Updates at my Inferno Voidwalker spell

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Level 6
Sep 19, 2006
Hi there!You'll gonna find out that I made 6 updates.Let's have a look see:


-added a new spell for it(didn't need a dummy,not even triggers)the Derejuvenation spell.
-added a new aura called the Dark Aura(plz give credit to the one who created this aura).
-added a new spell called the Forked Healing(same lightning,but art-target different).
-also the summoned unit attacks with a hidden missile(it can be found in the Hidden Models in Warcraft 3 topic).
-added icons for spell(found corresponding-special thanks to Vexorian for his Roc Beta Icons).
-added a secret trick to the Infero Voidwalker unit(if you see an icon with bolts of lightning coming from the sky,select it.).

Plenty updates.I want this spell to be non-triggered.So I need your ideas to know what should I do to add or upgrade.If you post new spells(with no variables),then I can add those.I only
need to see the Events,Conditions and actions posted here.You can also even post links to icons.But don't blame me that when pausing the game,the icons become green.Okay?So I need your suggestions.Start thinking.
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