- Joined
- Jun 27, 2010
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- 2,682
That looks really awsome but one thing bothers me... Why use tht ugly blizzard melee map? Can't you pick or create better one?
Map Info
This is a total race compilation. You can play with original AI and custom AI at the same time. This map is exclusive for Hiveworkshop only. No permission to re-post it in other website.
*Note*: Avoid playing Night Elf AI, it may cause lag due to map terrain (Building order of Wisp is stuck by trees and Moon Well). Currently happened with Legacy maps.
*For suggestion about this project or show your interest to add your own race into UB, please create a thread in:
- Project Page & Main Forum/Threads: Warcraft: Ultimate Battle
- Download older version which work for multiplayer hosting: [UB] Legacy Versions
- Download unprotected version, for similar modders: [UB] Unprotected Versions
If I miss anyone, please tell me.
- Tech-tree Suggestion: @MogulKahn.
- Model Suggestion: @stein123, @Mister_Haudrauf.
- Spell: @Kam, @KILLCIDE...
- Tech-tree: @Sunreaver, @Skyfira...
- Buildings: @Ujimasa Hojo, @Mr.Henci...
- Units: @General Frank, @Apheraz Lucent, @Cavman, @Sellenisko, @PROXY, @stonneash, @NFWar, @JollyD, @Hayate, @Uncle Fester, @Kuhneghetz, @Kitabatake, @JesusHipster, @stan0033, @CloudWolf, @paulH, @FrIkY, @SinisterX, @Hawkwing, @Fokyip, @Legal_Ease, @MasterHaosis, @Wandering Soul, @skrab, @AndrewOverload519, @Tranquil, @Mechanical Man, @takakenji, @Ket, @paladinjst, @Callahan, @Fuzzyfury, @Darkfang, @Mr.Goblin, @morbent, @Sin'dorei300, @Tarrasque, @Grendel, @Kimbo, @Mecheon, @migB, @armel, @assasin_lord, @Haistrah, @CreatorD3292, @CeDil, @exfyre, @Storm_PCF, @Greeksaga, @4eNNightmare, , @dickxunder, @GooS, @Toroto, @Salmon, @AnemicRoyalty, @ReplikanT, @Frankster, @Shiv, @Ergius, @SamuraiPanda, @NatDis, @Elenai, @Norinrad, @kaycei, @Mc !, @Sephiroth_VII, @Illidan_09, @67_chrome, @Golden-Drake, @HandCLAW, @CRAZYRUSSIAN, @Marcos DAB, @Palaslayer, @Praytic, @Hadeis, @Killd0zer, @Mythic, @Pyritie, @s4nji, @Direfury, @CreatorD3292, @UgoUgo, @Ampharos_222, @infrenus, @Edge45, @Thrikodius, @Xelthyr, @The Grim Reaper, @Alastor, @WILL THE ALMIGHTY, @Afronight_76, @wingednosering, @donut3.5, @sigelang, @Dan van Ohllus, @bigapple90, @NFWar,, @kitties :3, @CombatTheWombat, @Infinitynexus, @Serbianbeast, @KelThuzad, @Berz-, @JetFangInferno, @tjordell, @chr2, @Rmx, @cyberkid, @Dekku, @Dentothor, @L_Lawliet.