and her back. It also has a small piece of geoset that will allow us to add some jewelry, thus adding some pathos to the majestic look of our dame.

Well, let's sum it up!


According to our concept, the image of our demonic heroine is a pretty lamb-lady, she has soft-looking hair, curved horns and sharp, protruding ears.

Since our wonderful hellish girl will have breasts and a cloak, we decided to cover up her charms, at the same time creating a kind of elevation, an "umbrella", in order to release the cloak from under it. The place for decoration and the very shape of this armor will also allow us to enhance the high-born image of the heroine in the future: after all, armor not only protects, but also decorates!

That's it. We are waiting for you in the next issue of our magazine! * Some bleating sounds * 🐏
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Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
It seems like there are no Jaina-Demons, so let there be one while I’m making the main model:

View attachment 453026

As an experiment, I decided to use only one texture.
By the way, the original model was so unoptimized that I had to do a fair bit of digging 😵‍💫
Akkzhually X'D demon jaina used to be a common edit, here are some surviving examples (most of the old edits are gone for good):

Hots Dreadlord Jaina (this one has some nice anims tbf)

Also, nice model
Akkzhually X'D demon jaina used to be a common edit, here are some surviving examples (most of the old edits are gone for good):

Hots Dreadlord Jaina (this one has some nice anims tbf)

Also, nice model
I suspected it, over the course of all this time, Jaina must have been in different female textures many times. But I didn't visit XGM, only looked up for some here, though they are not very Jaina-looking in terms of detail.
Yea, also found the HOTS Jaina but she's of Undead texture.
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Level 28
Jun 4, 2023
Thank you! I think this is the second gem from you, I will be happy to keep it in my collection 😌

Thanks! Didn't look at the Rogues though✌️

Yea, I'm back with the new content, was quite busy publishing it, still have a bunch of stored models 😉
Zombies? Maybe, but not Tuskars and Faceless. But I know who is making some cool Faceless models and I hope he'll publish it 👍

In the meantime, I'm making a new Demoness model for my pack which will be called... Hmm, I'll keep it a secret because it might reveal her future appearance and status in the Demon army. I usually start with the face:

Hmm this is entirely different to how I go about it :/ I certainly wouldn't polish an element so thoroughly before getting everything else 'on the page' but now I'm worried I'm doing it wrong lol.
BTW do you ever split geosets just to make wrapping easier? Sometimes it's like I'm reusing the same small patch of a texture over and over and it can become pretty messing with all the overlapping triangles. I'm wondering if this is a valid tactic or a no-no for some esoteric reason.

I recently started on something new, literally ex nihilo going File -> New in RMS and building from the vertex up, but once I got to the face and threw down a few vertices to start with I decided to take a rest and I've procrastinated/avoided it ever since.
Maybe I should just bite the bullet and mutilate a gnoll face or something instead...

Coincidentally mine is also a 'Seducer', but an ironic Kobold version. I must say your temptress is living up to the description, however 😍
It's certainly utilizing the texture much better than the standard succubus, doing it justice.
Akkzhually X'D demon jaina used to be a common edit, here are some surviving examples (most of the old edits are gone for good):

Hots Dreadlord Jaina (this one has some nice anims tbf)

Also, nice model

I really like the Dark Elf and 'Jaina_Dreadlord' models, but they feel a touch unpolished when animated. Like the wrap on the portrait for the dreadlord; the mouth is a bit scuffed.
Villagerino's one is simple but nicely generic, so broadly applicable.
Hmm this is entirely different to how I go about it :/ I certainly wouldn't polish an element so thoroughly before getting everything else 'on the page' but now I'm worried I'm doing it wrong lol.
Can you explain? 🙂

BTW do you ever split geosets just to make wrapping easier? Sometimes it's like I'm reusing the same small patch of a texture over and over and it can become pretty messing with all the overlapping triangles. I'm wondering if this is a valid tactic or a no-no for some esoteric reason.
Yes, yes and yes. With some experience you will be able to see through these lines eventually, but splitting is always the way to go. Connecting Geosets back together is also not a problem in RMS, you can even use an automatic function for this (in case you didn't know: Edit -> Optimize -> Minimize Geosets).

