Urban Legends of Lordaeron People1.4

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Urban Legends of Lordaeron People v1.4


Map Info

This campaign contains 5 different stories that are told by four bored people on night watch,every story is original in some way. Those four story tellers are Bob, Garry, Thorgas and Captain Bronzebeard. Bob is smart and always annoyed, Garry is little thickheaded, Thorgas is a dwarf smartass and nagger and Captain Bronzebeard is obviously their leader.
Your objective is simply play through all those stories, decide which one was the best and write your opinion here!
Campaign contains 13 chapters, if you count Credits.


  • Five different and original stories
  • 12 chapters
  • Few custom models
  • 3+ hours of gameplay
  • Funny moments
  • Custom spells
  • Some completly new units









Some else stuff about map

  • First story is not to be taken too seriously
  • Worked on this campaign 15+ hours
  • When I started working on this, I didn't even know what will be these stories about, EVERYTHING is improvised

  • Campaign buttons are now showing
  • Difficulty is now variable
  • Changed Campaign picture

  • Added three custom spells
  • Fixed some grammar errors
  • Set sky on all maps
  • Changed captain's name

  • Improved camera using
  • Corrected bugs
  • Ogres speak like proper ogres
  • Quest related units in third story are now invulnerable
  • Half-wit Paw in third story is now different from other ogres
  • Human base in third story is destroyed faster
  • Second story should be more entertaining now
  • Orcs attack more than once in the fourth story
  • Story of Garry the Awesome is now even more awesome
  • Added more original content (for example, one new unit called Brutal Knight in fourth story)

  • Improved boss fights
  • fixed or replaced custom spells
  • It's no longer necessary to play the interludes in order to continue to the next level
  • Added more new units to the fourth story
  • Secnod story is a bit easier
  • Safe zones in last story are restoring Frosty's life faster
  • Outro should be working now
  • Fixed some cinematics issues
  • Changed icon of the snow minion
  • Updated credits (Duh)
  • File size of the campaign is now much smaller


Complete credits are in game

Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Frozen Throne, Campaign, Custom campaign, Lordaeron, Stories, Random stories, Humans, Aliance, Ogres, Snowman

Urban Legends of Lordaeron People1.4 (Campaign)

15th Feb 2016, StoPCampinGn00b: Hasn't been updated since September with multiple reviews voting for needed fixes. 20:15, 22nd Aug 2015 Shadow Fury: Campaign set to needs fix. Read my new review.




15th Feb 2016,
Hasn't been updated since September with multiple reviews voting for needed fixes.

20:15, 22nd Aug 2015
Shadow Fury: Campaign set to needs fix. Read my new review.
Level 1
Apr 24, 2015
I'm gonna test this campaign, (check this later, i will update my comment once i finished)

I finished the campaign, That wasn't so bad, it's even pretty decent.

Good points :
- A campaign about story telling, original and i like it ! :thumbs_up:
- Credits for the skins used
- Ogres :grin:
- Side quests which help you in your main quest and worth it to complete.
- Fun to watch the Interludes.
Bad points :
- The first mission is almost near from the definition of "Boring", Even if it's fun to hear Garry telling about himself of "howawesomeiam", his spells aren't so awesome and he can only heal himself and do crits while AA all day.
- Ontro don't work
- All heroes in this game got basic abilities like holy light... Or shock flames or Phenix... Maybe you can add your own custom spells.
- The name of the captain don't fit for a human... Maybe you can find something else ?

Suggestions :
- For Garry, you can add spells which are really awesome, like sending a big thunder on his enemies, or going in and slicing every units in his path... You can do more here to make's Garry even more... Awesome.
- Adds more custom spells on other heroes.
- More cinematics ? Like when your ogre coming in the human base.
- Why Nicholas got a sam icon on the 2nd mission ? :eek:

I give a rate of 2.5/5 +rep, it's good but you can improve !
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Level 5
Aug 4, 2015
I'm gonna test this campaign, (check this later, i will update my comment once i finished)

I finished the campaign, That wasn't so bad, it's even pretty decent.

Good points :
- A campaign about story telling, original and i like it ! :thumbs_up:
- Credits for the skins used
- Ogres :grin:
- Side quests which help you in your main quest and worth it to complete.
- Fun to watch the Interludes.
Bad points :
- The first mission is almost near from the definition of "Boring", Even if it's fun to hear Garry telling about himself of "howawesomeiam", his spells aren't so awesome and he can only heal himself and do crits while AA all day.
- Ontro don't work
- All heroes in this game got basic abilities like holy light... Or shock flames or Phenix... Maybe you can add your own custom spells.
- The name of the captain don't fit for a human... Maybe you can find something else ?

