Two spellbooks present the same spells

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Level 13
Mar 14, 2008
Hey people . In my map NecroMania I am using 2 spellbooks . Today I created 1 more spellbook and gave it to hero . And dunno why , but it has the same abilitys like the 1st spellbook . I have set the spell number in the 3rd spellbook to 0 tho and it doesn't include any abilities in it
Level 6
Jul 25, 2005
You're using the same "Data - Base Order ID" on both of your spellbooks I suppose? Using the same order ID on different spells will always trigger the first spell you put in first (if that makes sense..), lets say you copy two shockwaves, and then give them to a unit; when one of the shockwaves is cast it will choose the first spell with the same order id without a cooldown, that means if you cast it again it will choose shockwave nr two .

Just change the base order id on your third (and probably second) spellbook to something other than "spellbook" you should get some results. Alos, setting number of spells in spellbook to 0 means no spells will show, just set it to max 10 or so, cant remember the number of squares there are in the UI. :p

Hope it helped :)
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