Sometimes I duplicate (CTRL+D) small patches, if I need a face or another part of this model to fill a gap, then split it into another geoset or use the following function if the screen is not very messy:


This function allows you to select that piece or select whatever you want there that you have already selected in your editor. This comes in handy sometimes.

Then I just re-wrap the piece so it fits perfectly. For example, the Demoness' face and hair from the post above is mostly custom-made and I used this method of constructing my own volume, and thus I got the shape I wanted.

From time to time you also find stretched geosets like these:


If you select one of them it will look like a line in your Coordinate Editor:


If you want to get rid of this nonsence and re-wrap it later, then use the Remap UVs function. This will allow you to "open up" this geoset with previously snapped vertices:


This way you will get the whole mapping and will be able to properly wrap it 👍

I recently started on something new, literally ex nihilo going File -> New in RMS and building from the vertex up, but once I got to the face and threw down a few vertices to start with I decided to take a rest and I've procrastinated/avoided it ever since.
Maybe I should just bite the bullet and mutilate a gnoll face or something instead...
This is up to you. Some people prefer working only with their own geosets. But mostly people mix things up.

I also like mixing stuff and here's why: firstly, you get an SD geoset with a certain amount of detail that allows your model to have a more precise SD look; secondly, if you aim to make your model more Warcrafty - this is one of the fastest methods; thirdly, working with such geosets will eventually make you feel and then understand how many details and what shapes, connections, tricks Blizzard modelers used to use to create their models. Thus, by learning Warcraft geometry, you learn to feel the range of detail.

Personally, I think this is a great approach, at least for my purposes. I use a real native database, geometric methods for creating models from the game designers themselves, first-hand, and based on this I can add or remove details, rotate them back and forth within the framework of the overall visual concept of Warcraft. I used this method also because I had zero experience when I started modeling.

However, the more experienced I get, the more I create and use my own geosets, and they feel like native ones for the reasons stated above. I came to this gradually and this allows me to recreate the feeling of Warcraftyness to a certain extent. I hope I'll be able to do the same with the custom textures, eventually, like @Gluma.

Coincidentally mine is also a 'Seducer', but an ironic Kobold version. I must say your temptress is living up to the description, however 😍
It's certainly utilizing the texture much better than the standard succubus, doing it justice.
Thanks 🙂
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Ent Scout

Mission. We need to create a model that is easily recognizable as an Ent Scout, has a design that fits perfectly with the visuals of Warcraft, and also has a clean/edgy look to serve as a great base for future skins.


Appearance. It must correspond to the role, namely: stay a little leafy, camouflage and, since this Ent is a master of owls (his owls give vision and can transport certain units), then somehow echo his image. Thus, I followed the idea of an Owl-Ent creature to better fit the Ent's role.


Pic 1. Class selector in the Fountain of Destiny.

In Tree Tag there are 9 (!) general Ent classes (pic. 1) and 2 secret classes. Every Ent must have a unique and recognizible appearance.

Let's start with the most difficult part, which will give us the future direction - the Ent's Face, traditionally:


Hmm. Say, the Owlbear's has owl features, nice sharp ears and also hanging leaves just like a default Ent. A good choice! But what about texture? Since we're making a sapling, let's take the truly signature Ancient of the Wind texture and see how they work together:


Good! This one will be quite destinctive and reflect the owl nature.

Let's continue the wrapping. Unfortunately, the UV maps are very different:


But don't worry, I'm sure we can prevail! All we need is just to mercilessly cut the model into more than 30 pieces, and here is the first draft:


Fine. However, there are no obvious spots for the team-color in the model, so we will have to take care of them at the same time.

Let's continue our wrapping and see what we can do about the said above:


Nice! We got a leafy chest, legs and, what is more important, we were able to place fairly massive spots for the team-color on the forearms (that will be perfectly visible from the back and sides), and we also used a mirroring teqnique to make a big and beautiful pattern on the belly, our front place TC.

In addition, we craftily used the texture of the Ancient to create slightly protruding roots and wooden feet which almost resemble wooden toes, how convenient!

The base for the appearance is almost ready, but the sapling still looks somewhat bare and thin. So how about adding more foliage?


Here we go! We added a pare of leafy shoulder pads, some leaves on the scruff of the neck and re-wrapped some branches.
Thanks to this, our sapling acquired a V-shaped torso, which visually increased volume, improved proportions and added charisma.