Suggestions :
- For Garry, you can add spells which are really awesome, like sending a big thunder on his enemies, or going in and slicing every units in his path... You can do more here to make's Garry even more... Awesome.
- Adds more custom spells on other heroes.
- More cinematics ? Like when your ogre coming in the human base.
- Why Nicholas got a sam icon on the 2nd mission ? :eek:

I give a rate of 2.5/5 +rep, it's good but you can improve !
Thank you for this review! I will try to fix and improve everything. :csmile:
And consider the Sam icon as an easteregg. :grin:
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Level 5
Aug 4, 2015
I'll try this out. I might make a review when I finish this.

Hello there, I'm glad that you are going to try this out, but please, if you already downloaded it, download it again now, I just fixed one mistake I did in the last update.

In the mission against three orc forces, they send troops against you just once, they replenish their forces but won't attack you again the whole time.
That's weird, they were attacking when I was testing it. I will look at this and try to figure it out.
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Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
The map is not acceptable. You based almost all the campaign on default stuff (skills, units, everything...). That's now how we create a good campaign if there's nothing coming ftom you. Sure, the story was hilarious and kept me quite interested but it's really how you did not put any effort in creating something original (talking about heroes and skills). Anyone could just create some terrain and use default units and call it a "map" but that's not what passes the standards. In addition, the camera usage is really inappropriate in many places. Let's take the ogres part. When I met Glorg, his head was literally cropped out with the first camera. In the interlude of the captain, the 3 soldiers were moving but the camera didn't point at them. Really bad...

Now I wish to point out some issues in each map:

Story One:
Quite bad. I got the Paladin's spell set with a self-healing holy light and a critical strike. When I reached the massive horde of zombies, I just used my Divine Shield to pass through them untouched. Sure, it ended before reaching the boss and they attacked me but they didn't really do anything. As I reached the boss, I still kept spamming divine shield. The boss kept watching me as I sliced him into little bits attack after attack. If that's what you call a boss fight to let your hero be called "awesome"...

Story Two:
A very boring mission for the following reasons:
The blood mage's spell set cannot really be used for the purpose of that map. I am hunting treasures therefore I expect to find heavily guarded chambers that I have to cleanse with awesome spells. Sadly, I found the contrary. Just the main chamber is properly guarded but defeating the guards was nearly impossible. How am I supposed to kill them with Flame Strike and Banish only? Can't even reach level 6 to summon the Phoenix even. Imagine that I scarcely managed to defeat the spider crabs in the first island with difficulties...

Story Three:
Seriously? Since when ogres are able to speak English correctly? What makes ogres really adored by the majority is their tendency to make intentional dumb grammatical mistakes. Well, that's something personal so I may omit it. What I cannot omit are the following:
1- Mal-usage of camera
2- I can attack the quest givers (Female Ogre, Smartass, Glorg). Make them invulnerable
3- The cinematic that runs when I return with the food runs more than once. I came in range with Stinky, watched the cinematic, returned back to Stinky to destroy the crates behind her (can't reach them I found out) and the cinematic ran once again. Are you sure you turned off the trigger that runs this cinematic?
4- I cannot differentiate between Half-wit Paw and Ogre Warriors because they have the same model. Unless I get the aura, I can't figure who's who without hovering the mouse on each or casting a spell. You could darken the colour of Half-wit Paw or add a special attachment to him to make him distinguishable
5- Destroying the whole human base was too long and bothersome. Decrease the HP of all buildings so that I can raze them quickly and not take an eternity to destroy all structures.

Story Four:
As KingLich said, the orcs attack me once and never again, although they still train units. If you used the AI Editor, you have to be sure that in the "Attacking category" you set "Repeats Waves" to a value superior to 0. And... come on... why are there default units only? You have to be creative dude.

And I stopped here because it became too tedious.
Overall the map is too buggy, unexciting and unoriginal. It has to be set to needs fix with a rating of 2/5.
Level 5
Aug 4, 2015
The map is not acceptable. You based almost all the campaign on default stuff (skills, units, everything...). That's now how we create a good campaign if there's nothing coming ftom you. Sure, the story was hilarious and kept me quite interested but it's really how you did not put any effort in creating something original (talking about heroes and skills). Anyone could just create some terrain and use default units and call it a "map" but that's not what passes the standards. In addition, the camera usage is really inappropriate in many places. Let's take the ogres part. When I met Glorg, his head was literally cropped out with the first camera. In the interlude of the captain, the 3 soldiers were moving but the camera didn't point at them. Really bad...

