- Joined
- Sep 19, 2006
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- 152
This trigger has a problem. The World Editor doesn't seem to like the call GroupEnumUnitsInRange (g, tX, tY, 550.0, function AbilityExorcism_Filter01) command, even though it passes in JassCraft. In fact, the spell doesn't always apply its graphics as per the spell ability itself. What am I doing wrong here?
function AbilityExorcism_Condition01 takes nothing returns boolean
return GetSpellAbilityId () == 'AHhb'
function AbilityExorcism_Filter01 takes nothing returns boolean
local unit U = GetFilterUnit ()
if GetOwningPlayer (U) != Player (12) then
set U = null
return false
elseif IsUnitRace (U, RACE_UNDEAD) then
set U = null
return true
set U = null
return false
function AbilityExorcism_Action01 takes nothing returns nothing
local unit c = GetSpellAbilityUnit ()
local unit t = GetSpellTargetUnit ()
local integer a = GetSpellAbilityId ()
local integer w = GetUnitAbilityLevel (c, a)
local integer z = GetHeroAgi (c, true) + (GetHeroAgi (c, false) * 2)
local real cX = GetUnitX (c)
local real cY = GetUnitY (c)
local real tX = GetUnitX (t)
local real tY = GetUnitY (t)
local group g = CreateGroup ()
local unit f
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange (g, tX, tY, 550.0, function AbilityExorcism_Filter01)
set f = FirstOfGroup (g)
exitwhen f == null
call GroupRemoveUnit (g, f)
call IssuePointOrder (f, "attack", cX, cY)
set f = null
call DestroyGroup (g)
set g = null
call TriggerSleepAction (0.50)
if GetRandomInt (0, 19) < z and GetUnitState (t, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) < 0.01 then
call DestroyEffect (AddSpecialEffect ("Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\UndeadDissipate\\UndeadDissipate.mdl", tX, tY))
call DestroyEffect (AddSpecialEffectTarget ("Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\ReplenishMana\\SpiritTouchTarget.mdl", c, "origin"))
call SetUnitState (c, UNIT_STATE_MANA, (GetUnitState (c, UNIT_STATE_MANA) + ((w * 200.00) - 25.00)))
set c = null
set t = null
function InitTrig_AbilityExorcism takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_AbilityExorcism = CreateTrigger()
call DisableTrigger (gg_trg_AbilityExorcism)
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ (gg_trg_AbilityExorcism, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST)
call TriggerAddCondition (gg_trg_AbilityExorcism, Condition (function AbilityExorcism_Condition01))
call TriggerAddAction (gg_trg_AbilityExorcism, function AbilityExorcism_Action01)