Let's continue to work on the foliage idea:


Great! The foliage on the branches has blossomed, and a whole mane of leaves has appeared on the back as a continuation of the steep and streamlined shape of the head.

It's time to test our sapling in the map and look at him from afar so that our eyes don’t blur:


Hmm. Not bad! But it seems that there is too much stone texture, it would be necessary to remove it somehow in a beautiful way. Say, we can add some tree texture on the forearms:


Wonderful! Just look how the tree tips of the roots, claws and feet now echo each other, creating a certain ensemble of elements that fit perfectly together! By the way, we also improved the belly and back joints by stretching the texture with leaves.

In the meantime, we created a nice portrait with a custom 'Talk' sequence:


Now our Ent Scout is ready and standing in all its glory!

All that's left is to optimize our model by removing/minimizing dublicate geosets (as we cut the model many times) as well as any lone vertices.

Thank you all for your attention and I sincerely hope you enjoyed our little modeling adventure!

I look forward to seeing you again!

Best regards,
your Villagerino
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I really like the way you explain your work. Modelling is for me quite mysterious and it really helps to better understand challenges you are actually achieving.

Anyway, are you going to release them or are they private?
Thanks! Yes, I'll eventually release them in a pack 👌 for starters, 9 models, kekw.
Level 28
Jun 4, 2023
Can you explain? 🙂

...This is up to you. Some people prefer working only with their own geosets. But mostly people mix things up.

I also like mixing stuff and here's why: firstly, you get an SD geoset with a certain amount of detail that allows your model to have a more precise SD look; secondly, if you aim to make your model more Warcrafty - this is one of the fastest methods; thirdly, working with such geosets will eventually make you feel and then understand how many details and what shapes, connections, tricks Blizzard modelers used to use to create their models. Thus, by learning Warcraft geometry, you learn to feel the range of detail.

Personally, I think this is a great approach, at least for my purposes. I use a real native database, geometric methods for creating models from the game designers themselves, first-hand, and based on this I can add or remove details, rotate them back and forth within the framework of the overall visual concept of Warcraft. I used this method also because I had zero experience when I started modeling.

I'm not sure how to really elaborate, now that I think about what my point was likely to be, it might not even be that true haha.
Basically it struck me that you were perfecting a small part of the model in isolation before moving on to other elements, it looked like you even made some animations for the face before it was attached to anything. I think I tend to complete a stage for a model in entirety before moving on to the next stage (but I might be exaggerating).

I'll give an analogy of painting Warhammer minis: I would spray them all with the undercoat, then paint the entire batch's base colours, then maybe do the inking etc. until they are all finished. This is compared to painting each model to completion consecutively.
Or going about constructing a building; having electrical services done for a room or the interior surfaces before another room even has its roof installed.

However I'm probably just being autistic :p

Thanks for that other stuff, I've never used that minimize geosets option before, so I'll definitely need to keep it in mind.

You say you hadn't done modelling before but you use a fair bit of technical terminology; did you pick this up since you started or can I guess you had some background in artistic stuff beforehand?
Basically it struck me that you were perfecting a small part of the model in isolation before moving on to other elements, it looked like you even made some animations for the face before it was attached to anything. I think I tend to complete a stage for a model in entirety before moving on to the next stage (but I might be exaggerating).
I usually get to the Portrait animation and some geometry at the end of the creative process for a bunch of good reasons. At the beginning I just give the general shape and "set the tone".

Here I took a separate portrait and started working on it first because it was the most complex part of the model and I needed a prepared torso-head connection for a good start - to give me a clearer direction for the rest of the model, because in general terms I have already imagined the other parts, because they are quite stereotypical, and I also know their number, how and where to place them and what shape they will roughly be. In short, more of the model depended on the design of the head and shoulders than vice versa 👌

You say you hadn't done modelling before but you use a fair bit of technical terminology; did you pick this up since you started or can I guess you had some background in artistic stuff beforehand?
I am a self-taught artist, but I only draw in graphics; it’s hard to even call it an education. I don’t have a serious academic background and in drawing I rely only on my talent, haha, if I have it, and general ideas. But I will improve my drawing and learn it professionally, because I am deeply immersed in the field of tattooing and plan to develop and succeed greatly in this (I have a higher education and had a career that does not relate to drawing but all I want now is to make my hobby a job so I will never have to work again 😉).
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Ent Regrower (and the Sapling of Eternity skin)

Mission. I tried to create a default Regrower Ent model/skin that is easily recognizable as a Regrower Ent and blah, blah, blah...

