Edit:Ok,here goes
The intro does what it needs to,it introduces the story and plot.Your placement of doodads was also good,it matches the situation and environment.One thing that bothers me though is the sheep just walking around in the camp.In a later cinematic it is in a pen,why isn't it so in the intro?
Story 1:Garry the Awesome
This chapter really needs terrain improvements.It's not a good idea to put green plants and shiny flowers on barren terrain.There are also some issues at the ramp at the start,which can be seen in this screenshot
Aside from that the fight against the zombie hordes feel very boring repetitive and unexciting.While the boss does feel tougher,it does not use any abilities nor does it pose a great threat.The hero himself has no unique abilities except the lightning one
Interlude:Gary's Humiliation
It does what it has to and progresses the story.Nothing special really,however this time it's a pig strolling around the camp.Why is a regular pig walking around in the middle of the forest anyway?
Second Story:Treasure Hunter
Straight off the bat you see your hero has a very unfitting icon and has default abilities.However,the abilities are useful for the encounters on the islands.However,some of them(namely avatar)felt unfitting for the hero.The reverent you encounter before getting the infernal stone is extremely hard to defeat and can be a large pain
Nothing special,just progresses the story.
Third Story:Ogre Problems
The idea and lore behind this is quite neat but there are some problems unfortunately.The hero once again just has default abilites,making him feel non-unique.The part where you have to destroy the base is long,boring and tiring,though the boss fight that follows isn't too bad.
Introduces a new character and pushes forward the story.Not much to say,except that your use of doodads was good
Fourth Story:The New Horde
This chapter is my favorite.While there are some weirdly placed doodads(like green rocks in the middle of that path),some deep holes,odd hills and the ramp problem from earlier again it does offer a challenge and also allows some new custom units which is wonderful.
Interlude:Captain's lying
Progresses the story,however,some of Garry's dialogue seems childish,like when he is basically begging the captain to let him tell a story.
Fifth story:Spring is coming
There are some oddly placed doodads,such as green shrubs on ice.Except for that one of the quests in the quest menu's icon is green(See this tutorial
How to:Import a icon)Aside from that once I left the village where the woman calls the guards,the woman kept following me,even when I reached the end
The outro was ironic and added a funny ending to the entire campaign.However,I feel the player should be able to skip the music at the end
Overall and verdict
The campaign is humarous and has a interesting story,however it still has a lot of flaws and a few bugs.Due to this I'm afraid I have to say
2/5 and needs fix
Here are some tutorials you should look at.Feel free to contact me if you need help or have questions
Advanced Terraining tutorial
Natural Enviroments