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Translation Request 13

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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Hey there once again!

I have been making my campaign for almost a year now. I have already released alpha tests from it. Some of the testers have said to me that the english is bad so here I am: translation request 13. I have couple of texts and if you even can translate one text I would be greateful(to "better english"). I will give you credits at the campaign and also some rep in here. Thank you beforehand.

Here are the texts:

Magical Hammer - A magical hammer appear over targeted an enemy unit smacking it dealing damage and steals half of an amount of enemy's mana equal to damage dealt.

Chilling Armor - Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows melee units that attack it. Also, discharges an ice bolt in retaliation against enemy attackers.

Frozen fang - A frozen fang that is cast at an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning the target. One secon cast time and if the targeted unit is not in the position where spell is cast this will not do any damage.

Glacial Orb - Casts a huge glacial orb out from the Hero moving forward, causing damage to units in a line.

1. How many years ago the war with dragons ended?
2. What's the village name near of Phodom's home?
3. What is the combined age of the sons(Zell, Dart and Mathias) of Phodom?
4. Where the water of Storng river comes from?
5. How many years it took to build the brige?
6. How many hit points Huge Heal Potion will give?
7. What is the name where Galeoth traveled?
8. What is the name of the dragon with Galeoth spoke?
9. Which fortress is nearest to the Icy Mountains?
10. What is the name of the swamps?
11. Why merchants couldn't go to Dalli village?
12. What is the name of the human religion's god?
13. What was the name of the odd guy in purple forest?
14. What is the road's name that splits the area?
15. What was in the cellar of Dragon Inn?
16. How many Power Generator you had to destroy?
17. What was the real name of black hooded man?
18. Where Kar'Gath is built?
19. What was Galeoth's father name?
20. Who was the last fighter at Gladiator Arena?
21. Who found Terdoom Castle?
22. What point of the compass is Rot'Afor?
23. Who's Axopada?
24. Where all waters flow from the area you just were?
25. Fire, Lightning, Ice, Heal, what is missing?
26. How old is Phodom?
27. What element dragon use?
28. How humankind was born?
29. Does Axobada still live?
30. How many years ago the war with dragons started?
Level 4
May 3, 2005
Magical Hammer - A magical hammer appears over the targeted enemy unit, smacking it dealing damage and stealing an amount of mana equal to half of the damage.

Frozen fang - A frozen fang is cast on an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning the target. On second cast on the same unit, if the unit is not in the same place where the first spell was cast, it will receive no damage.

I didn't understand exactly what these 2 spells should do, so I presumed these are their effects. Tell me if I'm wrong.

Chilling Armor - Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows melee units that attack it. Also, discharges an ice bolt at enemy attackers, dealing damage.

Glacial Orb - Casts a huge glacial orb moving forward from the hero, causing damage to units in a line.

1. How many years ago did the war with dragons end?
2. What is the name of the village near Phodom's home?
3. What is the combined age of Phodom's sons (Zell, Dart and Mathias)?
4. Where does the water of Storng river come from?
5. How many years did it take to build the brige?
6. How many hit points will the Huge Heal Potion heal?
7. What is the name of the place where Galeoth traveled?
8. What is the name of the dragon with who Galeoth spoke?
9. Which fortress is closest to the Icy Mountains?
10. What is the name of the swamps?
11. Why couldn't merchants go to Dalli village?
12. What is the name of the human religion's god?
13. What was the name of the odd guy in the purple forest?
14. What is the name of the road that splits the area?
15. What was in the cellar of Dragon Inn?
16. How many Power Generator did you have to destroy?
17. What was the real name of the black hooded man?
18. Where is Kar'Gath built?
19. What was the name of Galeoth's father?
20. Who was the last fighter at the Gladiator Arena?
21. Who founded Terdoom Castle?
22. Which point of the compass is Rot'Afor?
23. Who's Axobada?
24. Where does all the water of the area you just crossed flow from?
25. Fire, Lightning, Ice, Heal, what is missing?
26. How old is Phodom?
27. What elements do dragons use?
28. How was humankind born?
29. Does Axobada still live?
30. How many years ago did the war with dragons start?

OK, I've tried to correct the English in these texts, I hope I've done it well enough. Please correct me if I've made any mistakes.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Hey, Slid3r. I have a map of 4 new Galeoth spells. Wanna test it?

Well, I had attached the map to this post. After you have tested(hopefully), tell if you saw any bugs. Also, if you are very kind, you can edit those spell texts to better after you have tested them(then you have better idea what the spells actually do!(Glacial Orb's text sucks and I don't know how to make it better)).

And, as I always say, credits will be yours. Hmm... I don't even remember how much you have helped me! Well, thanks for everything!

(btw, damages I will change later when I put the spells to campaign so it doesn't matter what level spells are)

Now I go to put those riddler questions to the campaign!


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