Now I wish to point out some issues in each map:

Story One:
Quite bad. I got the Paladin's spell set with a self-healing holy light and a critical strike. When I reached the massive horde of zombies, I just used my Divine Shield to pass through them untouched. Sure, it ended before reaching the boss and they attacked me but they didn't really do anything. As I reached the boss, I still kept spamming divine shield. The boss kept watching me as I sliced him into little bits attack after attack. If that's what you call a boss fight to let your hero be called "awesome"...

Story Two:
A very boring mission for the following reasons:
The blood mage's spell set cannot really be used for the purpose of that map. I am hunting treasures therefore I expect to find heavily guarded chambers that I have to cleanse with awesome spells. Sadly, I found the contrary. Just the main chamber is properly guarded but defeating the guards was nearly impossible. How am I supposed to kill them with Flame Strike and Banish only? Can't even reach level 6 to summon the Phoenix even. Imagine that I scarcely managed to defeat the spider crabs in the first island with difficulties...

Story Three:
Seriously? Since when ogres are able to speak English correctly? What makes ogres really adored by the majority is their tendency to make intentional dumb grammatical mistakes. Well, that's something personal so I may omit it. What I cannot omit are the following:
1- Mal-usage of camera
2- I can attack the quest givers (Female Ogre, Smartass, Glorg). Make them invulnerable
3- The cinematic that runs when I return with the food runs more than once. I came in range with Stinky, watched the cinematic, returned back to Stinky to destroy the crates behind her (can't reach them I found out) and the cinematic ran once again. Are you sure you turned off the trigger that runs this cinematic?
4- I cannot differentiate between Half-wit Paw and Ogre Warriors because they have the same model. Unless I get the aura, I can't figure who's who without hovering the mouse on each or casting a spell. You could darken the colour of Half-wit Paw or add a special attachment to him to make him distinguishable
5- Destroying the whole human base was too long and bothersome. Decrease the HP of all buildings so that I can raze them quickly and not take an eternity to destroy all structures.

Story Four:
As KingLich said, the orcs attack me once and never again, although they still train units. If you used the AI Editor, you have to be sure that in the "Attacking category" you set "Repeats Waves" to a value superior to 0. And... come on... why are there default units only? You have to be creative dude.

And I stopped here because it became too tedious.
Overall the map is too buggy, unexciting and unoriginal. It has to be set to needs fix with a rating of 2/5.
Thank you for this! Finally someone told me everything that is wrong about this campaign. But I'm afraid that you played an older version, because some of the things you pointed out are already fixed. Anyway, I will try to fix all the other stuff and maybe it will get better.
Edit: And I'm really sorry about the correct grammar of the ogres. You see, I'm from Czech republic and the authors of translation to the czech language simply just fu*ked it up. For instance, they fu*ked up voicing of the human knight, he just delivers quotes of Death Knight with just different voice actor. So, in our czech version the ogres speak normally, with no grammar problems. But i will fix that for sure.
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Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
Gonna take a look!
Czech interface? What a surprise, I wouldn't have guessed I'd come across someone Czech outside there (on THW) whom I hadn't met on warcraft3.cz or wc3kampan.cz before... Or have I? PM me! :)
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Replayed the whole campaign but there are still some negative issues:

Custom spells do not appear to work correctly. Spark of Lightning, for instance, doesn't deal any damage and since it has no cooldown/mana cost, it can be spammed repeatedly, probably leading to bugs. By the way, why even no cooldown/mana cost? Besides, the game is still too heavily based on default material. Some missions were enjoyable, others were not. Let me discuss each all over again:

In mission 1, when you reach the horde of zombies, you simply keep watching and occasionally cast holy light on yourself. Starfall can be used once or twice due to its long cooldown. The boss fight isn't interesting yet. Despite not having divine shield, I plainly watch my hero slicing the boss. He doesn't use spells nor does he deal critical damage to me.

In mission 2, hell, unless I pick up the Inferno Stone and summon the Infernal, the game's impossible. My hero is crap (I mean too weak), the passive doesn't do anything and the skills don't help enough. The spider crabs in the first island literally crushed me well, imagine the revenants... Another notice is that the gates take a lot to be destroyed. Why not reducing their HP to speed up things?