Another Ent devoted to Tree Tag. Sullen and bushy, an old defender of the forest, is always ready to overgrow a bald meadow!

Appearance. Here I followed the idea of a moody Ent with some animalistic features and dense foliage. In other words, this is a stubborn and grouchy creature that will sow the forest no matter what.

To begin with, we applied the Ancient of Life texture and re-shaped the head:



This texture has strong associations with the Tree of Life (which gives life and rapid growth of forest vegetation) and will help us make thorough use of truly large leafy crowns in the future (there are rich patterns of foliage, quite handy!).

As the texture has small team-colored patterns it's a good idea to try to "scatter" them throughout the body of the tree:


Good. Since we are no longer new to this business, we put marks on the roots in advance, because in the future the Ent's back and head will most likely be covered by foliage, which will make it difficult to see the team color from different camera angles. Looks good!

However, the TC spots on the Ent are rather small. Let's make more of them and, in the meantime, cut off some leafy crowns and attach them to the Ent's bones branches:


We also managed to re-wrap the hands and knees, and this will allow us to hit more camera angles. In addition, our Ent now has leafy shorts that seamlessly connect to his roots and feet, and his chest is no longer bare. What great fellows we are!

Perhaps it's time to adjust the size of the crowns, add some TC parts on top and make an animated beard to increase charisma:


Good! Here we also took some smooth-moving bones and connected them with short, stump-like branches at the top.

Let's continue to polish the model by adjusting the size of some parts and improve our wrapping:


Fine! The Ent now looks rather proportionate and the leaves don't seem too small. We also nicely re-wrapped the mouth, thanks to the Ancient of Life texture.

Let's take our time and see this Ent in action:


It's alive! And, to add to this, he looks like a Sapling of Life, a truly small regrower! What more could we ask for?

Ah, we could ask for a portrait. Well, here it is:


By the way, this is a default model of our Ent Regrower, and we can surprise Tree Tag players even more by making a rare Sapling of Eternity skin!

But something tells me that reading another whole wall of text won’t be enough to get us in the mood, so we'll do a rocketjump straigh to the final stage of the skin:


Here we go! We took the owl thing from the Tree of Eternity and made it look less fancy. We also added some OG particles and a pulsating glow with a small omni-light to support the shine. At the end we took some butterfies from Faerie Fire spell, made them move in the direction we wanted (some global sequences here) and made them fly away and smoothly disappear in the 'Death' sequence. Quite nice, isn't it?

Let's do the same with the portrait:


The shine is there, and the butterflies don't fly through the model. Splendid!

Thank you all for your attention and I sincerely hope you enjoyed our little modeling journey!

As always, I look forward to seeing you again!

Warm regards,
your Villagerino
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Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
Ent Regrower (and the Sapling of Eternity skin)

Mission. I tried to create a default Regrower Ent model/skin that is easily recognizable as a Regrower Ent and blah, blah, blah...

Another Ent devoted to Tree Tag. Sullen and bushy, an old defender of the forest, is always ready to overgrow a bald meadow!

Appearance. Here I followed the idea of a moody Ent with some animalistic features and dense foliage. In other words, this is a stubborn and grouchy creature that will sow the forest no matter what.

To begin with, we applied the Ancient of Life texture and re-shaped the head:

This texture has strong associations with the Tree of Life (which gives life and rapid growth of forest vegetation) and will help us make thorough use of truly large leafy crowns in the future (there are rich patterns of foliage, quite handy!).

As the texture has small team-colored patterns it's a good idea to try to "scatter" them throughout the body of the tree:

Good. Since we are no longer new to this business, we put marks on the roots in advance, because in the future the Ent's back and head will most likely be covered by foliage, which will make it difficult to see the team color from different camera angles. Looks good!

However, the TC spots on the Ent are rather small. Let's make more of them and, in the meantime, cut off some leafy crowns and attach them to the Ent's bones branches:

We also managed to re-wrap the hands and knees, and this will allow us to hit more camera angles. In addition, our Ent now has leafy shorts that seamlessly connect to his roots and feet, and his chest is no longer bare. What great fellows we are!

