Tutorials for getting started? (quest, classes, monsters)

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Level 1
Aug 5, 2011
Hey everyone. I finally decided to give a shot at making a map for warcraft. I don't know anything about scriptnig, i'm basically a map maker and modeller, for I have modded in other games.

Soo i just wan't to ask you guys if this idea of mine is possible with no script or just a very light script.

My idea is to make a map where me and some friends can kill some very hard monsters and maybe make some quests(if not to hard. If it works by triggers i can understand it a bit), where i can also make my own classes with their own skills.

Can i do it?
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
yes Abillities can be found in

Object editor - - Abillities

There are tons of guides just google Wc3 tutorials or go onto this sites tutorial forumn.

Quests are initiated in triggers

And you can make custom abillities via triggering or importing from spell section the triggers. :p

But if you dont want custom abillities to make quests its basically a 1 line trigger at bareminimum

Elapsed time = 0.01

Create Quest named X with text X
repeat for each quest ^^


But if you have rewards then you need to trigger those also which may take longer. Its easier just to use a bounty trigger and give bounty from killing unit and give in map editor item drops to that unit anyway trigger would be

Unit Dies

Dying unit = BOss

Set temp point = Position of dying unit
Create item=youritem at temp point
Custom script-Call removelocation ("Temp point")

variables can be created in variable editor the Big X on teh trigger editor

And other leaks can be found via searching

Removing leaks wc3 on google

First leak should be to Wc3 leaks. helper.net
Which tell all the leaks

Alternatively this sight has on jass/trigger forumn Things that leak thread

Bounty trigger is

Map init

pick all players in player group all players

Set Player flag for picked player give Bounty to on
For bounty, you also want to share bounty. This means that you'll either need to do custom bounty or use a bounty retrieval system (only 1 accurate bounty retrieval system atm, and it's in vjass) and split it among the players.

hero kills unit
get bounty/total players in party
set player state of trigger player to player state - bounty
set player state of all players in part to player state + the bounty/total players in party
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