Mission 3... all default skills sadly but the idea was pretty well executed. However, I do emphasize customizing the skills of half-wit so as to provide a funnier gameplay experience. In addition, the boss fight needs more excitement, not just attacking each other only and occasionally using a spell of mine. That's not what makes a boss fight a real boss fight. The boss should use some spells too and probably summon minions if possible. Take inspiration from Rexxar's campaign if needed. The fight between Korgall and Rexxar was indeed very good and you should try to do something similar.

Ok, mission 4, the good one. Despite having default units, I see you added a new unit, the Brutal Knight. Why not adding more? People would like to see a new race rather than the old one which they probably played 10000 times in melee games. Ah right, the orcs appear to fall back when they are heavily damaged. Accordingly, defending the base from the enemy was too straightforward. This is probably because you did not untick "Units Flee" and "Groups Flee" for the AI you created for the orcs in the AI Editor.

Last mission... 5. It was pretty hard since you degenerate life periodically and you have to fight your way through the creeps and humans. The regeneration in the safe zones is too slow and forces players to attend for a long time if they have critical HP. It should be as quick as the fountain of health's healing. As I stated before, custom skills do not work. I used the one with the Frost Bolt icon yet it didn't do anything but showing some icy effects on Frosty.

There are also common issues about the cinematics that play in the middle of the game. Most of the times you do not order the character to stop, causing him to get outside the camera view. That's unwanted naturally though it's very easy to fix (you know how already I suppose).

Three final notices... why can't I skip interludes? I bet that if somebody wants to play your campaign multiple times he/she might prefer to skip the interludes as he/she would've seen them previously. Additionally, the Outro cinematic doesn't work. I clicked on it but it didn't run any map. Finally, why doesn't the game bring me to the next level when I finish a chapter? It should automatically send me to the next chapter without the need to click on the button of the chapter. This can be done by the trigger Game - Set Next Level found in the game category:

  • Game - Set the next level to Maps\MapName.w3m
Overall the campaign still requires fixations so it is reset back to needs fix.
Level 5
Aug 4, 2015
Thank you Shadow Fury, I'm happy that you reviewed it again. I'm going to fix everything, but it will take some time since I'm in my final year of High School and almost all of my free time I spend by writing my book.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Thank you Shadow Fury, I'm happy that you review it again. I'm going to fix everything, but it will take some time since I'm in my final year of High School and almost all of my free time I spend by writing my book.

Take your time, I've got a hell lot of work because there are some tough pending maps and two other damn long campaigns to moderate so getting this campaign back would overload me with work.

Just ignore what I wrote above ^^
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014

Edit:Ok,here goes

The intro does what it needs to,it introduces the story and plot.Your placement of doodads was also good,it matches the situation and environment.One thing that bothers me though is the sheep just walking around in the camp.In a later cinematic it is in a pen,why isn't it so in the intro?

Story 1:Garry the Awesome
This chapter really needs terrain improvements.It's not a good idea to put green plants and shiny flowers on barren terrain.There are also some issues at the ramp at the start,which can be seen in this screenshot

Aside from that the fight against the zombie hordes feel very boring repetitive and unexciting.While the boss does feel tougher,it does not use any abilities nor does it pose a great threat.The hero himself has no unique abilities except the lightning one

Interlude:Gary's Humiliation
It does what it has to and progresses the story.Nothing special really,however this time it's a pig strolling around the camp.Why is a regular pig walking around in the middle of the forest anyway?

Second Story:Treasure Hunter
Straight off the bat you see your hero has a very unfitting icon and has default abilities.However,the abilities are useful for the encounters on the islands.However,some of them(namely avatar)felt unfitting for the hero.The reverent you encounter before getting the infernal stone is extremely hard to defeat and can be a large pain

Nothing special,just progresses the story.

Third Story:Ogre Problems
The idea and lore behind this is quite neat but there are some problems unfortunately.The hero once again just has default abilites,making him feel non-unique.The part where you have to destroy the base is long,boring and tiring,though the boss fight that follows isn't too bad.

Introduces a new character and pushes forward the story.Not much to say,except that your use of doodads was good

Fourth Story:The New Horde
This chapter is my favorite.While there are some weirdly placed doodads(like green rocks in the middle of that path),some deep holes,odd hills and the ramp problem from earlier again it does offer a challenge and also allows some new custom units which is wonderful.

Interlude:Captain's lying
Progresses the story,however,some of Garry's dialogue seems childish,like when he is basically begging the captain to let him tell a story.