Perhaps it's time to adjust the size of the crowns, add some TC parts on top and make an animated beard to increase charisma:

Good! Here we also took some smooth-moving bones and connected them with short, stump-like branches at the top.

Let's continue to polish the model by adjusting the size of some parts and improve our wrapping:

Fine! The Ent now looks rather proportionate and the leaves don't seem too small. We also nicely re-wrapped the mouth, thanks to the Ancient of Life texture.

Let's take our time and see this Ent in action:

It's alive! And, to add to this, he looks like a Sapling of Life, a truly small regrower! What more could we ask for?

Ah, we could ask for a portrait. Well, here it is:

By the way, this is a default model of our Ent Regrower, and we can surprise Tree Tag players even more by making a rare Sapling of Eternity skin!

But something tells me that reading another whole wall of text won’t be enough to get us in the mood, so we'll do a rocketjump straigh to the final stage of the skin:

Here we go! We took the owl thing from the Tree of Eternity and made it look less fancy. We also added some OG particles and a pulsating glow with a small omni-light to support the shine. At the end we took some butterfies from Faerie Fire spell, made them move in the direction we wanted (some global sequences here) and made them fly away and smoothly disappear in the 'Death' sequence. Quite nice, isn't it?

Let's do the same with the portrait:

The shine is there, and the butterflies don't fly through the model. Splendid!

Thank you all for your attention and I sincerely hope you enjoyed our little modeling journey!

As always, I look forward to seeing you again!

Warm regards,
your Villagerino
These are friggin great, there are so little custom ent / ancients models, love the quality you put on them, i saw a couple videos about tree tag, and i gotta say that i love the custom ents you've made, hope to see those released some day, any night elf fan would love to have them ♥
These are friggin great, there are so little custom ent / ancients models, love the quality you put on them, i saw a couple videos about tree tag, and i gotta say that i love the custom ents you've made, hope to see those released some day, any night elf fan would love to have them ♥
Thanks, man. I can release them earlier, though I want to show the development process at least of half of them. They are all finished 😅
Skins for Ent Regrower and Ent Warrior

Here are new skins that can be picked by Tree Tag players for a certain amount of points:


They are called Corrupted.

The first Ent was quite easy to make: I just had to swap its texture. But the second one made me re-wrap the body with the Corrupted Ancient Protector texture. As you can see, I made his eyes glow with fel anger and highlighted his main weapon - claws. His team-colored spot also look sharper.


In Warcraft only one model of the corrupted Ent is provided. I hope that these two saplings will be useful to many 👌
Skins for Ent Regrower and Ent Warrior

Here are new skins that can be picked by Tree Tag players for a certain amount of points:

They are called Corrupted.

The first Ent was quite easy to make: I just had to swap its texture. But the second one made me re-wrap the body with the Corrupted Ancient Protector texture. As you can see, I made his eyes glow with fel anger and highlighted his main weapon - claws. His team-colored spot also look sharper.

In Warcraft only one model of the corrupted Ent is provided. I hope that these two saplings will be useful to many 👌
He looks very cute.
Ent Mystic

Mission. I tried to create a default Ent Mystic model that follows the idea of a cunning and mysterious Ent who owns magic of illusions.


Appearance. The purple bark brings us back to the original model and evokes associations with the wise Ancient of Lore. Carries a magical lantern that emits light and particles that glow while casting spells, serves as a unique distinctive feature. A big team-colored spot, that represents a robe, is also another destinctive feature of this Ent.

To create this model we used 2 main textures:


The old version of this model (Ent Illusionist) was purplish and had a purple glow on its hand. Thus, to pay tribute to the original model it would be a good idea to use the Ancient of Lore texture. But why did we decide to use the Felguard texture? That's a question!

To begin with, we applied the Ancient of the Lore texture and tried to wrap it nicely:


Just look at those glowing eyes and horn-shaped branches on the head! They deserve more attention because they add originality to the models so we can scale them up. We also need to highlight the Ent's limbs so that he doesn't have that purple bark all over him: they are brown now and look quite saturated. Nice!

We can also use the Corrupted Ent texture to add more purple:


However, in Tree Tag Corrupted Ent models are used as Advanced Workers and their appearance is all too familiar to the eyes of players. Therefore, it is better to leave a contrasting combination of leaves (this will help us distinguish the model).