Fifth story:Spring is coming
There are some oddly placed doodads,such as green shrubs on ice.Except for that one of the quests in the quest menu's icon is green(See this tutorialHow to:Import a icon)Aside from that once I left the village where the woman calls the guards,the woman kept following me,even when I reached the end

The outro was ironic and added a funny ending to the entire campaign.However,I feel the player should be able to skip the music at the end

Overall and verdict
The campaign is humarous and has a interesting story,however it still has a lot of flaws and a few bugs.Due to this I'm afraid I have to say 2/5 and needs fix
Here are some tutorials you should look at.Feel free to contact me if you need help or have questions
Advanced Terraining tutorial
Natural Enviroments
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Although the concept of urban legends is interesting in general, there were no actual ones related to Warcraft.

-doesn't start the next level. Instead, it gets you back to the campaign screen

-in the southwest village, the citizens were all gathered near a well and the zombies came from a dead end south of them to attack them!?
-Spark of Lightning does not stay in the first spell position but after Patrol
-level would've been better if it was longer and less linear. Some diversity would not hurt

-cinematic levels don't need a victory condition/message
-again, the campaign screen is shown after it finishes

-feels like killing units on the map

-pigs are left dead on the ground. Why not make an item: pig meat or something?
-how did Glorg get to Paw's camp if the road was "blocked" by creeps?
-why didn't Smartass go to get the human cub himself!?
-more linear than linear... a road has pathing blockers...
-a human child was alone in the forest and the wolves didn't eat him. I guess he was hiding in a tree...
-cinematic scenes need to have their camera applied to the place where they start otherwise the player might look at a different place on the map when and after triggering a cinematic scene
-Ugly Humans quest appears two times in the quest log
-I don't think it's needed to waste time destroying all remaining buildings in the human base...
-Meet with Glorg quest did not complete
-Paw still fights the Spirit Wolves in the end stage cinematic

-upgrades need a correct description. There are no Riflemen that can be trained so... The Barracks description says the building trains Riflemen
-I guess Aliastar should not be just an ordinary Footman and there should be a "must not die" condition for him
-lame side mission. Basically what is required is turned into an optional quest...
-Brutal Knight's hotkey doesn't work
-AIs don't upgrade and don't really pose much of a strike after the first 15-20 minutes of the game. Later on, they just gather troops in their base and they mostly love to do that with Grunts
-the purple dudes have a Spirit Lodge and a Bestiary but have a Great Hall. They don't train troops from those two buildings. The yellow AI doesn't train from the Lodge either
-their buildings don't even have spikes. The level can easily be won without losing a unit on Low Upkeep

-how would an entity with newly given consciousness now about spring?
-nothing happens when Frosty goes near the humans to the west. I thought they weren't supposed to see him...
-it seems that Witch unsuspectingly gave the snowman such a creative and maleficent consciousness
-so, only Frosty can melt? The other snowmen can't...
-after the Fountain scene, the learned Frost Armour spell disappeared...
-I doubt a safezone would be able to regenerate faster than a Fountain of Health
-Snow Minion's icons look green on Pause Game
-safezones only regenerate Frosty, not his minions as well
-Snow Minions don't have a death animation
-why wouldn't Frosty be able to create more minions?

-the messages on the black screen were not needed, especially when you have credits for that

I guess, you could do a better job if you'd not hurry and think things through.
Level 5
Nov 29, 2017
Good campaign, although I would've changed the title "Urban legends" to "Urban stories" because of the soldiers inventing stories and not talking about legends in towns or something related, like folklore from the lordaeron people, mystic beast.

Chapter 1: I liked it, the custom model of how the footman Garry sess himself, like the ultimate saviour of humanity, it was fun.

Chapter 2: I don't have much too say, I would've liked some custom spells tho, it was a boring story.

Chapter 3: Good story about the ogres, for me it was the most elaborate of the five stories, the pizzazz dwarf has a point here :).

Chapter 4: This mission has some problems, the enemy AI just send two big waves of enemies, and the just goes AFK,
I completed the side quest before it activates(Capturing the gold mine), in my opinion it shouldn't be a side quest.

Chapter 5: I have to say it was as boring as the second story, the map should be bigger in my opinion, but the snowman and snow minions were fun.

The thing I did not like were, as I said, the errors in chapter 4, and how every interlude and every chapter have to be activated manually, it bothers me clicking in every interlude that lasts like 30 seconds each.

The good thing, is that this idea is very original, every chapter is self contained and we know it, not forcing exploration as we know that exp from heroes and items won't transition between maps.