But what about the glow in the hand of the original model? What can replace it and make our new sapling stand out?
No worries, I got an idea! Let's try to steal the lantern from the Ancient and hang it on a rope:


Fits well? How else! But in order for Ent to wave the lamp beautifully, we will have to work with a good list of animations.

But there is one obvious fact: this model is missing team-color. Unfortunately, the Ancient of the Lore texture has TC spots that are not suitable for our model since they are only used on the staff. So we will have to look for another way out.

Before we add new geosets, that may require animation, let's work on the animations as best we can here and now so that in the future we don't have to change much to animate any additional details:


Frame by frame, in the 'Stand', 'Attack', 'Walk' and the other sequences, we gradually made the lantern swing as the laws of physics dictate to us (or almost dictate).

And now it's time to start working on the team-color! Our Ent is like a magician, and magicians wear mantles. Hmm... We can try to take a large and colorful part of the mantle:


Ha, just what we need! (Thank you, Blood Mage.) Instead of the standard solution to "paint" the arms and legs, we decided to make do with one large suitable and vivid element, which, moreover, can be successfully adapted to the Ent's hunchbacked back.

Well, let's find a texture that will perfectly match the lantern:


Hmm... The Night Elf Sentinel texture could be our choice, but the color tone of the lines and their thicknes are... quite different.
Eh, what a waste of time. But what an experience! Well, let's continue digging into the textures:


Oh! Soft silver color tones, similar thickness of the lines and tasteful minimalism! Fine, we take it.
That's where the Felguard texture came in handy. Who would have thought that a Demon would be so useful to his enemies?

However, we need to customize the mantle part and add a few bones for animation and get rid of the glitches when our sapling swings its wooden arms.

It's time to test our creation in the game:


No, no, you watch to the end: we added light from the lantern which beautifully illuminates the Ent in the night, like the Moon!

Let's further increase the emphasis on the lantern, the main and distinctive part and weapon of the model, and try to get the most out of this:


"This is more like it."
A fitting 'Stand Channel', isn't it?

Damn it, the portrait is left. Well, let's go:


We moved the camera around, played with sizes, lighting and other parameters. Sign it, sir!


Thank you all for your attention and I sincerely hope you found it interesting!

I look forward to seeing you again!

Kind regards,
your Villagerino
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Owl Nest

Remember our Scout Ent? If yes, behold his class building - the Owl Nest!


The base size equals the Moonwell, a bit taller than the Sentry Tower, this is a small support building without a lot of details, although quite distinctive. The building automatically produces Scoul Owls that fly off in different directions, dispelling the fog of war.

Where do owls nest? Usually in tree hollows. And what detail can directly indicate to the player that the building produces birds? Of course, eggs and a nest. But firstly we should prepare a tall, strong log on which to build a nest.

So let's take a huge fitting log from the Chim Roost and take away the awesome nesting place from the Ancient of Wonders:


After a few moments of adaptation (we re-wrapped something, removed the TC and adjusted something), we get this:


Good. A nice base for the building, isn't it?

But the building needs its own base. The wooden base is overused, so we'll use stone to add originality:


Nice! Here we twisted the base of the Altar into a "donut" and adjusted the size a bit.

Of course, the building looks a little empty, especially the trunk. Therefore, we can improve the composition by using similar elements:


Bam and bam! The trunk has got something like mini-nests that perfectly fill up the empty space. The structure also resembles a kind of "staircase" that can be used to climb up to the nest or a specially grown nesting area for breeding birds.

Since we initially conceived a tree, let’s add branches and some foliage at the same time:


Fine. We don't have to go far to get branches: we just need to chop them off from the Ancient of Lore.


Now let's add more foliage (for a more dynamic look) and some team-color (of course to the branches):


Now we're talking! Just imagine how beautifully these hanging leaves will sway in the wind.

By the way, do you remember those hanging trinkets for the Chim Roost?


They create a certain feeling of the wind blowing and besides, their "stretchiness" and length along the tall trunk will improve the composition. Let's make them a continuation of our team-color:


Very nice! We also stole a few smaller Gryphon eggs so that together with this grass they create the nest shape.


By the way, the trinkets had global animation, which means they will always move in all animations, so we imported them along with the bones, quite handy!

Well, let's finish this whole thing by creating a 'Stand Work' sequence which should be quite destinctive, and let's also make a portrait:


Here we added a particle emitter, a glow plane and a few duplicate geosets of the eggs that we scale up and down.
The dynamics of the transparent egg geoset transformation is visually traced, which seems to hint at their growth.

Let's check out our Owl's Nest in the game and compare it with some other buildings:


Yes, it is intentionally almost tower-sized, with the base of the Moonwell, and resembles a spire.
What else can we do? Only add some owls!


Thank you all for your attention and I hope you like my work!

Best regards,
your Villagerino
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Ent Engineer

Mission. I tried to create a default Engineer Ent model/skin that is easily recognizable as an Engineer Ent and blah, blah, blah...


The crazyness continues! And here's another Ent devoted to Tree Tag.

Smart and cunning, always ready to erect big and tall towers that can hold back an infernal invasion!

Rumors say that long time ago a Dwarf (or maybe a smart Goblin!) died, his DNA was absorbed into the soil of the Tree Tag forest, and thus this Sapling appeared.

Appearance. This is a skilled and intelligent Ent-tinker, mechanic, inventor and someone else. He wears welding goggles, a construction helmet, a pare of tool kits, a huge wrench and a mysterious engine on his back. His old, battered armor, covered in machine oil, consists of parts of a broken Steam Tank.

To begin with, we decided to use some steampunk textures, so we went to visit Tinker for tea:


This texture has strong associations with mechanical parts and contains things like wrench texture which is a good fit for the future weapon (and what else besides a huge wrench could it be?).

Our Ent has a spirit of a cunning goblin-mechanic and this hints at his appearance. So, how about adding a long nose, a short beard and bushy eye brows?


The nose transplant was successful and, of course, we created welding goggles to add more charm to our character. Good!

Since we're done with creating the face, we're moving on to changing the proportions of the body. What about making our sapling a bit... gnomish-like? Let the stereotypes work on us:


Done. We also addeed a turbine on the back to make the character more destinctive, and prepared a place for the team color in advance (because we must think in advance just like real and smart engineers! Or entgineers?).

Well, next we got worried that our hero is not nerdy enough without suspenders, so we added some:


Despite the fact that they are made of metal, they still stretch perfectly and maintain their shape, like all other Warcraft armor.

We also started working on the helmet and tried on a brand new wrench:


It's kinda hard to work with a 2D wrench, you know, so we made it more volumetric.

Fine! The picture is now more wholesome and this will help us to further develop the appearance:


At this stage we also worked on the concept of the helmet, making it more "compatible" with other parts of the armor. (Yes, we also stole the flashlight from the Marine model.) Here an additional stiffening rib on the helmet along with a flashlight made it really look like an engineer's helmet.

What else decorates the uniform of a mechanic worker? Of course, a tool belt with tool pockets:


This wasn't an easy task and we had to try about 10 options. But the result finally put our inner perfectionist in his place!
As you can see we also made custom pockets. Although we used the same technology as when creating the nose, sniff.

Well, it's time to take care about the portrait:


We made his eyebrows move as well as the nose and... Shhh... See anything? Yes, it's an additional portrait animation that adds a bit to the charisma of our character.

And in the end, let's enjoy the beautiful visual unity of our Ent with a... Steam Tank!


A gorgeous couple, aren't they?

Thank you all for your attention and I sincerely hope you enjoyed our little modeling journey!

As always, I look forward to seeing you again!

Best regards,
your Villagerino
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It took a long time, but at least I got the specs I wanted. And I'm proud to announce that I'm returning to modeling. Though I need a second monitor!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like all your case fans are exhaust fans (maybe with the exception of the top fans, but I can't see them)? Ideally speaking, the rear fan, side fans, and bottom fan should all be intake, and the top should be exhaust. Positive pressure in a computer case is always better than negative pressure. The rear fan would blow fresh and cool air on your CPU cooler, which is set up in a push-pull fan config. The bottom fan blowing fresh air onto the GPU fans, and the side fans blows even more fresh air into the case, creating the positive pressure. The top fans will then exhaust the naturally rising hot air, gaining optimal cooling capabilities.

I may be wrong about your fans, but if those fans are like normal other fans then they are most definitely all set to exhaust.